♡ Softy

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♡: Clingy Bokuto, yes! ♡


"please hold me, it's been an hour," Bokuto whined, looking at his fiancé, Kuroo, doing some paperworks related to the upcoming event of the museum he's working with.

Kuroo sighed, the reason why he's too focused on doing his paper works is to finished sooner. he wants to held Bokuto already. he want to pinch and gobbled his highness puffy cheeks.

he sighed, again. he looks at the Bokuto's direction, who is resting his chin on a pillow making his chunky cheeks more visible.

"baby, come here," Kuroo patted his thighs, the other quickly stood up and sit on his lap.

Bokuto spread his arm to embrace the other, he rested his chin on Kuroo's broad shoulder, sniff his perfume, and nuzzled his nose against the other's neck.

"that tickles, love." Kuroo chuckled and pinch the other's cheeks.

"owiiee~" Bokuto reacted.

"does it hurt?" he asked him.


as soon Bokuto answered, Kuroo kissed his cheeks, his nose, his eyes, his chin, and last, his lips.

"I'll cuddle until you finished your work, I'm your charger!" Bokuto said happily and hugged him tighter.

"okay, baby i'll finish this quickly so i can hug you freely." Kuroo responded and messed his lover's hair, softly.


Hi there, it's been a long time :D I hope y'all are doing fine❤

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