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The room was bathed in the soft glow of morning light as Kuroo's eyes fluttered open. A wicked grin spread across his face as he realized what day it was – a day filled with desires, pleasures, and the insatiable hunger he shared with his lover, Bokuto.

Kuroo stretched his limbs, feeling the warmth of the sheets against his naked skin. He turned his gaze to Bokuto, who lay beside him, still lost in the depths of sleep. Kuroo's mind began to conjure up a tantalizing plan, a plan that would make Bokuto's awakening one he would never forget.

With a devilish glint in his eyes, Kuroo slid his hand under the sheets, slowly tracing his fingers along the length of Bokuto's body. His touch trailed lower and lower until he reached Bokuto's growing erection, throbbing with anticipation. The sensation of Bokuto's hard cock in his hand sent a surge of desire coursing through Kuroo's veins.

"Time to rise and shine, Koutaro," Kuroo whispered, his voice dripping with seduction. "I've got a special wake-up call just for you."

Bokuto stirred, his eyelashes fluttering as he became aware of Kuroo's teasing touch. A mixture of confusion and pleasure played across his face, his lips parting in a silent gasp.

Kuroo pulled back the sheets, exposing Bokuto's stiff cock to the cool morning air. He leaned in, his mouth hovering just inches away, his breath warm against Bokuto's sensitive skin. Without hesitation, he took him into his mouth, enveloping Bokuto's length with his wet, velvety warmth.

Bokuto's eyes flew open, a startled moan escaping his lips. The sensation of Kuroo's skilled mouth wrapped around him sent a jolt of pleasure through his entire body. He couldn't fucking believe the intensity of the pleasure that consumed him, awakening every nerve ending in his being.

Kuroo's tongue swirled around the head of Bokuto's cock, flicking against the sensitive underside, teasing him relentlessly. The wet, slurping sounds filled the room, a symphony of their forbidden desires. Kuroo's mouth moved with a hunger and skill that drove Bokuto to the brink of fucking madness.

"F-fuck, Kuroo," Bokuto stuttered, his voice strained with desire. "You're... you're so fucking good at this. Keep going, please..."

Kuroo's eyes sparkled with mischief, his mouth never relenting in its exquisite torment. He took Bokuto deeper, inch by fucking inch, until he could feel the head of his lover's cock brushing against the back of his throat. The moans that spilled from Bokuto's lips grew louder and more desperate, a symphony of raw, unfiltered pleasure.

As Kuroo bobbed his head with a relentless rhythm, Bokuto's hands found their way into his hair, gripping it tightly. The pressure and control made Kuroo's heart race with excitement. He could feel Bokuto's hips rocking instinctively, his lover seeking more of the mind-blowing sensations only Kuroo could provide.

Kuroo's own desire burned within him, his own arousal pressing against the constraints of his body. He craved the taste of Bokuto's release, yearned to fucking feel it on his tongue and swallow every fucking drop.

Bokuto's voice cracked with need as he neared the edge. "K-Kuroo, I'm... I'm gonna fucking cum. I can't fucking hold it back any longer!"

Kuroo's grip tightened, his mouth working Bokuto's cock with an intensity fueled by their shared desire. He could sense Bokuto's impending release, the way his lover's body tensed and his moans reached a crescendo.

And then it happened.

Bokuto's body convulsed, pleasure overtaking him in a violent surge. His orgasm ripped through him, shooting ropes of hot, sticky cum into Kuroo's eager mouth.

Kuroo swallowed voraciously, his tongue lapping up every last fucking drop. The taste of Bokuto's release was intoxicating, fueling his own throbbing need.

Their eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between them. The morning had been transformed into a playground of pleasure, a realm where their most forbidden desires were explored without inhibition.

As their bodies entwined, they reveled in the fucking ecstasy they had created, their passionate moans and gasps filling the room. The day had only just begun, but already it was etched in their minds as one of untamed lust and undeniable love.

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