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Kuroo waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of his own name being called quietly, but with an undeniable desperation over and over again.

The constant string of "Kuroo... Tetsu, Tetsurō." driving him mad with confusion as it seeped through Bokuto's wall.

When he finally shakes the lazy haze of sleep from his brain, a mild panic begins to set in. Was his best friend in trouble? Bokuto was quietly trying to get his attention?

Kuroo quickly throws his blankets off and jumps out of bed.

The calls are getting more desperate by the second and he can hear the heartbreaking crack in Bokuto's voice, that Kuroo has come to find is always followed by tears.

He doesn't bother grabbing his shoes as he rushes out to his balcony, leaping easily across the railings.

His chest his tightening so harshly when his bare feet make the landing that he can hardly breathe. His hands are already smoking as he grabs for the sliding door handle.

But what he sees through the glass has him frozen before he can rip it open. Now he really can't breathe.

He suddenly feels dizzy and his skin is too tight and it's way too hot outside even though it's autumn.

He tries to look away...

He has to. This is his best bro. The person who's trusted him with his life ever since they met. The only person to accept every flaw he has and, still, find ways to praise every single little thing he does. The only person he can completely open up to, and vice versa.

Or so he thought..

Because here was his best friend, naked, on his knees, leaning back on hardened hands causing his back to arch with a lewdness that punched what little breathe Bokuto had left right out of his lungs in a pitiful, whiny moan.

But it was the sight of the thick red dildo, suctioned to the hardwood floor, disappearing into his best friend's gorgeous ass that had Kuroo falling to his knees, hands sliding down the cold glass.

Breath was finally entering his lungs again in hot gasps as he felt his cock fill quicker than it ever has in his life. Bokuto was a sight to behold. Facing the opposite door, Kuroo was blessed with Bokuto's rippling back muscles as he, slowly, rolled his thick hips.

The second Kuroo heard his name called again in that desperate tone that now sounded so unbelievably beautiful, he couldn't stop himself from pulling the waistband of his sweats below his balls and whimpered pitifully when his hot cock met the cool air.

He wasted no time in wrapping a smoking palm around the weeping head, squeezing and rolling in time with Bokuto's sinfully talented hips.

This meant what he thought it did right? Bokuto... wanted him? So he didn't have to feel to guilty about this, right?

He stopped caring when Bokuto took his hardened hands and gripped the bottom of his ridiculously plump ass cheeks, dragging sharp nails upwards and pulling them apart to give Kuroo an even better sight of the fake dick sinking deeper into his slicked, clenching hole.

Kuroo panicked when Bokuto's face fell to the side, afraid he'd been caught. But Bokuto's eyes were thankfully screwed shut, eyebrows pulled together and Kuroo shuddered a quiet groan when he saw the trail of tears gleaming down his cheeks.

"Oh,'re so deep."

It was so quiet Kuroo barely heard it. But he did. And it was breathy and shaky and beautiful and he couldn't help but press his forehead and steaming palm against the chilled glass to help ground himself as he jacked his cock faster than he ever had before.

He felt that deep pull of his orgasm approaching, that burning warning in his groin and white noise growing in his ears; which he was currently cursing because he needed to hear more of what Bokuto had to say.

But when Bokuto suddenly fell forward on his arms and began bouncing his voluptuous ass in the most obscene way Kuroo hasn't even seen in pornos, those curses started leaving his lips uncontrollably as he emptied himself all over the glass door in front of him.

It was by far the best orgasm of his life and had him shuddering and jerking with every wonderful, mind-blowing spurt across his best friend's balcony door.

Oh god... his best friend.


Slowly, he lowers his eyes that had rolled back into his head.

He pictured the worst. Bokuto staring at him him anger, maybe even disgust? His chest was aching again.

But then his eyes met the ones he was most comfortable with, the ones he loved having on him since he first saw those golden irises. And his chest filled with warmth.

Bokuto was staring at him, shocked and panting and flushed, with drying his all over his fist.

And then the most gorgeous lopsided split the grey hair's face and Kuroo couldn't help a pathetic broken chuckle as he finally took his forehead off the glass.

They laughed at each other for a few moments before Bokuto sighed, with a happiness crinkling his eyes that made Kuroo float, lifting a hand and beckoning his best friend inside.

and they did "it" until there's nothing left ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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