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One black cat & one grey owl

Day and night exchange their greetings
Kuroo and Bokuto have to choose to fight either for their lives or love.

"Aren't you beautiful? Well? You are, yes you are." Bokuto pampers the black cat curled up at his side. "Yes, you are so very pretty," he agrees with himself, kissing its fur softly. Cat purrs, closing the last bit of a space between them. Bokuto cradles the cat fondly, remembering their past as he does every night for the last couple of years.

"Do you know how often I think of our first meeting? Those who got to know us as adults think it was probably a prank gone wrong or anything illegal. In another lifetime, they might be right." Bokuto laughs loudly and sharply, snorting as he gets lost inside of his memories. "No. It was more than that." Bokuto smiles, putting the sleeping cat in his lap as he stares directly at the sun and squints, swearing at his own stupidity. "Are you laughing?" he asks the black cat with the eyes closed. "Tsk."

Then the pictures come to life, those moments of everything, moments of loving and caring and laughing and sharing.

I stood close to the grave, watching as they let my father down under the ground.

It was a sad day and a happy one. I lost my father, but the death took away his sickness. He got free while I was stuck here.

That's when the boy who kicked the ball in my head couple of days ago walked to me.

You were quiet, calm and collected, dressed in red, the color of belief in destiny and hope of change.

My face still hurt, bruise from your recklessness still visible. I don't send you away, I like your presence.

There is unspoken hope inside of you, inside of us,

I know you can bring the laughter back into my life.

Then you take my hand and smile.

"I am Kuroo Tetsurou," you say.

It was your mouth speaking your name when I felt the first sign of love.

I didn't know yet, I know now,

I guess it's too late, but it's something that will always be mine.

Five years have passed, we were fourteen,

I remember the pain of me falling.

My knee bled, I cried in pain,

My swollen eyes looked up to you,

As you tried to help.

You knelt by my side, touching me fondly,

Cradled me in your arms until others came,

Never once have you left me, we shared no shame.

I held your hand as I teared up,

My broken leg made me scream your name not just once.

You kissed my forehead, patted my head.

Grinned at me and said - come on, you can do better than that.

I smiled back at you, ready to fight,

And after another three years, I fell in love.

"Look at that girl" I said, "I love her so much."

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