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The volleyball court was buzzing with excitement as Bokuto and Kuroo faced off in a heated match. Their rivalry was legendary, but little did the spectators know about the steamy tension that simmered between them. As they exchanged glances, a wicked smirk played on Kuroo's lips.

"You ready for this, Bokuto?" Kuroo taunted, his voice dripping with seduction. "I hope you can handle what I have in store for you."

Bokuto's eyes narrowed with a mix of determination and desire. "Bring it on, Kuroo. I'm not scared of your tricks."

With a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, Kuroo launched into action. He moved gracefully, his body twisting and turning with precision. But it wasn't just his athletic prowess that caught Bokuto's attention. It was the way Kuroo's shorts clung to his ass, showcasing every tantalizing curve.

Bokuto couldn't help but feel his cock twitch in response. He gritted his teeth, trying to focus on the game, but Kuroo was relentless in his teasing. Every time he jumped, Kuroo would make sure his crotch brushed against Bokuto's, a deliberate move that sent shivers down Bokuto's spine.

"Fuck, Kuroo," Bokuto groaned, his voice laced with desire. "Stop teasing me like that. You know what you're doing to me."

Kuroo flashed a wicked grin. "Oh, I know exactly what I'm doing, Bokuto. I want you to play with a hard-on, struggling to concentrate while I dominate this court."

Bokuto's face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. He was helpless against Kuroo's seductive games. As the match intensified, Kuroo's moves became even more provocative. He would bend over, his ass on full display, and wink at Bokuto, taunting him to do something about the growing bulge in his shorts.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Bokuto let out a frustrated groan. "Fine, Kuroo. You want to play dirty? I can play dirty too."

With a burst of determination, Bokuto unleashed his full power, his spikes hitting the ball with a force that shook the ground. He made sure to give Kuroo a taste of his own medicine, brushing against him whenever he had the chance, his touch igniting sparks of arousal.

"Is that all you've got, Bokuto?" Kuroo purred, his voice husky with desire. "You can't handle the heat, can you?"

Bokuto smirked, a fire burning in his eyes. "Oh, I can handle it just fine, Kuroo. But can you handle what comes next?"

The match reached its climax, the score tied, and the tension between Bokuto and Kuroo at its peak. As the final point was scored, Bokuto and Kuroo locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. They both knew what was about to happen next.

Without wasting a moment, Bokuto grabbed Kuroo by the hand and led him off the court, their steps hurried and eager. They found solace in the secluded locker room, their bodies still flushed with adrenaline and desire.

Bokuto pressed Kuroo against the wall, their breaths mingling, their hands roaming greedily over each other's bodies. Kuroo's shorts were discarded, revealing his throbbing erection, aching for attention. Bokuto dropped to his knees, his lips hovering just inches away from Kuroo's cock.

"You want this, Kuroo?" Bokuto growled, his voice dripping with lust. "You want me to take care of you?"

Kuroo's voice was barely a whisper as he replied, "Fuck yes, Bokuto. I need you."

Bokuto wasted no time, engulfing Kuroo's length with his mouth, his tongue swirling around the sensitive head. Kuroo's moans filled the air, his fingers tangling in Bokuto's hair as he rocked his hips in rhythm with Bokuto's movements.

"Oh, fuck," Kuroo gasped, his voice strained with pleasure. "Just like that, Bokuto. Suck me. Make me come."

Bokuto intensified his efforts, taking Kuroo deeper, his hand massaging Kuroo's balls. The sounds of their moans and the wet, lewd slurping noises filled the locker room, echoing with their unbridled passion.

It didn't take long before Kuroo reached his peak, his body trembling with ecstasy. He released his load into Bokuto's mouth, who eagerly swallowed every drop. The taste of Kuroo on his tongue only fueled Bokuto's desire for more.

As they caught their breath, their bodies still buzzing with the aftermath of their forbidden encounter, Bokuto leaned in and whispered, "Looks like I scored a different kind of victory today, Kuroo."

Kuroo grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, Bokuto, this game is far from over. I have plenty more tricks up my sleeve for the next time we meet on and off the court."

And with that promise lingering in the air, Bokuto and Kuroo knew their rivalry would continue in the most pleasurable ways.

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