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Sometimes, when Bokuto is fucking Kuroo real good-has his hands tied loosely to the bed frame and grinds his hips hard and deep and just right it pulls a sound out of the bedheaded so ungodly and sinful that Bokuto gets this... look.

And Kuroo opens his mouth.

He knows that look, and it's become like some sort of silent command, triggered by his own noise, voice, moan.

Is it a moan? He's not really sure. And honestly, neither is Bokuto. Neither of them really know what the sound is that Kuroo lets out, but it always, half resembles a shaky and broken "full" as Kuroo unintentionally arches his abdomen into the air.

And and every time, every fucking time, it takes everything in Bokuto not to come on the spot, not to actually fill Kuroo to the brim, till he's leaking and squelching and the only sounds they can hear are whimpers and grunts and the smush of him fucking his own cum back into Kuroo's loose and ruined hole.

But every time, like clockwork, Kuroo lets out the beautifully whorish noise, then props open his mouth.

And Bokuto simply sees that as an invitation.

So, the first time it happens, Bokuto acts before he can think because his brain's on him overdrive and all he sees is Kuroo's pretty mouth and pretty lips and pretty teeth and the strained "full" pounds in his ears.

He keeps one hand pushed against Kuroo's abdomen, where he can almost feel the ghosting of his dick rubbing against his palm with every thrust, then reaches the other up to grip Kuroo's slacked and waiting jaw.

And spits directly on that pretty little tongue of his.

The sound Kuroo lets out now is almost better than the first and Bokuto has to stall his hips as Kuroo, the bastard, rolls his eyes in the back of his head and swallows his spit like it's made out of manna from heaven.

then Kuroo has the audacity, the absolute gall, to loll his tongue out of his mouth, arch his abdomen further into Bokuto's hand, and whine.

"More. Full. Full," he begs-pleads-and fuck he's crying now and he just looks so good like that, how could Bokuto tell him no?

Bokuto's fingers tighten around his jaw and Kuroo all but keens as Bokuto leans over him again, lowers himself a little further this time, gets closer to his face.

Kuroo blinks up at him with unfocused eyes, so fucked out he can hardly string two thoughts together.

But this time, he doesn't spit. He lets the saliva pool in his mouth, on top of his tongue, around his gums. Then, when he thinks there's enough, he parts his lips and sticks his own tongue out.

And let's the spit drip in a honey-like string into Kuroo's waiting mouth.

Kuroo moans so loud Bokuto thinks he can feel it in his bones, and it does something to him.

It does something to Kuroo, too. because as a few seconds pass-and Bokuto grinds his hips in the way he loves-his mouth is suddenly filled with his spit and

He cums so hard that his hands jerk the rope from the bed frame and the headboard comes apart with a loud crack.

The image of Kuroo's tensed body, arched into the air, into Bokuto's hand, with the owlman's spit still pooled in his mouth, is enough to send him over the edge.

He's barely coming back down when Kuroo makes that sound again.

Bokuto unscrews his eyes just in time to see him staring at the ceiling, drool running from the corner of his mouth-that Bokuto isn't sure is Kuroo's or his -and placing a hand to his stomach.

His voice is clearer yet more garbled and hoarse all at the same time and Bokuto thinks the tone slightly resembles trying to speak while gurgling mouthwash as Kuroo pants out ragged breaths.

"I'm full," he pushes out low and scratchy and wet before he gulps.

And Bokuto's ears turn scarlet because Kuroo just swallowed his spit down like it was nothing more than water, a chug of his gatorade, a swig of soda from the can.

And it's somehow even more hot now than before.

Bokuto can't help it when his hips move on their own and he is fucking his cum back into Kuroo to keep him full, so fucking full, because how can he not?

Kuroo claws at the broken headboard behind him, and even as he sobs, he pushes his stomach into Bokuto's hand.

He's 's so full, and Bokuto can feel it as he presses his palm further into Kuroo's abdomen.

Kuroo makes this noise, and Bokuto has this look, and suddenly they both know that Kuroo passes the limits of full after four rounds of fucking and five rounds of spit.

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