Chapter twenty-six

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The first show was finished. Everyone was pleased with how their performance went, and everybody was feeling pretty pumped.
"We should go out and celebrate!" Sam announced.
Brogan and Katie looked at each other, and they shook their heads smiling at each other.
Luke came over to the girls, wrapping his arm around Brogan,
"Go where though?"
Sam shrugged,
"Anywhere. Let's explore Belfast."
"Because that's going to be so easy isn't it, Samuel?" Katie replied back sarcastically.
Luke bit his bottom lip, forcing in his laugh, as Brogan covered her mouth, hiding her face in Luke's chest, to muffle her laughter.
Sam rolled his eyes,
"We can't hide from the public, Katie dear."
Nicholas wrapped his arm around Katie's shoulders,
"Come on, love. Let's go exploring."

A small group of them were all wrapped up in winter coats, hats and scarves. Brogan and Luke walked hand in hand, following behind the rest of the group.
"You did really well tonight, Luke." Brogan spoke softly.
Luke grinned down at her,
"Thanks, B. I really appreciate that." He leaned down and kissed her temple softly, before wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into his side as they walked.
"Lovebirds, we are not waiting for you!" Katie called over her shoulder; her camera faced on them.
Luke laughed, before sticking his tongue out at the camera.
"How about here?" Sam asked.
Brogan looked up and she gasped,
"This is the best moment of my life." She said in awe.
Grabbing her camera from her coat pocket, she turned it on and started filming, facing the camera on her,
"Hi guys. So some of us have decided to have a few drinks before we hit the hay."
"Hit the hay." Luke said quietly, laughing to himself.
Brogan rolled her eyes, hitting his chest,
"And I don't know if any of you know this, but my name is actually Irish. And Samuel here," Brogan turned the camera to him, "has just found this place." She turned the camera up to the pub called Brogan's Bar. "How cool is that?!"
Luke chuckled, wrapping his arms around Brogan's waist,
"Very cool, B."
"Let's go inside!" Nicholas said, before the crowd rushed inside.

Luke ran a hand through Brogan's hair, stroking it away from her face, as she talked with Katie. He noticed the blush appearing on her face, making him smile to himself, as he picked up his orange juice, taking a sip.
"But seriously though, it's going to be ace." Katie gushed.
Brogan nodded in agreement,
"Yeah. I can't wait to see so many new places. I think I'm going to get lost in all the cities." She admitted.
"Oh my god, we should make a little segment thingy! Like... We do something in each new city!" Katie gushed, bouncing slightly in her seat, as the excitement bubbled.
Brogan laughed, shaking her head,
"Sounds good. But what?"
Luke smirked, leaning in and he whispered in Brogan's ear,
"A Polaroid picture of us two kissing in each city."
Brogan blushed, looking at Luke, and she shoved him away with a smile on her face,
"Piss off." She laughed.


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