1: New Job

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The live shows were a week away. The contestants had moved in, and so far, everyone seemed to be getting along. There were mixed emotions in the house; both excitement and nerves. Luke, personally, just wanted to get onto that stage and sing. The wait was agonising.

It was Tuesday, and the contestants were all in the studio for costume ideas, as well as hair and makeup. The new runners had arrived, and were waiting for to get started. First things first, they had to get the contestants in the right department.
"Brogan? Can you please tell Luke that he needs to get to wardrobe, please?" A member of staff asked her.
Brogan smiled and nodded, tucking her hair behind her ears. She was excited. This was her first proper job, and she was already doing something that she loved. Brogan walked into the green room, and she glanced around at all the contestants. They were all sitting talking and laughing to one another. Brogan spotted Luke, who in that moment, had glanced up at her, to see who was at the door.
She walked over to him, and she smiled,
"Hi, Luke." She said politely.
"Hiya, y'alright?" He asked, smiling back at her.
Brogan nodded,
"Yeah, you're needed in wardrobe."
He nodded, standing up,
"Right. Thanks."
"No problem." Brogan replied, suddenly feeling nervous.
She led Luke through the studio, heading towards the costume department.
"So is it all new for you, too?" Luke asked, breaking the silence.
Brogan let out a laugh,
"Yeah. Thankfully, though, we got to come in last week, and get to know the studios."
"Oh, that's good then."
Brogan nodded at him, and smiled,
"How old are you then?" Luke asked.
"18." She replied, and then let out another laugh. "I know - big shock, because of my height."
Brogan was small for her age, and it was the one thing that made her so shy and self-conscious.
Luke shook his head,
"Nah, it's not." He replied, and then he smiled at her. "And you're definitely not from down here."
Brogan laughed,
"Yep, you got me. Born and raised northerner."
"I love northern accents!" Luke beamed, causing Brogan to laugh.
"I've noticed."

They arrived at the costume department, and Brogan gestured to go inside,
"Well, I suppose I'll see you around." Brogan smiled at him.
Luke nodded, moving a dreadlock from his face, with a smile on his face,
"Yeah, definitely."
"Have fun." She replied, referring to the costume department.
Luke let of a laugh,
"Oh, thanks. See you around-sorry. You never told me your name."
"Brogan." She introduced herself.
"Brogan." Luke smiled. "Nice and unique." Brogan nodded and blushed slightly. "See you around, Brogan."
She waved at Luke, before he turned and walked upstairs and into the trailer.

It was Saturday night, which meant that it was the first live show. Everyone was both stressed and nervous. Brogan had her list that she needed to do throughout the show. Thankfully, it was all backstage stuff with the contestants. Brogan was finishing her small five-minute break, and she checked the time,
"Balls." She mumbled.
"Keep calm, B." Her friend, Katie, told her. "We're doing great so far. You worry way too much."
There were different reasons to why Brogan was so nervous. As the week went by, she has found herself around Luke a lot. So much, that everyone was calling her Luke's personal assistant. Brogan had been listening to Luke's rehearsals all week long, and she was mesmerised. She had heard him on the television throughout the auditioning period, but listening to him up-close and personal, was a completely different story.

Brogan made her way to the hair and makeup department, and she got a few instructions from Jamie, and laughed at his words,
"Get Luke in here. We have some serious work to do."
Everyone was always teasing Luke for his dreadlocks. Personally, Brogan loved that. It was unusual and different. Two things Brogan liked. As Brogan made her way to Luke's dressing room, she thought about something that happened yesterday.

She and Luke were walking down the corridor,
"Can I just say that my hair isn't as bad as everyone's making out." Luke assured her.
Brogan laughed,
"I'm sure it's not."
"No - honestly." Luke laughed. "C'mere." Taking hold of Brogan's hand, he brought her into the hair and makeup department, and he sat down on the chair. "Smell my hair."
Brogan laughed,
Luke laughed as well,
"Just smell my hair!"
Shaking her head, Brogan moved closer to Luke, and she took a slight sniff; feeling completely awkward, and was secretly worried that he was messing when her.
"See? It's clean!" Luke smiled at her.
Brogan laughed and nodded,
"Okay, it's clean! I believed you before you made me smell your hair!"
Luke laughed,
"I had to make sure!" He told her.

As Brogan got to Luke's dressing room, she quickly grinned to herself, before knocking on the door. Luke opened the door a few seconds later; half dressed. He has his jeans and boots on, but his shirt was opened. Brogan could feel her cheeks burning slightly, and she was grateful that Luke didn't point it out.
"Hiya, B. Y'alright?" He smiled brightly.
"Yeah." She nodded and smiled. "Um... Jamie wants you in hair and makeup. He said - and quote- we have some serious work to do."
Luke laughed and he nodded,
He walked out of his dressing room, closing the door behind him, and as the two walked down the corridor, he began to button up his shirt.
"You excited then?" Brogan asked, smiling up at him.
Luke grinned and he nodded,
"Yeah! I'm really, really excited! Can't believe I'm opening the live shows!"
"I know!" Brogan beamed back.
"You're going to be amazing." She told him.
"Awe!" Luke grinned, wrapping an arm around Brogan's shoulders, hugging her sideways as they walked. "Thanks, B."
Brogan smiled up at him,
"You're welcome."

There was only fifteen minutes before the first live show started, and the crew were rushing around like crazy. Brogan tried to keep herself calm, but with everyone freaking out and stressing out, she was finding it hard to. Leading Tamera into the hair and makeup for another touch up, she then walked out of the room, seeing Luke standing near the exit to the stage. Smiling to herself, she walked over to him,
"Taking a breather?" Brogan asked, leaning against the wall beside Luke.
He looked up from the ground and he smiled at her, nodding,
"Something like that." He replied.
Brogan nodded slightly,
"You're gonna do great. Just go out there and enjoy yourself, yeah?"
Luke smiled bigger, and he nodded again,
Brogan placed a hand on his arm, before she stood up straight,
"I best get going again." She let out a laugh. "Y' want a bottle of water, or anything?"
"Uh..." Luke trailed off, and then he scrunched his face up slightly. "D'ya mind?"
Brogan shook her head, smiling at him,
"Course not. It's my job! I'll be right back."
"Thanks, Brogan."
"You're welcome." Brogan smiled at him, before she walked over to the mini canteen nearby. Rushing over to the fridges, Brogan got out a bottle of water, and then she jogged out of the canteen, and back over to where Luke was standing; and she handed over the water,
"Here you go."
Luke smiled at her,
"Thanks, Brogan."
She shook her head,
"Don't mention it."
"Brogan!" One of the crewmembers called.
"I best get going." Brogan said, waving at Luke, whom waved back, as she turned and walked into the room.
"I need you to get the contestants onto the stage, okay? So when it's time, I need you to get the next contestant, and then get them ready. That okay?"
Brogan smiled and nodded,
"Yep, that's fine."
"Thanks, Brogan."
She smiled and nodded, before her manager gave her the clipboard, with the contestants order on.
"C'mon, Luke. You're on." Brogan told him, taking hold of his wrist, and she led him over to the side of the stage. "Y' need to get on stage and get in position."
Luke took a deep breath, and he nodded,
"Okay." He looked at her. "Wish me luck?"
Brogan smiled,
"You don't need it, but, good luck, Luke."
He smiled back at her, and then he took another deep breath, as the lights dimmed, so Luke could get in position.

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