Chapter four.

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Brogan turned her camera to face her,
"So, as I'm waiting for Nicholas to finish his rehearsal on stage, and I am with this one." Brogan turned her camera round to face Luke.
He was looking down at his guitar, and looked up, smiling and waving,
Brogan grinned,
"How're you doing?"
"I'm good!" He nodded, and he scratched his arm. "How're you?"
"I'm good, too, thanks." She replied. "You gonna play us something?" She asked.
Luke smiled at her,
"Yeah, sure. What d'ya wanna hear?"
Luke laughed,
"Oh, here we go." He joked.
Brogan gasped and laughed,
"Oi, cheeky!"
Luke just grinned at Brogan, causing her to smile back at him,
"Okay! I want to hear Wonderwall." She told him.
His eyes lit up,
"I love that song!"
Brogan scoffed,
"Who doesn't?"
Luke let out a laugh,
"True, true."

After Luke finished the song, Brogan grinned big, and she sat down beside him, filming herself giving Luke a sideways hug,
"I loved it!"
Luke smiled at her,
"Good. I'm glad."
Brogan glanced at the clock,
"Oh! It's time for your rehearsal, c'mon!"
Standing up, the two made their way down the corridor, and towards the stage. Once they got there, Luke went over to Louis, where Nicholas made his way over to Brogan.
"Where d'ya need me now, boss?" He asked.
Brogan rolled her eyes playfully, smiling at him,
"Ummm... Wardrobe."
He saluted her,
"Aye, aye captain."
She laughed,
"Would you just go?"
As the two made their way towards wardrobe, they met Tamera on the way.
"Hi, you two!"
Brogan smiled at her,
"Hiya, y'alright?"
She nodded,
"Yeah! Sam and me were planning a small cinema session, and was wondering if you, Katie, Nicholas and Luke wanted to tag along?"
Nicholas furrowed his eyebrows together, as he looked at her,
"Sounds more like a triple date to me."
Brogan had to admit; Nicholas had a point.
Tamera tutted,
"Then bring someone else along as well!"
Brogan couldn't help but laugh,
"I'll be there."
Tamera grinned at her,
"Yay, okay! It'll be tonight."
"Because it's orange Wednesdays by any chance?" Brogan teased.
She laughed,
Brogan shook her head and laughed, watching Tamera walk away.
"Wonder what the two lovebirds are wanting to watch." Nicholas said.
She shrugged,
"Dunno." Brogan admitted.

Later that evening, Brogan and Katie were getting ready in Brogan's hotel room.
"I'm so tired, I can't even function." Katie complained, fastening her skinny jeans.
Brogan rolled her eyes playfully,
"It'll be fun." She told her.
Katie sighed,
"It better be. I felt like I haven't slept in days!"
Brogan couldn't help but laugh, and then she heard her phone ring. Picking it up, she saw Luke's caller id.
"Hi!" She answered, picking up her leather jacket.
"Hey, we're outside."
Brogan smiled,
"Okay, we're on our way down now." Brogan hung up the call. "C'mon."
The two girls slipped on their ankle boots, and then they walked out of Brogan's hotel room, and they made their way to the lifts, and then they walked out to the reception.
"Think they'll be in the car." Katie told her.
Brogan nodded in agreement, and the two girls made their way outside and to the car. Opening the door and climbing in, Brogan smiled at everyone,
"Hello!" She greeted.
Luke laughed,
"Hello to you, too."
Brogan rolled her eyes playfully, smiling, and she nudged him,
"I'm allowed to be in a good mood, aren't I?"
Luke smiled and nodded at her. He glanced down, and took Brogan's digital camera out of her hands; Nicholas doing the same with Katie's camera. Luke turned on Brogan's camera, and he turned the camera to face him,
"Hello Brogan's viewers! We're just in the car with..." He turned the camera to the seats behind him, where Sam, Tamera and Kaz were sitting. "These three."
"Hey!" The three said to the camera, smiling and waving.
"Katie." Luke introduced, putting the camera on her. "And in the front, we have Nicholas. Who's currently using Katie's camera."
Luke turned the camera to record both him and Brogan,
"And obviously you know this one."
Brogan smiled and waved, and then she looked at Luke,
"Why do you always end up stealing my camera?" She asked with a laugh.
Luke looked back at her, and he shrugged,
"Cause it's fun." He grinned.
Brogan smiled back at him,
"Well, are you gonna tell 'em where we're going?" She laughed.
"Oh, yeah!" Luke looked back at Brogan's camera. "The gang are off to the cinema to see..." Luke turned the camera to Sam.
"Insidious." He said in a low and tense voice.
Brogan's eyes widened slightly,
"You're joking, right?"
Luke laughed slightly, pointing the camera at Brogan,
"No, why?"
"I hate scary films." Brogan whispered to Luke.
He frowned slightly,
"Well, I'll sit next to you then. And when you're scared, I'll distract you."
Brogan smiled at him, feeling her cheeks blush slightly,
Luke smiled back at her,
"You're welcome."

"Oh my god, I don't think I'm ever sleeping again." Brogan said into the camera, as she walked out of the cinema.
"Never. Ever. Sleeping. Again." Katie said to her camera.
There was a sudden sound of girls screaming, causing Brogan and Katie to both jump and look behind them.
Brogan looked back at her camera,
"Okay, the boys and Tamera have been invaded again."
Katie looked back at her camera,
"There's a few fans that have kidnapped the rest of the gang, so we're just going to have to wait, until we can go."
Brogan looked at Katie,
"I seriously don't know how they do it."
"Me either." Katie replied.
The two turned off their cameras and put them away, and then they linked arms, slowly making their way over to the small crowd. Brogan could faintly see Luke taking a picture with some girl. She had her arms wrapped around his neck, and she was kissing his cheek. Brogan couldn't help but roll her eyes, and she didn't even know why she did it. She rested her head on Katie's shoulder, watching the crowd excitedly take pictures with everyone. After taking a picture with the girl, Luke glanced over at Brogan and Katie,
"Sorry." He mouthed to them.
Brogan lifted her head, and she smiled at him, showing him that it was okay.
"If we're gonna stay friends with this lot, we're gonna have to get used to this." Katie told her.
Brogan nodded in agreement, and then all of a sudden, there were camera flashes from the left-hand side. The two girls blinked a few times, before looking over at the paparazzi that were taking pictures.
"That too." Brogan sighed deeply.
Luke looked over at the paparazzi, and instantly moved through the crowd, and over to the girls; Tamera following his footsteps.
"You two alright?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing together in concern.
"Yeah, sorry about this. Didn't think they'd be here tonight." Tamera added.
Katie smiled and shook her head,
"Don't worry about it, we're fine."
Luke looked at Brogan, who then smiled at him.
"Go and finish taking pictures with your fans." Brogan told both Luke and Tamera.
The two quickly finished their pictures, as did the rest, and then they headed over to the car and got inside; driving away.

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