Chapter ten.

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Brogan arrived in her hotel room twenty minutes later, and she was already stressing. She was suddenly thankful that she listened to her mum, when she told her to take some nice outfits, just in case she went out anywhere nice. Opening her wardrobe doors, Brogan began to look through her clothes. Getting out her baby pink, lace collared dress, Brogan then walked over to her bed, laying it carefully onto it. Hearing her phone beep, she got out her phone from her coat pocket, and she smiled to herself.

Luke: Looking forward to tonight. :) xx
Brogan: Me too! :} xo
Luke: I'll have a car come and pick you up at 6:45 p.m., okay? xx
Brogan: Yes, that's fine. :} xo
Luke: See you soon, B. xx
Brogan: See you soon. xo
Taking a deep breath, Brogan got out a pair of her black high-heels, and then she walked into the bathroom, turning on the bathroom light; staring at herself in the mirror.
"Okay." She whispered to herself. "It is not a date. It's just two friends going out to dinner, because you mentioned wanting to try it out." Brogan paused and she thought about what Tamera had said. "Does Luke like me?" She asked herself.
Brogan was changed within forty-five minutes, and after spraying on her perfume, she heard her phone beep. She picked it up from the side table, and she read the message:

Luke: Just arrived outside. :) xx

Brogan smiled to herself, and she shrugged on her leather jacket, and she picked up her small, gold bag, and as she walked out of her hotel room, Brogan replied to Luke; letting him know that she was on her way. As she walked out of the lift, Brogan walked across the hotel lobby, where she saw Luke standing near the entrance. She grinned at him, and waved, making her way over to him.
"Hiya." Luke greeted Brogan when she stopped in front of him.
"Hey!" She beamed, and walked into Luke's now open arms, the two sharing an embrace.
"You ready to go?" He asked softly, pulling out of the hug.
Brogan nodded, adjusting her leather jacket slightly,
"Yes, let's go!"
Luke smiled at her, and he placed his hand on Brogan's lower back, guiding her out of the hotel, where they were met by three paparazzi, taking pictures of them.
"Allow me." He mumbled.
"Luke! Is this your new girlfriend?" One of the men asked.
Luke looked at him, and he smiled politely,
"No, we're just friends."
"Do you take all your friends out on dates?" Another asked.
He let out a laugh,
"We're just going for something to eat."
Brogan placed her hand on his arm,
"Just ignore them." She told him quietly.
The two climbed into the back of the car, and the driver drove off down the road, and the two breathed deeply in relief.
"Phew." Brogan sighed.
Luke rubbed his hands over his face,
"B, I'm so sorr-"
"Don't even say it." Brogan interrupted, looking over at him.
He smiled sympathetically at her, and then he sighed, nodding.
They arrived at the restaurant, and they were relieved to see that they were completely alone. No cameras, no people. Just them. Brogan felt as if they were finally just two regular people. Luke took her hand, helping her out of the car, and Brogan smiled shyly at him, feeling her cheeks blush slightly. They walked inside, and Luke smiled at the waiter,
"Hi. Reservation under Friend, please."
The waiter looked at the list, and then he ticked beside the reservation,
"This way, please." He replied politely, picking up two menus, and then he led the two towards a table.
After showing them to their table, Brogan and Luke shrugged out of their jackets, and sat down. Brogan glanced around,
"It's really nice here." She commented.
Luke did a quick scan around,
"Yeah it is."
They shared a smile, before looking down at their menus.
"And the food looks amazing."
"Agreed." Luke paused. "Shame they don't have any chicken and bacon caesar salad." He glanced up at Brogan, meeting her gaze, and the two laughed.
"Fuck off." She told him.
Luke grinned big, and then the two looked down at their menus.

As their food came, Brogan and Luke started eating, adding a little bit of small talk as they did.
"So what do you think of your pasta?" Luke asked, taking a sip of his coke.
Brogan nodded,
"It's delicious. You wanna try some?"
He smiled and nodded,
"Yes, please."
Brogan got some pasta on her fork, and then she handed him her fork. Luke ate the pasta, and then he handed it back to her. He nodded in agreement with Brogan, and as she watched him, she smiled,
"Don't you think it's weird that we just do things like that and it's so natural?" She asked.
Luke tilted his head to the side slightly,
"I think to other people it's weird."
Brogan laughed and nodded,
"Did you know that Sam sat me down today, and had a word with me?"
Brogan raised her eyebrows,
"Weird. Tamera had a word with me too."
"D'ya think they're that unsure about their on relationship, that they're trying to move it onto someone else?"
Brogan gasped, and started laughing,
Luke grinned big at her, watching Brogan laughed, covering her mouth as she did.
"Just saying." He replied, winking at her.
Brogan smiled and shook her head at him,
"You are so bad." She told him.
"That's me." He chuckled.
"But seriously, I think they're just trying to distract the attention of their growing relationship onto someone else."
Luke nodded,
"Suppose I can see why they think it, but." He shrugged slightly.
Brogan smiled at him,
"Hmmm." She replied.
"I feel bad for you." Luke laughed.
"Me?" She smiled bigger. "Why?"
"Because your vlogs are filled with people saying stuff!"
"Awe, d'ya read my comments?" Brogan teased.
He grinned,
She giggled and then she took a sip of her drink.

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