Chapter eleven.

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"Seriously though, mate." Sam started, patting Luke on the back. "If you can't see it, then you're obviously blind."
Luke rolled his eyes,
"See what?"
"The chemistry between you and Brogan." Sam gave him a 'duh' look.
Luke let out a laugh,
"Nah, mate. I can see the chemistry." He shrugged slightly. "We're friends."
"So you admit that you like her?"
"What?" Luke's head shot up to Sam. "I didn't say that."
Sam smirked at him,
"So you don't?"
Luke sighed deeply, and he shoved him,
"Fuck off, man."
Sam laughed, shaking his head,
"Just saying." He told Luke, putting his hands up in defence.
"Hi, you two." Brogan greeted, as she walked inside, with a smile on her face.
"Hi, Brogan." Sam replied, laughing at Luke's sulking face.
"What's up, sulky?" She asked, looking at Luke.
He looked at Sam, and he huffed,
"He's pissing me off."
Sam laughed,
"I haven't done anything!"
"Bullshit." Luke replied.
"Okay, okay boys. Let's all chill out." Brogan reasoned.
Luke shook his head, and he walked out of the room. Brogan watched him leave, and then she looked at Sam,
"What the hell did you say to him?" She asked; feeling confused.
Sam shrugged slightly,
"Nought that was that bad." He defended.
Brogan frowned slightly, furrowing her eyebrows together,

Luke: Sorry for storming off earlier. Sam was pissing me off, and it was either leave, or start yelling, ha. xx
Brogan: That's okay, Lukey. You sure you're alright? You seemed pretty mad. :/ xo
Luke: Yeah, I just have a lot of my mind, and him pissing around doesn't really help. You know? xx
Brogan: Yeah, I get what you mean. I'm here if you need to talk. xo
Luke: Thanks. I appreciate it. xx
Brogan: Anytime. xo

Luke smiled at Brogan's reply, before stuffing his phone into his jeans pocket. He hadn't realised, until he'd seen her earlier, that he hadn't he'd barely been with her today. And he knew that Brogan was making an extra effort to film Nicholas and Sam, because of the comments that she was getting. As he walked into his dressing room, he jumped, seeing Brogan sitting on the sofa.
"Hi." She smiled at him.
Luke let out a laugh,
"I've got an hour break. Thought I'd come and annoy you." Brogan explained.
"Well then..." He trailed off, sitting down beside her. "Let's get annoying."
Brogan grinned, and then she started laughing at his comment, making Luke smile instantly. This was what he missed. He liked spending time with Brogan. She always made him laugh or smile, and instantly cheered him up. Wrapping his arms Brogan, Luke pulled her into a tight sideways hug. Brogan squealed and laughed slightly, before she rested her head against his shoulder, returning the hug.
"I really enjoyed the meal last night." She said, looking up at him. "Thank you."
Luke smiled at her,
"Good, I'm glad. I really enjoyed myself too."
The two smiled at each other, and then Brogan rested her head back against his shoulder. Luke rubbed her arm softly, and Brogan couldn't help but feel nervous suddenly. This kind of gesture was new to the two of them. Was this normal? She'd never done this with any of her other boy friends. I mean, she had always been close with boys, but never this close. She smiled to herself, enjoying the closeness, and she wondered what Luke was thinking about.

Luke couldn't take his eyes off Brogan. He felt almost mesmerised as he watched her. He felt nervous, but also relieved, that Brogan hadn't pulled out of his embrace. As he stroked her arm, he couldn't help but smile at how natural it felt. Maybe Sam was right. Maybe Nicholas was right. Heck, maybe everyone was right. Quickly shaking his thoughts, he nudged Brogan, causing her to look up,
"You okay?" He murmured.
She smiled and nodded at him,
"Yeah. Are you?" She asked, her eyebrows lifting with concern.
He smiled gently at her,
"Yeah." He nodded. "You always cheer me up." He admitted.
Brogan blushed slightly, and she smiled bigger, looking down, making Luke place his index finger under her chin, making her look up at him. The two stared at each other for a few seconds, before Luke swallowed slowly, and he began to slowly lean in. Brogan watched him, her heart racing faster, and just as they were a few inches apart; there was a knock on Luke's dressing room door, causing the two to jump up from the sofa. Brogan pulled down her shirt, trying to distract herself from her flushed cheeks, as Luke ruffled his hair, walking over to the door, and he opened it.
"Hi!" Katie beamed.
Brogan sighed quietly, and she watched Luke let her in, and she gave her a tight smile,
"Hey." Brogan greeted her.
Luke watched Katie, his heart racing, and his palms sweating slightly, as he shut his door.
"What're you two doing then?" She asked, looking from Brogan to Luke.
He smiled at her, stuffing his hands into his jeans pockets, shrugging slightly.
"We were just hanging out and talking." Brogan said, hating the fact that Katie had interrupted.
"Sounds... fun." Katie laughed
Brogan gave her a smile, causing Katie to narrow her eyes at Brogan, watching her closely.
"Mind if I stick around?" Katie asked.
Brogan looked at Luke, and he looked back at her; Katie following Brogan's gaze. Luke swallowed, and he nodded, clearing his throat slightly,
"Yeah, sure."
Katie grinned, and she sat down on the sofa. Brogan looked at Luke, seeing that he was already looking at her, and she gave him an apologetic look, before she sat down beside Katie; Luke sitting down beside Brogan.
"So what were you two talking about then?" She asked.
"Uh..." Brogan started.
"I wasn't in the best mood, so Brogan came to cheer me up." Luke explained.
"Awe, that's sweet of ya, B." She commented, nudging Brogan and giving her a sly wink.
Brogan let out a laugh, but then lowered her gaze to her lap.

After their break was over, Brogan and Katie made their way back down the corridor.
"Gee, did I interrupt something?" Katie asked.
"What?" Brogan asked, looking over at her.
"You could've cut the tension like a knife back there."
Brogan shrugged slightly,
"Didn't notice." She mumbled.
Her phone beeped, and she slid out her phone from her pocket, unlocking her phone:

Luke: :) xx

Brogan smiled to herself, seeing Luke's text message. As Katie carried on rambling about the events from being in his dressing room, Brogan texted Luke back.

Brogan: :} xo
Luke: Let me guess, Katie is now on a ranting spree...? ;) xx
Brogan: How did you guess? xo
Luke: Lucky guess. :) xx
Brogan: Well, you're a good guesser then. Haha. xo
Luke: We need to talk, yeah? xx
Brogan: Agreed. xo
Luke: After I've rehearsed a second time this afternoon? xx
Brogan: How come you're rehearsing a second time? xo
Luke: I asked Louis if I could, because I wanted him to hear it, and see how it sounds. xx
Brogan: Oh, okay. yeah, sounds good. xo
Luke: You should be there, shouldn't you? When I've finished? xx
Brogan: Most probably, yes. Haha. xo
Luke: Okay, see you then. xx

"Brogan!" Katie said loudly, causing Brogan to jump and look at Katie.
"You aren't even listening to me!"
"Sorry." Brogan replied, locking her phone, and putting her phone away.
"Who were you texting anyway?"
She shrugged,
"No one."
Katie rolled her eyes,
"So Luke then."
Brogan huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

Brogan checked the time, and she rubbed her hands together. It was time to go and talk to Luke, and suddenly, she was nervous. Saying goodbye to the team in hair and makeup, Brogan walked down the corridor, feeling her heart racing, as she tried to calm herself down. Her nerves were getting the better of her, and she needed to remain calm. She didn't know what Luke was going to say, and she had no reason to feel scared.

Making her way to the side of the stage, Luke finished his conversation with Louis, and a minute later, he was walking over to her. he smiled at her,
"Hey." Brogan smiled.
Luke took her hand, leading her backstage, and back down the corridor.
Brogan took note that he was holding her hand, but still remained nervous, watching the back of Luke's head, as he led her down the corridor. As he reached the end of the corridor, Luke walked out of the back door, and Brogan furrowed her eyebrows together, watching him, as he looked around; checking that they were alone. After seeing that they were, Luke turned to Brogan, and he smiled at her, causing Brogan to smile back at him. Luke tucked Brogan's fringe behind her ear,
"Back in my dressing room..." Luke trailed off, and Brogan swallowed slowly. "I just... I can't stop thinking about it." He admitted.
Brogan smiled and blushed slightly.
"I wish Katie hadn't knocked on the door." Luke whispered.
Brogan's face dropped, as she stared up at him in shock.
Luke smiled down at her, leaning down, and he kissed her lips softly. Brogan was frozen in shock at first, and then she slowly began to kiss him back. He placed his arms around her waist, as Brogan held onto Luke's arms. Luke backed her gently against the wall, as he kissed her, and brought his hands up to Brogan's face; cupping her cheeks gently.

Luke slowly pulled away from the kiss, and he rested his forehead gently against Brogan's, and the two stared into each other's eyes. Luke stroked Brogan's cheek softly,
"I like you." He whispered softly.
Brogan smiled,
"I like you, too." She whispered back.
Luke smiled, and then he pecked her lips softly, before he pulled away from her, and he took hold of her hand,
"As much as I hate to say it, I think we need to go back inside."
Brogan nodded,
"Yeah, Kate'll be throwing a search party."
The two shared a laugh, and then they walked inside, instantly dropping their hands. Brogan tucked her fringe behind her ear, and as they got to the runner's room, Luke leaned down,
"I'll text you later." He whispered in her ear.
Brogan shuddered slightly, and then she nodded, smiling,
"Okay." She replied, before he winked at her and walked away.
She took a deep breath, before walking into the room.
"I was wondering where you'd got to!" Katie said, walking over to her.
"Sorry." Brogan apologised. "Went to the loo."
"Ah, okay." Katie nodded.
As Katie made her way over to the coffee machine, Brogan smiled to herself.

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