Chapter five.

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"I can't believe how crazy that was out there." Tamera said, buckling her seatbelt.
"I know, it was just mayhem." Nicholas replied, looking over his shoulder at everyone.
"You do realise that you two are screwed now, right?" Tamera told Brogan and Katie, her face filled with sympathy.
Brogan opened her mouth to speak, but Katie cut in.
"We'll get over it." She replied, smiling at them.
Brogan smiled back, and then she glanced at Luke, seeing that he was watching her closely. She wondered what he was thinking, but she didn't want to ask, in case she was over-thinking anything. She smiled at him, and Luke gave her a smile back, but Brogan could see the worry behind his smile. She rolled her eyes playfully, and she nudged his arm, causing him to roll his eyes back at her.
"Fifth week of live show, guys!" Brogan announced, looking at the gang.
"Big band week!" Luke beamed, with a grin on his face.
Brogan smiled at him, and then she looked over her shoulder at the three in the back,
"You all excited then?"
Tamera nodded enthusiastically,
"Yeah! Well excited! We get to perform with a live band!"
Katie smiled,
"Isn't that a little scary, though? There's gonna be 30 of them!"
Kaz shook his head,
"Nah. It's exciting, really."

When the car arrived outside the hotel, Brogan and Katie said their goodbyes to the gang, and then they climbed out of the car. Katie noticed paparazzi instantly, and she nudged Brogan, nodding in the man's direction. The two shared a look, and then Brogan jumped, feeling a hand on her back.
Looking to her side, she furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion at Luke,
"What're you doing?" She asked.
Luke smiled at her,
"Walking you both up to your rooms. Wanna make sure you don't get any problems." He replied, flicking his eyes over to the paparazzi.
Brogan smiled small at him, and then she, Katie and Luke made their way inside the hotel, and they could see the camera flashing, as they did.
"Well we're hitting the papers tomorrow morning." Brogan said sarcastically.
Luke rubbed her back in comfort, as he opened the hotel entrance door for the girls,
"Sorry about this."
Brogan sighed slightly,
"It isn't your fault." She assured him.
Katie walked in, followed by Brogan and Luke, and they made their way over to the lift. Pressing the button, they waited patiently for the lift to arrive.
Deciding to lighten the mood, Katie tutted,
"You boys are so mean." She told Luke.
He looked at her in confusion, and he let out a laugh,
"Making us see that film!"
Brogan gasped,
"Oh my god, I know!" She looked at Luke. "It was well scary!"
"I know you didn't like it, B. You kept gripping my arm." He smirked at her.
Brogan blushed deeply,
"Told you I didn't like scary films." She mumbled.
"Awe!" Luke laughed, wrapping his arms around Brogan, hugging her tightly.
The lift doors opened, and Luke let go of her, and the three walked into the lift, pressing the third floor. Brogan looked at Katie, who then started talking to Luke.
"You don't need to walk us up, y'know? We're okay from here." She smiled at him.
Luke shook his head,
"Nah, y'alright. The guys din't mind waiting."
Brogan looked concerned,
"You sure?" She asked unconvinced.
Luke smiled down at her,
Brogan nodded,

After saying goodbye to Katie, Luke and Brogan walked to Brogan's hotel room a few doors down, and she pulled out her key card,
"Well." Brogan started, opening her door. "Thanks for walking me up." She turned and smiled at Luke.
He smiled back at her, and he shrugged slightly, stuffing his hands into his jeans pockets,
"It's fine. I had a feeling that one of those guys would follow us to your hotel, so I thought I'd make sure they didn't do anything."
Brogan smiled,
"Well, thanks again." She tucked her hair behind her ears. "So I'll see you tomorrow?"
Luke smiled,
"Bright and early."
She laughed and nodded,
"Yes, bright and early."
"I'm looking forward to the vlog tonight." He grinned, and Brogan could feel herself melting, seeing that his dimples were showing. She stopped herself from sighing in contentment.
Luke leaned closer, and Brogan felt her breath catch in her throat, and he kissed her cheek softly,
"Goodnight." He whispered softly.
Brogan felt her cheeks burn bright red, and she smiled shyly at him,
"Goodnight." She stuttered back.
He winked at her, and he turned, walking back down the corridor.
Brogan couldn't stop herself from watching after him. He glanced over his shoulder to look at her, making Brogan smile and wave one last time, before walking inside her hotel room. Resting her back against the hotel room door, she sighed deeply, before calming herself down; turning on the room lights.

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