Chapter 14

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"Bet My Heart" - Maroon 5

My eyes slowly start to flutter open when I feel something on my stomach. Still in a hazy state I bring my hand up to see what it is, and I feel someone else's hand, a much bigger one, resting on top of it. As my mind comes more into consciousness I start to remember last night.


I sigh with content as the memories come back to me. His words, his hands, his lips. The way he touched me, the way he kissed me...where he kissed me.

I press my legs together to relieve some of the pressure that starts building at the thought, and immediately flinch.


Yeah, I guess I'm not surprised to be a little sore this morning. His size alone...

I stop my train of thought, knowing it's too early to get this worked up.

I'm lying on my back, facing the rest of Steve's room. I turn my head and see Steve's beautiful face, also just starting to wake up. He's lying on his stomach, his head turned towards me and his hand reached out and resting on my torso. His eyes open and close a few times before he puts on a smile.

"Wow." he says, in the cutest sleepy voice I've ever heard.

"What?" I ask, giggling.

His eyes open up more and he takes a moment and just looks at me. "I thought nothing was going to compare to the morning I woke up beside you in your bed...but," Under the blanket he flattens his hand as much as he can and runs it across my stomach. "You naked in my bed is definitely better."

I start laughing as he slides his hand up and over one of my breasts, then continues up and slides it behind my neck. He leans over me as he pulls my head up until our lips meet in a soft loving kiss.

"Wait..." I say pulling back, realizing something about what he just said. "I woke up before you that morning, and I got out of bed before you even opened your eyes."

He smiles down at me and then lays down on his side, bending his elbow to prop his head with his hand. "Technically, I woke up before you did, but you were still fast asleep and I didn't want to wake you. Plus, I didn't want that morning to end, so I prolonged it as long as I could." he says

"I wish we could do the same for today." I say.

He looks down at me, knowing exactly what I'm talking about. We were so caught up in the heat of the moment last night that we didn't really think about what the consequences would be of what we were doing. But now, we have to think about it. As much as we'd like to stay in these four walls and enjoy being with each other, we need to leave eventually and then have to deal with what we're going to say, or not say, to everyone else. I don't know how Steve is feeling about all of this, but if there's one thing I've learned from everything we've been through, it's that we have to talk with each other, or we end up in a mess of confusion.

Steve, with a similar concern on his face, leans over me again and runs his lips across mine before giving me a comforting kiss.

"There's a few things we should probably talk about." I say. "Now that you aren't distracted with thinking about us having sex."

He gives me a confused look. "Bold of you to assume I'm not distracted by it." he says and gives my thigh a small squeeze.

I quickly grab his hand before it starts to wander somewhere else, knowing I won't be able to think if it does.

"Steve..." I say with a warning glare.

He chuckles as he climbs over me, and for a moment I'm worried, and excited, about what he's going to do. I felt him against my leg earlier, he's fully ready, and I'm extremely close to saying 'fuck it...and fuck me'.

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