Chapter 10

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"Jealous" - Nick Jonas

The descent down into the hangar goes smoothly and without any complications. Steve turns the audio and visual recordings back on so the conversation between us is minimal and more importantly, work friendly. I think we both just try to clear our heads of what just happened and focus on the coming meeting.

    Once we land and head off the quinjet we're greeted by one of the agents working the hangar. He pulls Steve's attention and informs him there's a few things he needs to fill out regarding the quinjet.

    "I'll meet you inside the building." he says to me.

    "Okay." I say, a little nervous. I'm still adjusting myself to being part of such a big organization and considering the fact that, since I got there, I haven't left Avengers Campus often, I'm a little nervous about being left alone. Even if it's just for a short while.

    I start heading towards the main building, noting how a few of the wandering agent's eyes look over at me. I tell myself that it's just them being cautious of their surroundings, something constantly embedded into the mind of anyone training with S.H.I.E.L.D, but the paranoid part of me can't help but wonder how much the people here know who I am.

    "Mia!" I hear someone say.

    I look up and see a familiar face coming towards me. "Michael." 

Now that I can see his face it's easier to pull up the memories. And wow, do my memories not do him justice. Dark skin, soft brown eyes, full lips, and a smile that I swear could make anyone swoon. I actually catch a few of the other agents staring at him as he walks towards me.

Once we get close enough he doesn't hesitate to open his arms and pull me into a hug. I'm a little taken by surprise at first but I quickly return the embrace.

"It's good to see you again." he says as he pulls away.

"You too." I reply. "It's actually great to even get out of the Avengers complex. I feel like I've been trapped there for the past four months."

He immediately grins as if that's great news to him. "Hey, if you ever need a break, feel free to head down here. I'd love to properly show you around D.C." he says.

Oh...did he just? Maybe he was flirting with me.

"That would be amazing." I say before I realize what I'm essentially agreeing to. "Although, Tony gets pretty strict about me leaving so we'll have to see."

I'm technically not lying. But that's definitely not why I say that. I need a good enough excuse in case I want to say no, without him thinking I'm not interested.

Wait? Am I interested?

Honestly, if I wasn't dealing with the whole Steve situation, I wouldn't hesitate to say yes to a date with Michael. A relationship with him would definitely be less complicated.  And who knows, maybe in the future, once Steve and I step into reality and get over, whatever this is, we could have something. Not that I expect him or would ever ask him to wait for me, that would be selfish and superficial, but I'm trying to imagine a life without emotional ties to Steve.

I thought that idea would be comforting, but it's not. I haven't even officially called things off with him and I'm already feeling the ache of not having his touch.

"Tony has always been pretty protective of you, even when you were in the hospital." Michael says bringing my mind back to our conversation. "Should I expect a talk from him if I ask you on a date."

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