Chapter 4

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"Hate You" - LØLØ

"Keep your focus all around you Connors." Nat says after I have to roll out of the way to avoid getting hit.

We're on the roof of the training facility where Tony set up a machine dedicated to improving aim. It's essentially like clay shooting, except in my case I use my powers instead of a gun. And instead of clay disks they're electrically charged orbs that, if you hit them they deactivate, but if they hit hurts like a bitch.

I've been practicing compressing my force field power tight enough to be able to throw it and create an impact. So now, Nat helps me test not only my aim, but my reflexes as well.

I get up but don't have much time to catch my breath before another orb comes in my direction. I put up a barrier and the orb hits it and releases a jolt of electricity. While my force field does form a shield that can take a strong impact, if it's still connected to me, I can still feel the hit. It's significantly less than it would be without anything, but something like these orbs for example, still leave a small sting. The best thing I can do is release a ball of energy to hit the orbs and deactivate them.

Which is exactly what I do for the next three that Nat throws at me. One goes high up on my right side, not meant to hit me but to test my aim. I form a ball and throw it straight at the orb and get a direct hit. Before I have a chance to celebrate Nat throws another one to my left, and immediately after, one right at me. I throw a ball towards the one to my left and then immediately shift away to avoid getting hit by the other one. Once it passes me I form another ball and throw it, deactivating that one as well.

After all the self doubt I let get into my head in the past few hours I take a small moment to celebrate my progression.

And I mean, a small moment. Because before I can even turn around I feel a jolt of electricity hit me straight in the back, causing me to drop to a knee as the pain runs through.

"Shit." I say as the pain finally starts to lessen. I hear Nat turn off the machine and as I recover from the physical pain, I get ready for the lecture I'm about to get from her.

"No one is going to give you a chance to celebrate out in the field. You need to stay on guard until you're 100% sure it's over."

She reaches her hand out to me and I take it, groaning as my body unclenches.

"I know it's just, it's been a crazy 24 hours. It felt nice to get something right."

She nods. "I know. I mean I don't actually know because you refuse to tell me anything, but I get it."

I laugh. I don't know if she's ever going to let it go.

Before she can say anything else we hear the outer mic turn on, obviously by someone other than us.

"Connors, Romanoff, everything going okay up there?" we hear Tony say through the speakers.

"Thanks for checking in on us Tony. Everything's great." I respond out into the air, knowing he's listening.

"Yeah that hit on the back you took did seem pretty great." he says.

Nat shakes her head and tries to hide a smile.

"Why does he ask if he was watching?" I whisper to her.

She scoffs. "To make a sarcastic comment like he just did."

"If you two are done whispering about me I have a message for Mia." Tony says a little irritated.

I know for a fact the only thing that Tony hates about my friendship with Nat is that she now has someone backing her up when it comes to him.

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