Chapter 2

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"Problem" - Ariana Grande

I'm pacing back and forth in my room. I have been for the past hour. After getting very little sleep, having been tossing and turning all night, I'm questioning my decision to go confront Steve about the way he's been acting with me.

I want to do this. I want answers from him. But I'm afraid of making things worse. The only thing that motivates me to finally leave my room and head towards Steve's, is the fact that Tony said he was going to talk to him about it. The only thing more embarrassing than talking to him myself, is knowing they're both going to be talking about me.

So as I anxiously knot my hands together, and my heart is about to jump out of my chest, I walk up to the door of Rogers' bedroom.

It's really early in the morning. But I figure it's my best chance to get to him before Tony does. I stare at the door for about five minutes before working up the nerve to give it a small knock.

Within thirty seconds I almost take off running four times, but then the door swings open and I'm met with a shirtless Steve Rogers standing on the other side.

I'm sure the face I make at seeing him like this, matches the one he's making of seeing me at all. My eyes can't help shifting downward to his chest. Damn does that suit definitely not do this part of him justice. From his pecs to his abs, every part of him is sharply defined, though I supposed I should have expected nothing less from the "Super Soldier". To make things worse, or better depending on how you look at it, I can see beads of water still lingering on his skin. Clearly I caught him right after a shower because his blonde hair is also still a little damp. My eyes find a small bead of water and I follow it as it slides down from his chest, down his torso and finally stops at the edge of his jeans, which are hanging deliciously on his hips.

Never thought I would be jealous of water.

I finally pull my eyes away from him, hoping that I wasn't staring too long. "I'm sorry." I stumble out. "I know it's early but-"

"Hold on." he says cutting me off.

I look up at him but he has already walked away and heads towards one of his dressers. He opens it up and pulls out the first shirt he finds, a simple light grey tee, and starts to put it on.

Yeah. I was definitely staring too long. He can add "makes me uncomfortable" to the list of things he doesn't like about me. And hopefully I can get a full list of that soon.

I wait for him to come back but he stays where he's at and instead gestures his hand to signal me to come in.

Well shit. I didn't think he'd want to have this talk in his room. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't told me to fuck off or something. Actually his demeanor towards me does feel different today. Maybe he feels bad about the way he was acting.

I hesitantly walk into his room feeling the strong tension between us as he crosses his arms over his chest. Suddenly everything I planned to say to Steve, all the questions I was going to ask him, all of it escapes my head and I'm left with unformed thoughts still trying to process through my mind.

Without consciously realizing it, and out of pure habit, I reach behind me and push the door closed. It isn't until I hear it click that I realize what I've done and what it might look like I'm implying.

I awkwardly turn around to face him and see that his eyes are shifted towards the now closed door.

"I'm sorry I just...I didn't mean..." What a perfect time to forget how to form a fucking sentence. "I can open it if you want." I blab out as I reach for the doorknob.

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