What if...Chapter 13

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"Teardrops On My Guitar" - Taylor Swift

This was the chapter that changed everything. The chapter where Mia and Steve confessed their love for each other and decided to take the risk and go for it. But, in another universe, things became even more complicated than before. How strong was Mia and Steve's love in the early stages? And would Mia be willing to take the same risk if it was someone else who asked her to? What if Steve and Mia weren't so solidified in their feelings for each other? What if someone else had stronger feelings for Mia? What if Steve was unable to go find Mia when she ran away from the party? What if it was someone else who went after her?

What if?...

...I see as she gets closer to him..,

...it's worse....

...So. Much. Worse...

I feel an intense pain crush my heart and overflow into my entire body....

...I need to get out of here, I can't...I can't do this...

...I find the nearest door that leads outside and I stumble out...

By the time the cool air hits my face everything is starting to spin and I'm desperately taking in gulps of air, still not feeling like it's enough. I bring a shaky hand to my mouth trying to keep it together but I can already feel the tears starting to fall.

I hear the door behind me open again and I turn around to find someone who I was definitely not expecting to see come after me.


As soon as he sees my face I can see the concern in his.

"Mia." he says as he hesitantly comes towards me.

"I'm fine." I say as I look away, which is stupid because I'm clearly not. But I know how much he hates seeing me cry.

I turn back towards him and see that he's closed the gap between us and is already pulling me towards him. He wraps his arms around my shoulders while I put mine around his waist. And as hard as this is for me, I immediately feel better. Something about Bucky has just always been so comforting and I really needed him right now.

I pull away from him as I take a deep breath, trying hard to stop crying. I see Bucky's jaw tighten as he reaches his hands up to cup my cheeks, wiping away the tears that I still have. It's such an intimate gesture, something he's never done before. His eyes are watching me so intently that it actually makes me wonder what's going on in his head. His eyes quickly jump a little lower and I see a thought come across his eyes. But it's quickly gone as he looks away and lets me go.

That was weird.

"It's probably nothing." Bucky says, oddly mimicking the exact thought I just had in my head. I look up at him wondering if he developed a mind reading power we don't know about. "Steve and Sharon." he clarifies.

Oh. He wasn't talking about what just happened between us.

"It's fine." I say, suddenly remembering why I was just crying. "Like I said earlier, he's free to be with who he wants. Just because I can't move on doesn't mean he shouldn't." I take a shaky breath, feeling my emotions starting to build up again.

"Maybe you should too." Bucky says, but his eyes are elsewhere. He looks up at me and sees my slightly confused expression. "Move on." he finishes.

"Yeah." I chuckle. "Well I'm not going to be able to do it here." I look up at Avenger's Headquarters, the only home I know since I lost all memory of any other one, and I let out a deep sigh. "I need to leave Bucky." I say, feeling a huge wave of new pain come over me at the thought.

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