Chapter 15

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"Buttons" - The Pussycat Dolls

A shower has never felt so damn good.

My hair is up in a bun after I decided to just do a body wash and I'm standing under the shower head, letting the hot water fall over my face. Although after the way Steve has been teasing me all morning, I should be taking a cold one. It actually reminds me of the bet we made two months ago, except now it's a million times worse. Now that I know what it feels like to be with Steve I honestly don't know how I'm going to keep my hands off of him. And I think he feels the same, I mean, he sure grabs me and kisses me like he does. But right when I expect him to take it further he pulls away. It's actually starting to make me self-conscious that maybe it has something to do with me.

But I put away those thoughts as I realize I'm going to have to worry about that later. For now I just let myself relax and get clean.

Once I'm out I see my phone blink with a missed video call from Tony. I swipe, seeing he left a message. The holograph pops up and Tony's face fills the screen.

"Hi kid, please come to my office when you get this. I want to check in." he says. He pauses for a moment, seeming like he's going to say something else. "Okay bye." he rushes out before the video ends.

I chuckle as I pull out a change of clothes.

I knew I was going to have to talk to Tony eventually. I'm just glad it's going to be a good talk and not a bad one. Of course if I told him the whole truth it would be considered very, very bad news. But all Tony really needs to know is that I'm staying.

After I change I head over to the main office building, trying to figure out what exactly I'm going to say to him. Obviously nothing having to do with Steve, but I still have to have a valid explanation for my change in attitude.

I get to Tony's office but don't immediately see him. I also don't hear anything so it has me a little confused.

"Tony?" I yell out, wondering why he called me over if he wasn't going to be here.

Suddenly I hear a thud come from somewhere in his office, followed by a pained "Ow."

"Tony?" I ask again, hoping he's okay. A head pops up from behind one of the desks and I'm surprised to find it's not Tony's.

"Bruce," I say, a little shocked.

"Hey." he says in his shy low voice.

"Are you okay?" I ask, referring to the obvious hit he took.

"Yeah." he says as he reaches up and rubs the back of his head. "You caught me a bit off guard. I was trying to boost the power on one of these machines.

"Sorry, it's just that Tony asked me to meet him here." I say, feeling like I'm interrupting something.

"Yeah he did mention that. He just stepped out but he should be back soon so you're free to wait for him here." he says.

Bruce is so adorably sweet, which only makes it that much harder to believe that he and The Hulk are one in the same. I guess technically they're too different beings but it's all still Banner.

I've only seen The Hulk in person once. He actually caught me off guard and scared the crap out of me and ever since then Bruce has been so cautious around me, probably thinking I'm afraid of him. Which I am definitely not.

I head over and take a seat near Bruce, watching as he does, I don't know what, on Tony's computer.

"So..." Bruce says, breaking the silence. "How are...things?" he asks awkwardly.

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