Bonus: Re-Chapter 1

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"Enchanted" - Taylor Swift


There's a quiet that always comes before the storm. Unfortunately for the bad guys, we are the storm.

I see his foot on the other side of the wall slide forward much farther than it should. A stupid mistake but obviously it works in my favor. I turn the corner and swing my shield forward, catching him off guard and knocking him to the ground. Before he can pick up his gun I kick it out of his hand before putting my foot on his chest holding him down.

"You have no idea what you're getting involved in, Captain." the gunman says to me.

"Yeah?" I ask sarcastically before swinging my shield at him again and knocking him unconscious. "Why don't you lecture me on it later."

Through my comms system I hear someone snicker. "Did you think that was clever Steve?" I hear Natasha say. "Are you proud of yourself?"

"I thought it was funny." I say, getting slightly self-conscious. "How's it looking Romanoff?" I ask, referring to our current mission.

We were brought to a small town a few hours from the Avengers campus after getting a call about a terrorist organization coming and taking over. We don't know exactly what they're looking for but we do know they've got hostages, and that's all we care about right now.

"I'm getting word that they have a few people held up in the food court of the mall. Steve you're the closest. You wanna go check it out?" Nat says. She's got eyes on the whole town and is helping us navigate where everyone is being kept, that way we can get them out safely before we try and take out this group.

"I'm on my way." I tell the team as I start running towards the nearby mall.

"Rogers we have a few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents nearby. They'll meet up with you to help out. Enter through the southeast entrance. It's the best way in." Directory Fury says.

I find it a bit odd that he's sending people in with me. I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle. However I don't question it, he always has a reason for what he does.

I meet up with the other agents and we make a plan for entrance and extraction, trying to make quick work of this so we can get everyone out without catching them in any crossfire.

As soon as we head in we're met with immediate gunfire, and the brunt of it is taken by my shield. The agents take charge of this situation and urge me to go forward. I carefully round the corners of the hall and then crouch down behind a merchandise stand when I spot them. A group of people huddled in a food stand with one armed guard in front of them. It seems easy enough but I can never get too comfortable with a situation.

I look around to make sure there are no other gunmen around and then I quickly stand up, launching my shield right at him. His gun gets knocked out of his hand and I quickly run at him, trying to take him down before he can recover. Unfortunately he's quick and as soon as I reach him he's already prepared for a fight.

I try to knock him straight down but he blocks my attack and then quickly fights back, taking a hard swing at me which I only narrowly miss. I throw a quick three punch combo, getting two blocked but landing the third one right in his stomach. He only falters for a moment before coming back towards me.

He is clearly well trained. So I keep my entire focus on at least keeping his attention until the other agents can make it over here and offer some assistance in getting the hostages out.

We're dodging each other's attacks, no one ever landing too hard of a hit so at this point we're only wearing each other out, but I think I can hold him off for long enough.

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