Chapter 7

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"Hands to Myself" - Selena Gomez

After a dreaded hike back down the trail and the drive back, Steve heads off to do even more working out with Bucky, while I go back to my room to a normal person.

I catch up with Nat, who's absolutely miserable in D.C., and about five seconds from losing it with Tony. I actually have to talk her down and advise her why starting a fight with him would look very bad for the whole organization. Before we hang up she let's me know that they are pretty much done there and should be home within the next hour.

After the call I wander back down into the training building. It's really quiet here with everyone out, so it's not hard to trace the sounds coming from one of the combat rooms. I take a look in and find Bucky and Steve fighting with each other. Training obviously but, given the fact that they both have the same strength, they are able to go hard without fear of hurting each other. I watch from the doorway as they maneuver around each other, taking swings and dodging with impressive speed. It reminds me of when Steve and I were "training", except this time Steve is actually fighting back. It's actually cute to watch them, because despite the fact that they are literally fighting each other, they're laughing and smiling the entire time.

"Mia?" Steve says, finally noticing me leaning against the door frame.

I don't get a chance to respond before Bucky kicks Steve's legs from under him and then places a hand on his chest, slamming him down onto the ground. Even I flinch at the impact.

Bucky then turns to me and smiles. "Hey Mia."

I bring my hand up to my mouth to try and hide the smile. "Hey guys." I say as I look at Steve still trying to recover from the hit.

Steve looks over at Bucky, clear annoyance on his face. "I hate you."

I laugh as I shake my head at them

"Relax Steve," Bucky says as he reaches his hand out to him. "It's not like she hasn't seen you get knocked on your ass before." He pulls him up and gives him a clap on the shoulder before heading in my direction. Steve heads in the opposite direction to get a drink of water. He gets to his bottle and takes a long gulp. He looks over at me and notices me watching him. He gives me a devilish grin before reaching down and grabbing the hem of shirt and lifting it up to wipe the sweat off of his face. Obviously the point of that was to give me a good look at what's underneath. The creases of his abs are glistening with sweat and it reminds me of how they looked yesterday morning in his room. His room where he ended up pressing me against his door and had his lips on me.

Damn it Rogers. That sight is doing exactly what he wants it to.

I turn my attention away from Steve and see that Bucky is also looking in the direction, before turning to me with a grin on his face.

"Well that's definitely for you." He says laughing.

"What?" I say confused for a moment before I understand what he means. "He told you about the bet didn't he." I whisper to him.

"Yeah, he's pretty confident he's going to win." he says.

I chuckle. "He's not."

"I know." Bucky says. "Which is why I bet him another hundred that he's going to lose."

My head whips in his direction when he says this. ally.

"He bet you too?" I ask.

"With the cockiest grin." Bucky says.

Well now we really need to make him lose. I look back and forth between Steve and Bucky, an idea forming in my head. "How bad do you want to win?" I whisper.

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