Chapter 18

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"Safe and Sound" - Taylor Swift

Should I reorganize my room?

Maybe a few more decorations on the wall? I'd love to put up some pictures of Steve and I, but I can't while we're still a secret. Someday. I turn around on my bed to face the other side, hoping that facing a blank wall might help me sleep.

Should I repaint my walls?


I turn on my back and let out a huff of air, feeling frustrated. It's been a month and a half since Steve and I agreed to take breaks in between the nights we spend together. We've been doing really well, never caving during our rest days. It was hard at first, but we started noticing when we had a break in between, the nights we reunited became so much more intense. Eventually we decided, every once in a while, to try putting even more days in between. We went anywhere between two and four days, but never going past that.

Until now.

For some strange reason, we decided to test how long we can go before breaking. And of course, being the competitive couple that we are, we bet on who would make the first move. But this bet is so much worse than the last one because, while we don't spend the night together or have sex, we do still make-out...a lot. And things get pretty heated, both of our bodies begging for release, but we're too stubborn to give in.

So we are now on day ten and I think my body is punishing me back by not letting me sleep. I already struggle at night when Steve isn't next to me, but now that I'm also deprived of his dick, I'm seriously losing my mind.

I look over at the clock on my nightstand. 1am. I throw the covers off of me, deciding if I'm not going to get a good night's sleep I might as well do something productive.

I'm getting ice-cream.

I sneak down into the kitchen, knowing I have a pint of rainbow sherbert left in the freezer. I step through the door and find Steve leaning against the counter top, shirtless and only in sweatpants, with a spoon in his mouth, and my pint of ice-cream in his hands.

"Hi." he says, surprised to see me.

"Hey." I reply, trying not to get too distracted by how hot he looks. "What are you doing down here?"

His eyes rake down my body, taking in the fact that I'm barely covered up with only a tank top and small pajama shorts. "I couldn't sleep." he says.

I laugh. "And you thought coming down here and eating my ice-cream was going to help?" I say as I walk towards him.

He gives me a devilish smirk. "I mean, ideally I'd like to eat something else of yours but..." He brings another spoonful of ice-cream into his mouth, very purposefully using his tongue to lick it clean. "'re ice-cream will have to do."


He knows how much I love that talented tongue of his. He's aching just as much as I am, so he's pulling all the stops to try and make me cave. He's good.

But I'm better.

"There's only one thing stopping you Cap." I say, as I stand in front of him.

He looks down at me and smiles. "Yeah, you and your stubbornness." he says as he lifts the spoon out of the container and up towards his mouth. I grab onto his wrist, stopping the motion, and then lean in, wrapping my lips around the spoon. I look up and lock eyes with him as I suck the ice-cream off. Steve watches me as his tongue comes out and licks his bottom lip before running it through his teeth.

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