Chapter 6

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"Close" - Nick Jonas ft. Tove Lo

Last night I dreamt about Steve Rogers.

...Several times.

I dreamt about the previous morning, Steve's lips on mine as he pressed me against the door. Then I dreamt about him catching me as I fell in the outer field, his body on top of me as we laid on the ground. The final dream was about last night, his hands under my shirt gripping at my waist as his mouth completely claimed me.

Except, in my dreams we were never interrupted and I never pulled away. In each of the dreams Steve's hands wandered to new places, and yet every time they were about to go where I most wanted them, I would wake up. Maybe it's my subconscious mentally punishing me for stopping what was happening last night.

But I know I had to. If I'm struggling with the idea of being friends with Steve after just kissing him, it would be practically impossible if we had done more.

I know that if we are going to be friends I need to stop fantasizing about what Steve and I did, and more importantly about what I want him to do. But I can't shake the memory of his blue eyes boring into mine, the feel of his hands running over me, the taste of his lips, and dear god the noise he made when I ran my hands over his chest.

I'm still losing myself in my memories when my phone starts ringing and I see Nat's face, specifically a picture of her winking with her tongue sticking out, appear on my screen. I laugh, as I do everytime I see it, and answer the call.

"Hey" she says groggily. Her hair is flat on one side and a complete mess on the other. Clearly she just woke up.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." I say with a giggle.

"Are you heading down to breakfast soon?" she says, managing to get the words out through a yawn.

"Yeah, I'm just going to finish getting ready. You?"

She nods as she rakes her fingers through her red hair. "I'm just going to shower first. I'll meet you there."

"You should think about making it a cold shower, maybe it'll wake you up." I say teasing her.

She gives me an annoyed look as her left hand comes up and she flips me off.

I throw my head back laughing. "I love you too Nat." I say as I swipe to end the call.

Once a month Tony insists we all get together and have breakfast. No talk about work or missions, just all of us hanging out together. It was actually one of the few times Steve had no choice but to be in the same room with me. It's weird to think things will be completely different this time. I will actually be able to enjoy myself without feeling like I'm an inconvenience to someone.

I finish doing my hair and putting on a bit of makeup and then leave my room and head to the kitchen. For the first time I'm feeling paranoid about the way I look. I tell myself it shouldn't matter because for the sake of us just being friends I shouldn't want Steve to think I look good. But when I think about it, I realize that I always wanted to impress Steve when I thought he hated me, and I definitely want to impress him now that I know it's quite the opposite.

Once I walk into the dining area I immediately lock eyes with Steve, who's pouring himself a cup of coffee. He smiles at me before dropping his gaze down to his cup, trying to make sure we aren't too obvious.

I turn to Tony, who's yelling at someone over the phone. He gives me a nod of acknowledgement before giving his attention back to the call.

"Hey Mia." I hear someone say behind me.

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