Chapter 5

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"Like This" - Shawn Mendez

It's been two hours since my literal fight with Steve, and I've finally managed to get into a semi-stable state of mind.

After heading back to my room and crying over all of this and then giving myself a solid pep talk into my bathroom mirror I've managed to compose myself enough to at least not look like I'm having a mental breakdown. While this day feels like it's been going on forever, it's only four in the afternoon and I know I can't avoid everyone forever.

My phone starts ringing, and Tony's face pops up on the projection. I know he's this super tech guy, but I honestly think a regular phone would have sufficed. Either way I swipe the hologram screen and accept the video call from him.

"Hey, I saw Rogers leave the campus for a mission and he looked like hell. I'm assuming you got some good hits in."

I did, but I'm not sure that's why he looked the way he did. My gaze drops down as I'm reminded of what happened between Steve and I.

"Hey." Tony says, pulling my attention back to him. "Am I an asshole for what I did? Did I make things worse?"

I can't help but laugh. At least he understands he took a big risk with his plan. "Yes you're an asshole for what you did. But..."

I don't even know what I want to say to him. I don't know if things between Steve and I are worse. Because yes I did go off on him, again, but I also told him to just go back to the way things were. So really, we're back to where we started. But I know Tony isn't going to be satisfied with that answer.

"It did do us good to get things out." I say, technically not lying.

"So you two are good?" he asks.

I sigh. "We're working on it." That one was a lie.

He looks at me, and I can tell he's not completely buying it. But he doesn't question me any further.

"Ok, well a lot of us are going to be out for the rest of the evening, are you going to be ok?"

I nod. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I say.

He's worried, I can tell. "Ok. I'll see you later kid."

"Bye Tony."

I slide my hand across to end the call and the hologram screen closes down.

Things are getting way out of hand. I hate lying to Tony, to Nat. But I also can't tell them the truth when I don't even know what the full truth is. For now I have to put on a fake face and not act like I'm losing my sanity.

A knock on my door pulls my attention. My mind shifts through all the people it could be.

It could be Nat checking in on me, but last I heard Director Fury called her over to New York City. It could be Tony stopping by before he leaves to wherever he's going.

It could also be, god forbid because I swear I might actually kill him, Steve Rogers, unwilling to understand the words leave me alone.

I head over to the door and open it, mentally preparing myself for whatever emotion the person on the other side is going to pull from me.

I didn't expect that emotion to be confusion.


"Hey." he says nonchalantly, as if it was a greeting he gave me everyday.

"Hey." I respond awkwardly. "Is everything okay?"

He smiles as if it was a silly question. "Yeah". It's a little concerning that he's acting like this isn't completely out of the ordinary.

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