Chapter 27

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"Make You Feel My Love" - Adele

It's been two days since Steve woke up the first time and his progress has been slow but steady. He's been coming and going every few hours, and every time he wakes up he seems to stay awake longer and longer. But he hasn't really been fully conscious. He opens his eyes and at times can answer a few simple questions, but he quickly falls back unconscious. I panic everytime he does this but Olivia always reassures me that it's all normal.

My appetite has slightly come back. I'm more willing to try and eat, even if it isn't much. After calling everyone and telling them the news they all came to visit, and the hospital staff did not appreciate us crowding the room. But I'm assuming no one wanted to be the person to tell the Avengers to leave, because we didn't hear any complaints.

I still haven't been able to sleep properly. I'm not as upset as I was before, but now I'm just constantly worrying about him waking up and not having anyone be able to talk to him. Olivia said it's important for him to hear a familiar voice when he wakes up, that way he knows he's safe and he's more motivated to stay awake. The few times I have gotten a bit of sleep have been peaceful and free of nightmares. But my body still manages to wake itself up, knowing that I have to be alert in case Steve comes to.

So now, even though Steve and I are alone, I have my head resting on his bed as my eyes look towards the wall, and I'm fighting the fatigue that is hitting me hard. It's 10pm and I'm just laying here in silence, my eyelids feeling so heavy that I'm struggling to keep them open. Everytime I close them I take longer and longer to open them back up, and I can tell I'm not going to be able to hold out for much longer.

Suddenly I feel a small movement next to me, and I quickly lift my head and turn around, seeing Steve scrunch his face in what looks like guilt.

"I'm sorry. I was trying hard not to wake you up." he says, with more life in his voice than I've heard from before.

"It's okay." I say as I sit up straight. "I wasn't asleep."

He looks so much more awake now, and I can't help but wonder how long he was conscious for, just holding still, thinking I was asleep next to him. And with being more awake I can see he's more alert and focused. Unfortunately I can see it in his eyes when he looks at me and notices something is wrong. It's late in the night and the lights are turned low, except for the small lamplight at his bedside so I know I need to be careful.

"Do you need anything?" I ask as I turn away from him, hoping the low lighting will help hide my face.

But Steve's hand quickly comes up and puts his finger under my chin and turns me back to face him. He tilts my head to the side so the light can give him a better look.

"Mia..." he whispers, and I see the horror in his eyes as he takes in the changes to my face.

"I'm fine Steve." I say as I grab onto his hand and pull his grasp away, bringing his fingers to my lips and giving them a gentle kiss. "It's just been a hard few weeks."

"You look like you've been starved." he says and he flexes his hand in mine, gripping tight.

I don't want to tell him the truth, because I know he's going to feel guilty. But there isn't much I can say that will explain the obvious effects that the lack of sleep and nutrition have had on me.

"Um...I wasn't really...I kind of lost my appetite." I hesitantly say.

"Because of me?" he asks.

Yeah, I called it.

"No...I mean yeah technically but it's not like it's your fault or anything." I say, wanting to make sure he stays calm.

"Jesus, Mia." he says, clearly upset.

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