Chapter 17

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"I'm Yours" - Jason Mraz

"Steve the pancake! Flip the pancake!" I say as I rush over to the stove. I grab the spatula from his hand and quickly slide it under the pancake, flipping is over to reveal a dark brown color on the surface.

"Oops." Steve says, trying hard not to laugh.

"Well, that one will just be yours." I tell him.

Steve graciously volunteered us to make breakfast for the others. I honestly think it was just his excuse to spend more time with me, because he's really bad at cooking.

"That's fine." he says as he moves behind me. "I had my breakfast this morning." He leans down and starts kissing my neck, referencing earlier today.

After we woke up Steve felt a little bad for last nights torture, so he made up for it this morning...twice.

I pull my arm back and elbow him in the stomach as a warning to make sure he keeps his space, in case someone walks into the kitchen.

"Just make sure not to burn anything else or you're going to be left without any food." I say as I check over the other pans on the stove. "And I doubt this morning satisfied your appetite."

"No of course not." Steve says. Then suddenly his hands are on my hips and he turns me so that I'm facing him. "My hunger for you will never be satisfied." he whispers, then slides his hands onto the side of my neck, bringing his lips down to mine.

I will never get tired of his kisses. I will never get tired of him. But this is definitely not something we should be doing right now.

"We're going to get caught." I whisper, trying to pull away. But Steve leans right back in and deepens the kiss.

"Steve..." I say, but don't get more out when he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me closer to him. I panic and bring my hands up to his chest, using my force field to push him away. Unfortunately it's a little too hard and he stumbles back, hitting the counter.

"Oh god, Steve I'm sorry. I didn't mean to–"

He puts his hand up to stop me. "It's did the right thing. I'm the one who's sorry." he says, his face covered with guilt and frustration. He looks up at me, his eyes filled with longing.

"I just..."

"I know." I say as I take a few steps towards him. "I want normalcy too. And we'll get there. I promise. We just have to be patient."

He nods but I can still see the pain in his eyes. I grab his chin and rise up to give him a swift kiss before pulling away.

He looks down at me and smiles. "Mia..." he whispers.

"Yes.?" I ask.

"The pancake is burning."

"Shit!" I yell out as I turn back to the stove. I turn off the burner and flip the pancake, seeing this side is just a brown as the other one.

"Maybe we can share this one?" he says, causing both of us to chuckle.

"Maybe maple syrup will make it better." I say as I head over to the cabinets. I open them, spot the maple syrup and reach up to grab it, wincing as I do.

"I'm sorry." Steve says, feeling guilty.

As soon as I woke up this morning I immediately noticed that my entire body was horribly sore, my arms and back more than anything.

"Steve, I told you it's okay. It was worth it. I just have to get used to it."

He gives me a mischievous smile. "I guess we'll have to make sure we practice often."

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