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Sara paused for a moment. She needed to get her thoughts clear. Just when Ava was about to open her mouth Sara started talking.

"It all started when I was a freshman. I was a totally different person back then. I was shy and insecure. Then Julia crossed my path. She was immediately friendly to me and we became best friends in a matter of weeks. Then one day she didn't show up at school. First, I didn't worry. They told me she was sick. So I decided to bring her soup. But when I got there her house was a mess. She wasn't there and I worried. But what could I have done? I was this young girl who didn't understand the horrors of this world. So time passed and I slowly moved on. I never understood why she never returned. Until now.

"I always thought something was off about her. I wanted her to tell me what was going on, but she always seemed so happy. Maybe she faked it, I don't know. When I was a prisoner in that spaceship I remembered her when I head one of those Aliens mention a 'Julia'. These aliens looked a bit like us. I kept thinking about it the weeks I was tortured. Only when you came everything fell to its place. Julia was ordered to kill me, because I apparently had made her soft. She didn't kill me, though, because she remembered the good times we had. We were best friends for ever.

"Apparently she was an alien on earth and her people didn't come in peace. Maybe she went with them to protect me, maybe she went there to protect her grandma. I don't know why she ended up there, but I know she didn't want to be there. She must have seen it as torture. Maybe it was worse for her than it was for me these weeks. She must have had an horrible life before she died an even worse death.

"But I think I should be happy that she never changed. She was a good person, human or not, she was the best of us. And she showed that in a crappy situation you can still choose the right path. I will be thankful for her for the rest of my life"

Ava didn't know what to respond. She never knew this about Sara. She had never mentioned a Julia before. "I'm sorry" Ava whispered as she grabbed Sara's hands. Unexpectedly Sara kissed Ava's hand. With a soft smile she thought, Sara has not changed. But that wasn't entirely true. Sara had changed, but for the better. And thanks to Julia.


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