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Nate and Jax thought no one was watching them. But they were wrong. The moment they stepped aboard the aliens had figured out that they came for Sara. They had imprisoned her for a reason and they weren't gonna let these idiots ruin their plan. 

"This ship is the biggest i have ever seen. How the hell are we going to find her?" Nate asked. He had seen a lot in the last couple of years, but nothing like this. It made him feel uncomfortable. "We'll find her. And we can always contact the team" Jax reassured. Nate nodded. He held his hands close to the trigger of his gun. Even though he could turn into steel, these unknown creatures were freaking him out. 

They suddenly heard something behind them. They spun around, seeing a dozen of aliens approaching them. Nate reached for his earpiece, trying to contact Ava that they were in danger and needed immediate backup. But all he heard was statics. "Ava, Ava! We need your help" he tried, but he didn't believe it came through. When he looked up he looked right into the eyes of one alien. He heard running footsteps. Jax was running. He was trying to escape. This wasn't the best strategy. Then everything turned black. 

"Gideon? Come on!" Ava was getting frustrated. "I'm sorry ms Sharpe, but I have lost all contact with the Jumpship" Gideon replied polite. "This just keeps getting worse and worse" Ava sighed as she put her head in her hands. She sat in the Captain's chair. "I can fly the Waverider to the last known location of the Jumpship" Gideon said after a moment. Ava jumped up from her chair with a little faith. "Everyone on the Bridge for a team meeting in five" she yelled through the intercom.

"Look, I know all of you have lives apart from being a Legend. This is your last chance to step back. I won't blame you and we'll just drop you off at home" Ava began. "What's our status?" Behrad asked a little worried. "Gideon has the last known location of the Jumpship. We have to go there and see for ourselves what Jax and Nate found before we lost contact"
There was a silence in the group. Everyone was thinking about their options.
"It's okay if you back out. I won't hate you all of the sudden. This is a risk and I understand if you'd rather want to live"
"If you go there alone you won't survive" Zari commented. 
Ava tried not to be offended. She knew Zari was right. She couldn't fight a thousand aliens. 
"We're with you cap" Behrad smiled. The rest of the team - or what was left of them - nodded in agreement, even Mick. "Are you sure you don't want to go to your daughter?" Ava asked him. "I'm not a coward. I'm going to show Lita her father has changed" he said and then took a sip of his beer. Ava nodded slowly. "Then let's go"

"There, it's the Jumpship" Behrad pointed to it. It didn't move, which probably meant they weren't aboard anymore. Gideon opened a hatch and pulled the Jumpship back into its hanger. The Legends went over there and checked it out for themselves. There wasn't anyone in there. But there was a note. 

Ava, we're sorry about the way this went down. I put a tracker inside my clothes and I hope it isn't broken. We went to get Sara, but something probably went wrong. It's my fault, I was way over my head.

Ava put the note down and ran back to the Bridge. "Gideon, can you track Nate?"
"I found a signal, but it died fifteen minutes ago but-"
Behrad cut Gideon off. "Captain, look at that" he pointed to this huge ship. It wasn't from earth, that was certain from the looks of it. Ava's jaw dropped. "We have to get them back" Behrad said as the other Legends entered the Bridge. Ava nodded after a moment. She knew she had to make the tough call. "Suit up" she decided a seond later. 

Jax opened his eyes first. He immediately felt guilt. He shouldn't have admitted to this. He should have been wise and contact Ava in the first place. He shook his head, disappointed in himself. He heard a sigh. "Nate? Is that you?" It was too dark to tell. "Yeah, yeah it's me. What happened?" 
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"I think I'm fine. No big wounds, just bruises"
Jax nodded relieved. He didn't want to be Nate was killed by aliens, they were still good friends. "Are you okay?"
"My head hurts, but I'm fine" Jax replied honestly. They heard sounds approaching them. They can't see who it is that is out there. "We know why you're here" they hear this scary voice say. Jax felt how his throat was closing up. He couldn't speak a word. "You underestimated us. We will get Sara out of here" Nate responded firm. "You shouldn't make promises you cannot keep" and with that the sounds faded away. "We have to get out of here" Nate stated. Jax agreed and tried to speak. After a moment he managed to get "How?" out of his mouth. Nate grinned. They didn't know he could turn to steel. As he made sure the coast was clear he turned to steel and broke his chains. His hands were free and he freed his feet next. "Make quiet sounds so I can find you" he instructed. Jax did as he said. He was scared someone would hear him. A few minutes later Nate felt Jax' shoulder. "Hold up your hands" he said. 

In a matter of seconds Jax was free as well. The first thing he did was hug Nate. "I'm so sorry man" Nate said
"It's okay, I should have been more persistent on calling Ava first"
"hm, I just really wanted to return with Sara and Ava would be so happy. I haven't seen her happy in weeks" Nate sounded sad. 
"We will bring her home. We just need to find a way to contact the team. We can't do this alone"
"Yeah, about that, I put a tracker in my clothes, just to be sure. I'm not certain it still works, but Ava should be able to track the last location. I just don't know if this ship's moving" Nate smirked. Jax was relieved and tried not to laugh out loud. They were going to make it. This time he really believed it. 


okay, first of all, sorry for not uploading for a month. I'm not making excuses, I just really suck. I really want to finish this book, because i know how much it sucks when an author stops uploading. So here I am; finishing my original story. 

The chapters are going to be a little shorter than before, because I have just lost it I think. 

Also, this book is coming to an end. I never planned to make like 50 chapters, but I still want to finish it so I don't suck as much as i think lmao. 

Anyways, just comment what you think and I hope to upload another chapter ASAP. 

Stay safe <3

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