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3 months later

Sara had given up. She didn't want to keep searching for her best friend forever. She accepted that she wasn't coming back. It made her sad. She was all alone again. "Hey sweetie, are you okay?" her dad opened the door and brought her an apple. "Thanks" she pointed to the apple her father had put down on her desk. He tilted his head. He was worried about his daughter. He knew she had been through a lot, even though she didn't share lots of stuff in her life nowadays. "I'm going to be alright" she smiled at her father and didn't mean it. She didn't want her father to worry about her. She could handle this on her own. "All right, well, Laurel and I are going to the mall, do you want to come?" he asked. "I'm fine, thanks" Sara looked him into his eyes and saw that the worry hadn't disappeared. "I'm going to be fine, dad, I'm serious" she repeated. He nodded slowly and closed the door on his way out. Sara didn't know what to do. She didn't have any other friends. She didn't want any other friends. Her friendship with Julia was so natural, like they had known each other for so many years. She sighed as she stood up and grabbed the apple. Why would Julia leave like that? 

Time passed. Christmas arrived and so did the new year. Sara still hoped Julia would return one day and apologize for leaving like that. But she never did. Sara couldn't wrap her head around it. She wanted answers, but she knew she wasn't going to get them. She needed to let this go and just make other friends. So her resolutions for the new year were being more outgoing. 

"Merry Christmaaaaassssssss" Laurel ran into Sara's bedroom on December 25th. Sara smiled as she removed the thoughts she had for the last months. She wanted to move on. She didn't want to ruin Christmas. Her family had been so patient with her. "Merry Christmas" Sara smiled as she was still getting dressed. "Are you excited to see grandma?" Laurel asked as she sat down on her chair and looked at herself in the mirror. "I am, I haven't seen her in forever" Sara coulnd't stop smiling. She had shoved down the feeling of guilt and thinking it was her fault. "Let's go" Laurel grabbed her arm and murmured Sara looked perfect before dragging her downstairs. Their father was wearing a tuxedo and it suited him well. "You are the most beautiful women on the earth" he grinned. Laurel nodded a thank you. It was time to leave. They couldn't be late for brunch. 

This chapter was like way shorter than the previous ones. I just wanted Sara to move on a bit and bc of Julia she's more extravert :))))))

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