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Hi! First of all, thank you for reading my book.

I've got a question for you!

As you might know English is not my mother tongue. I'm trying to improve my English and I need your help! My grammar sucks in my opinion, so I would like to ask you to correct me if you notice mistakes. You can just comment the sentence/word that's wrong and the correction. Thank you!

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Sara thought she was losing her mind. She didn't understand what had happened. She felt the pain in her back. Had she had it all this time, or did someone just do this to her? She tried to turn around, but couldn't. It was like she was frozen in place. Then she felt pain in her legs. She couldn't barely stand on her feet. "Who are you? Why are you doing this?" she grunted. She gritted her teeth. The pain in her back worsened. Could she feel more pain? Sara tried not to scream, but failed miserably as she couldn't bare this any longer. "Why am I here?" she tried to get answers once more before she lost consciousness. "We'll continue when she wakes up" A woman's voice said with a dark voice.

Jax ran into the Cortext. "Ava!" he yelled out of breath. She turned around in the Captain's chair and looked a little concerned. After he catched his breath he looked up to her. "What's going on?" Ava asked tired. She hadn't been sleeping well ever since Sara was away. "I think we have a new lead"
"Fire away"
"Okay, so you have searched the entire timeline for Sara, and didn't find her. I was thinking about that, because Gideon should have found her if Sara was in the timeline"
"You think she's on a place that's out of time? Like the Vanishing Point?"
"That is one possibility. But you also said she was kidnapped after you all went to the bar. I checked the bar. It's a very popular one and there are a lot of criminals in the neighborhood. Every business in the area there must have security cameras, right?"
"Yeah, but we already checked those. They died a few minutes before we got out of the bar"
"True, I went back to the bar and replayed it myself. But then I took Zari, who apparently can hack her ways into almost everything and I let her do her business for an hour or so"
"And?" Ava was excited and stood up. "She got back what was deleted"
"I have to see it, where is it?"
Jax took Ava to the library where the rest of the team was. Gideon played the footage again on the bigger screen. "Look" Nate pointed to Sara, who was on the frozen footage, "Charlie just got inside. You can see Sara hears something suspicious, while we return to the Waverider" Gideon continued the video. "And suddenly a blue something appears and she literally gets sucked away" Nate continued as Gideon replayed the moment a few times. Ava gasped. "What's next captain?" Behrad asked. But Ava was drowned in her thoughts and hadn't heard him. Then she walked away.

Ava needed to think. It was her fault Sara was kidnapped. She didn't hear Jax come in. "You okay, Ava?" he asked. Ava was startled. "Sorry" Jax gestured. Ava shook her head slowly. "It's fine, I was just thinking"
"About Sara?"
Ava nodded.
"It's not your fault, you know"
"How did you know I was thinking that?"
"Sara always blames herself, too"
"I shouldn't have drank that much. Then I would've heard it, too, or I could've saved her"
"You can't think like that"
"Then how should I think?" Ava asked hopeless.
"You should think about a plan to save her" Jax smiled at her. It made Ava wanna smile back, but she just couldn't.
"I don't know what to think at the moment"
"Look, I've been thinking about this" Jax started as he sat down next to Ava and folded his arms. "Maybe the reason you haven't found her yet is because you've only let Gideon search for places on earth"
"You're thinking about aliens?"
Jax shrugged. "Maybe, could be possible. We already know they exist. We're friends with one"
Ava sighed. "Gideon can't search outside of space"
"We can take the Waverider there. We can split in two teams, two people can take the Jumpship. They can go faster, because it's a smaller ship"
Ava nodded enthusiastically. "We can take the Jumpship together"
"Ava, they need their Captain here" Jax said soft. He knew how badly she wanted to find Sara and that they had more chance in the Jumpship; it was discrete and faster, but the team needed her. Ava looked disappointed, what Jax understood. "I know. All right, you take the Jumpship with Nate. We'll communicate at all times, understood?"
"Yes... Captain" Jax smiled. "Team meeting on the Bridge in five minutes" Ava said through the microphone.

"Great plan, cap" Nate said, "but I do have to do some more reseach before we depart"
"Do that. We need to figure out the species first, so we can learn their weaknesses. Then we attack and bring Sara home" Ava agreed. "What if these aliens decide to attack the planet before we attack them?" Mick asked. He took a sip from his beer, the Legends didn't even know how much he drank anymore. He grunted as he noticed the beer was empty. "If they decide to attack earth... then we'll call the others" Ava sighed. "Crossover.. Sweet!" Behrad fistbumped Nate, who was also excited for a team-up with the others. "Let's pray it won't come to that" Ava whispered as everyone left the Bridge. Ava made Gideon and the Waverider ready to go to space.

"We got this" Jax hugged Ava before he stepped aboard the Jumpship. She nodded slowly, not sure if she believed it. Nate was already behind the controls. The door closed and the Jumpship took off. "Where do we start? Do you know how big space is?" Jax asked as he finally could show his doubt. He tried to be strong around Ava, but here she wasn't listening, at least, not now. "I have been researching alien species on earth over the last hundred years. We've had Kryptonians, which makes sense, because they're our friends, we've had Dominators, and there was this one species. In the books everything was 'unknown' except for things like: they're very strong and smell better than humans and they will crush you in a second" Nate explained. Then his face expression changed. "That doesn't mean Sara is dead"
"I know, I know" Jax said, still doubtfully. "Anyways, it said there were an unknown number of that species on earth and they acted like humans. It looks like at the beginning of this century they took off, but they could have returned. So, let's go" Nate started controlling the Jumpship, instead of Gideon. "You skipped the part where you explain how we find them" Jax strapped himself in. It could be a bumpy ride. They had no idea what they would face, once they found them. "Krypton was destroyed and that's why Superman and Supergirl came to earth; they needed a home. The Dominators were mean and did still have a planet, but they just wanted to kill Barry. These species... if they wanted to destroy us they would have done it already. I think their planet was destroyed, too, or an evil dicator or something. Anyway, I don't think they can go home, well maybe they could finally return home in the early 2000s"
"Let's just say that we hope they're still on some sort of spaceship, so we can track them"
"And what if they're not?"
"Then we're screwed" Nate flew full speed out of the earth's atmosphere. "Great" Jax mumbled.

"Nate? Jax? You there?" Ava asked. Apparently the communication in space wasn't connecting. She'd tried a couple of times before. Only statics. She sighed. What was going on out there? All she saw was darkness. She didn't know whether they were okay or not. Maybe they had found Sara already, maybe not. "Ava? What's - - with - - connecti-" she heard suddenly. "Nate! I think it has something to do with being in space!"
"I think it's because we're in space"
"Or - - it's the - - liens"
"The aliens? Haven't thought about that. You okay? I've been trying to reach you for hours!"
"We - - fine. - - not found - - yet"
"Just keep looking. We'll find her" Ava tried to be optimistic. "Ye - -"
Ava pressed the communication link away. She was starving. She hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. She stood up and walked to the kitchen. "What are we going to do if we find them?" Zari asked suddenly. "Then we'll get Sara back"
"Before or after we're killed?"
Ava turned to Zari. "We'll learn their weaknesses and destroy them if necessary"
"What if they don't have any?"
"Let's worry about that when the time comes, okay?" Ava was a little indignant. And now she was worrying about it. She ate her salad at the table. "Sorry" Zari mumbled and turned away. Ava understood her. She had a life besides being a Legend. Maybe Ava should have a life besides this too. But Sara is her life. She shook her head. She wished she had just turned around, so she could've stopped them when they took Sara.

"What is that?" Jax' eyes turned big. "It's where Sara is" Nate whispered shocked. The spaceship was at least twenty times bigger than the Waverider. It was almost invisible in the darkness and it looked very threatening. "Let's call Ava"
"No, wait" Nate covered his hand over the on-button. "Dude, we have to tell her we might have found her!"
"I know, but look, they haven't noticed us yet, because the Jumpship is small. They might discover the Waverider. We could just do a little recon mission ourselves. Maybe we'll find her and we could get her out of there without them noticing"
"It's only the two of us here, we don't stand a chance against them"
"We just have to sneak in" Nate smirked. Jax knew this was a bad idea, but nodded anyway. "Just a recon mission, then we'll contact Ava"
"Bring it" Nate smiled as he held his hand up. Jax high-fived it and they got ready to sneak aboard.

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