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Why did that girl know Sara's name? And more important, why did Sara know her? The was Sara said her name. It was something deeper than 'I met you a few weeks ago'. "MURDER HER!" The Queen yelled angry. She wanted Sara dead. In her opinion, she had suffered enough. The Queen was bored of her and wanted her dead. 

Sara lowered her head again as it became too heavy for her. She expected a sharp pain before everything would turn black. Every second seemed to last forever. Her head ached. Her entire body hurt. She wanted it to end. But it didn't end. "Sara?" this time it was a small whisper. "I SAID, KILL HER" The Queen repeated, but instead the girl lowered her spear. "KILL HER OR I WILL" the Queen threatened, but it didn't seem to work. 

The girl dropped the spear and ran to Sara. The Guards held her tight, but the girl managed to free Sara. She dropped to the ground when their grip loosened, but the girl caught her. This was Ava's chance and she nodded to the team. They used their elbows to hit the other aliens in their  faces. They were defenseless for a second and the Legends took that opportunity to run out of the room. As the guards were about to go after them the Queen held up her hand. "We'll get them. Just be patient" she said in a calm voice. 

"We're safe here. For now" the girl laid Sara on the bed. She was barely alive. "Who are you?" Ava asked suspicous. "I'm Julia. I knew Sara a long time ago"
"I don't understand"
"We'll explain when there's time, but we need to get out now. We have to hijack a ship, but I'm afraid they won't let us leave"
"We just have to get to the Waverider" Nate commented. "What's a Waverider"
"It's a spaceship, like this one" Behrad explained quickly. "How do we get out of here?" Ava asked. Julia shrugged. "Fighting your way through is one thing. But with her, that's another. I don't know if we can get out of here" she nodded towards Sara. 

Ava kneeled down next to Sara and grabbed her hand. Sara grunted. "I'm so sorry. You must be in so much pain right now. But I promise we will get you out of here" Ava whispered with tears in her eyes. A tear escaped Sara's eyes so she closed them quickly. 

"Mick, Nate and Jax will go first to create a path for us. Then Julia and I will follow with Sara. Zari and Behrad will be behind us to protect us from anyone who stands in our way" Ava explained. Everyone nodded. "Here, I've got some weapons" Julia handed everyone what they needed. 

"Ride or die" Jax nodded to Ava. She needed his encouragement really bad right now. 

When they entered the hallway it seemed quiet. Too quiet. An alien came running around the corner with five others. Jax, Mick and Nate started fighting them. Jax got hit. A sword went through his arm. He grunted, but didn't give up. "We gotta hurry, we can't defeat them" Julia hissed. 

When they arrived at the other spaceships they faced the Queen. She was the most powerful of them all. Julia knew it. "Get her in there, I'll fight her" Julia nodded to the closest spaceship. Ava hesistated but nodded. "My daughter. You have disobeyed me. You are such a disappointment" the Queen spoke courtly. "Because of you I forgot my humanity"
"You're not a human. You're supposed to be one of us"
"I feel more home with the humans than I have ever felt here. You're cruel. You kill everyone who disobeys you"
"You've killed. What's the difference between us?"
"I regret everything I did. Sara made my realize that" And with that Julia took her speak and ran towards her mother. 

The Legends fought their way to the spaceship. Mick and Zari got injured badly. Behrad helped his sister to the ship and Nate helped Mick, even though they were hurt too. Ava seemed to be fine. When they entered there were fifteen more aliens ready to fight them. "We got this" Nate grunted as he put Mick on the ground. "Just throw" he added as he handed him a couple of knives. Mick could do that. 

"We have to leave, NOW!" Jax yelled. The aliens were defeated but barely. Almost everyone was hurt badly. "We can't leave Julia" Ava said and went to the cargo bay. There she saw that Julia was defeated. The Queen stabbed Julia and left. She didn't need the Legends anyway. Her prisoner, Sara, wouldn't survive the trip anyway and Julia was dead. Ava ran towards Julia when the coast was clear. She was still alive, but had trouble breathing. "Hold on, hold on" Ava whispered as she tried to lift Julia's head. "No, Ava, I- I know I'm not gonna make it" she murmured the words.
"Save your energy, we can help you!"
"No, wait, please, just save Sara and tell her---- tell her-- tell her I'm sorry and I didn't mean to leave, but they kidnapped my grandma. They- they killed her in front of me. I wanted to be a good person, but-" Julia ended up whispering with tears streaming down her face. Ava gasped as she stopped breathing. She was dead. 

Ava stumbled back to the spaceship they were about to steal. Then she noticed the wound in her stomach. She was injured as well. She tried to stop the bleeding by applying pressure. It helped a bit and she closed the hatch behind her. "Jax!" she yelled as she started to panick. They met a moment later. He noticed her wound and helped her to the Bridge of this spaceship. The entire team was lying on the floor or sitting on a chair. Everyone was conscious except Sara. "We need Gideon" Behrad grumbled in pain. Ava nodded and sat down in the captain's chair. She ignored the pain. She needed to save them. Everyone would die if she didn't to this. 

"There are only two beds in the Medbay, Gideon can't help us all at the same time" Nate said as they entered the Waverider. "Zari and Behrad, you go first. Then Jax and Nate and then Sara and Mick can go" Ava decided within a second. Everyone doubted for a second. "But Ava, you're bleeding out. And Sara, she needs medical attention!" Behrad protested. "Look at your sister, B, she needs medical attention too. Sara would agree with me on this one" Ava said as they walked towards the Medbay. Behrad mumbled a 'fine' as he and Zari walked into the Medbay. 

Half an hour later Behrad could go to his bedroom to rest. His legs were injured bad, but Gideon stopped the bleeding. He had to heal. In a wheelchair he wheeled to his bedroom. Jax was about to pass out as he was sitting in a chair on the Bridge. "Come on" Nate grunted as he helped Jax get up. He helped Jax get to the Medbay. Nate waited in a chair for his turn. Zari might need another hour or so. 

Ava was lying in her bed. She tried to stay conscious so she could apply pressure on her wound. She had lost lots of blood and she was dizzy in her head. With her other hand she tried to stop Sara's bleeding, but there were just too many wounds. And besides, Sara was still unconscious. 

"Ava!" Nate ran into her bedroom. He shook her shoulders and Ava suddenly gained consciousness. She had no idea how much time had passed. "We need to get you two to the Medbay, now!" Nate said as he helped her up. "Nate, I don't think I'm going to make it. Please take Sara" Ava whispered. "But captain-"
Nate stopped talking as he saw her face expression. He nodded and lifted Sara's body. She was barely breathing. His arms were broken and it hurt so bad, but he needed to save Sara. "Gideon! Help her" he screamed. He put her on a bed and sighed relieved as the weight was off his arms. "Can you save her?"
"I don't know. I'm sorry, dr Heywood" Gideon replied. Nodding, Nate left to pick up Ava. He borrowed Behrad's wheelchair. When he arrived at Ava's bedroom he noticed she had passed out again. Her entire bed was covered in blood. He searched for a pulse and found a really weak one. Then he pulled her into the wheelchair and wheeled her to the Medbay. 

"Can't we just go home already?" Mick asked a few days later. They were still in the Temporal Zone. Mick's injuries had healed. Nate's arms were still broken as were Behrad's legs. Zari was still in her bed. She had a few broken ribs and had severe injuries in her skull. "No, Gideon is focussing all her power on Sara and Ava. We can't fly, because then our captains will die" Nate sighed. "I'm bored" Mick grunted as he grabbed a beer. There wasn't anything they could do that had anything to do with technology, like watching TV etc. If there was any chances of saving Sara and Ava, they were taking it. 

"Mr Jackson, Ava's waking up" Gideon announced three weeks later. Jax and Nate ran to the Medbay immediately. Behrad wheeled behind them and Mick was drinking a beer in the kitchen. Ava looked so vulnerable and weak. "Sara" Ava whispered. "She hasn't woken up yet" Nate placed a hand on her shoulder. "You've been unconscious for three weeks. You lost a lot of blood" Jax told her. Ava was too weak to respond properly. Her stomach hurt badly. "You need to rest" Jax smiled soft. She nodded slightly and they left her alone. 

"How is she?" Behrad asked in the hallway. "She's going to be okay, but she's too weak for now. We can't leave the Temporal Zone yet" Nate said as they returned to the Bridge. They hadn't even reached it when a loud alarm went off. It came from the Medbay. The three guys gave each other startled looks for a moment. Then they started running. 

"Gideon?" Nate yelled in panick. They ran into the Medbay and their eyes fell on Sara. She was having a seizure. 

Lmao i thought this was going to be the last chapter, but guess what, ITS NOTT!!

I AM SO CRUEL. I DIDN'T MEAN TO KILL OF JULIA, BUT THEN I WAS LIKE: but on the other hand, why not? (you see what i did there *winks*)

Also, I noticed that every time I don't know what to do with Mick I just let him drink beer hahaha. 

Stay Safe!

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