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A/N: i literally said to myself for the last 6 chapters: the story is ending in this chapter.

And here I am, still writing this story :)))


The plan was to celebrate Christmas at Ray's, but Ava didn't want to leave Sara's side. "I told you already. You should just celebrate it without me. It's fine" Ava sighed. She didn't want to be trouble for everyone. "It's fine, we'll just celebrate it here. I'm sure there's enough room" Nate said before Ray picked up the phone. Then he made the arrangements. 

The entire week there had been no improvement in Sara's condition. She hadn't woken up yet, which was concerning. Not only to Ava, but also to Gideon. Her calculations were wrong. 

Everyone would come at four. It was only three. Ava and Nate had set the table. The kitchen was big enough for everyone luckily. 

Jax took the Jumpship to 1945, where he picked up Amaya. They hadn't seen each other in years and he was so happy to see her again. Then he went to 2042, where they picked up Zari and Behrad. 

Ava led the Waverider to 2020, where she picked up Jax, Mick, Ray, Nora, Wally, John, Charlie, Mona and Gary. Unfortunately Astra, Kendra and Carter couldn't make it. 

They all gathered on the Bridge. Everyone hugged each other. Others met for the first time. It was weird for Amaya to see herself, because Charlie was still wearing her face. "Where's Sara?" Amaya asked suddenly. The whole room fell quiet. Most of them didn't know what happened the past weeks. "Uh, we've encountered some powerful enemies-"

"She means aliens" Nate interrupted with a smirk. He still thought it was kinda cool, even though he was worried about Sara most of the time. "Yes, aliens kidnapped Sara and uh she's still in the Medbay" Ava cut her story short as her voice started trembling. Amaya walked over to her and gave her a hug. "Thanks" Ava whispered. 

"LET'S EATTT!" Nate yelled as he put the turkey on the table. Everyone sat down. Jax stood up. "I just wanted to say that I'm glad that all of you could make it. I've missed you all and to be honest, we should do this more often" 

"Except we all live in different time periods" Zari observed. That made everyone laugh. "Seriously. I live a century in your future" Zari told Amaya. She nodded in return. "It's crazy"

Everyone had enjoyed the dinner Gideon had created. 

"Even though Gideon created the main course. Ava and I have spent our time in making the dessert" Nate said excitedly as he and Ava served everyone the dessert they had made. "SNICKERDOODLES WITH ICE CREAM!" Ray yelled happily as he remembered that time he ate them at Ava's parents' house, even though they were just actors. 

"This is really good!" Nora complimented them. Ava smiled. "It's actually my actor parents' recipe" she glundered. Before anyone could speak Gideon interrupted. "Ms Sharpe, you are requested in the Medbay" 

Ava gasped in shock as she pushed her chair back and ran out of the kitchen. No one followed her. They knew she needed a moment alone. And of course, they couldn't let the ice cream melt. 

"Don't tell me you ate all the ice cream" Ava heard a soft whisper when she entered the Medbay. A smile grew on her face when she saw her girlfriend with her eyes open. She still looked pale, but she was grateful that she had woken up. Immediately, Ava sat down next to Sara's bed and grabbed her hand. "I'm so glad you're okay" she said with a trembling voice as she held back tears. She had been in fear for weeks, always thinking the worst was going to happen. "I'm stronger than you think" Sara said deadpan. Ava's smile faded a bit. "What happened out there?" she asked as she saw Sara wasn't the same as before. 

"I'm just really tired now. But I could go for some ice cream" There weren't many emotions in Sara's voice. Ava knew she had been through a lot and decided to listen. "All right, I'll get you some" she gave another soft smile as she headed back to the kitchen. 

Half an hour later Ava sat down at the table with the other Legends and sighed. "Everything okay?" Jax asked. "Uh, yeah, Sara's asleep, so that's good"

Her ice cream had melted and quickly she ate her snickerdoodles. Everyone was talking with each other, but Amaya noticed something was off with Ava. She wasn't really participating in any conversations. She was just smiling and avoiding questions. 

It was around two am when Zari, Behrad, Ray, Nora, John and Nate took the Jumpship to 2042 and then to 2020. The Waverider set course to 2020, where they could drop off the others. 

"We'll stay in touch" John smirked as he lit a cigarette and walked into fresh air. Ava nodded as she closed the door after the last Legends left. "We should get you to 1945" Ava said as she was walking back to the Bridge. "Ava, hold up" Amaya caught up with her and grabbed her arm. 

"Are you alright?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah"

"Ava, come on. Did something happen with Sara?"

Ava tried to avoid eye contact so she looked up to the ceiling and at the walls. 

"You can tell me" Amaya said reassuring. Ava looked down at the ground. 

"Sara... she's not the same" she whispered. 

"Can you blame her? She's been through a lot" Amaya slightly tilted her head. "What if she'll never be the same again?"

"You can help her, I believe it" Amaya put her hand on Ava's shoulder. 

"Shouldn't we get you back to 1945?" Ava smiled a moment later. "I guess it's time for me to go home. I hope to see you guys soon" 

Ava nodded as the Waverider took off to 1945. 

They hugged goodbye and Amaya smiled. "Please visit me when Sara's properly healed"

"Will do"

And with that Amaya returned home, to Zambesi. 

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