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Sara woke up, not knowing what year she was in, what time it was or even if it was day or night. Her eyes needed a moment to adjust to the darkness around her. After she rubbed them for a second she took a good look around. She didn't recognize anything. Not things she had seen in the past, and nothing from the future she had been in. Sara had always been fascinated by the future and loved it when they travelled there with the team. The team! What was the last thing Sara remembered? She thought about it the best she could. Then she suddenly knew. The last mission was after she went on a date with Ava, which went fine, until she saw the Waverider crash in Star City. They had been looking for the Totems to defeat Mallus. Yes, that was it! Sara cheered for herself as she remembered it. For a moment she smiled. Then she remembered where she was. That was the point. She didn't know where she was. Her hands and feet were tied together and she could barely move. What was going on? Why was she here? Had she done something wrong. This wasn't the Time Bureau and not even the Time Masters. Maybe she was kidnapped by Time Pirates? Sara sighed. She wished she could remember when exactly she was kidnapped. Maybe it wad Damien Darhk who was involved. He was always involved. Sara shook her head. If this was him she had to kill him, right?

"Look, I appreciate your optimism, but we've been searching the timeline for weeks and we've had no hits" Ava said to Gideon and put her hands in her hair. She knew she was slowly losing it, and maybe this was the explosion. She felt like she was about to start crying and wasn't going to stop. She missed the woman she loved so much. Ever since she found out she was a Clone she felt everything but human. Sara was the one to make her feel like a person again. Someone with hobbies, friends and a girlfriend. But now she felt lost. She didn't have any ideas left. The Legends hadn't been the same without their rightful captain and Ava didn't feel like she was doing a good job on her own. Maybe her feelings were clouding her judgement. She felt like she was messing everything up. But there wasn't like a manual for being a captain for Legends.  She turned around in her chair and watched them for a moment. When Sara came back she'd be so disappointed to see the Legends like this. If. If Sara came back. Ava sighed again. The Legends were falling apart. John had left the team to focus on being a 'Master of the Dark Arts' with Gary. Mick was spending more and more time with his kid and was barely around on the Waverider. Zari had taken a parttime job in 2040. Nate never seemed to leave the library anymore and probably had read every book twice by now. And Behrad was just never around when Ava needed him. She shook her head and walked away. "I need to get to work" Zari said and smiled before she walked to the Jumpship. She was different. She used to be spoiled and popular, now she was perfect, sweet and nice and still very pretty. "I should head back to the library" Nate nodded and Behrad followed him.

"Okay, B, listen, we can't give up"
"I know" Behrad sighed in sorrow as he sunk into a chair.
"Ava is counting on us and the team, everyone decided to move on!"
"I can't believe Mick and Zari are just never around"
"Look, it's not just that"
"What do you mean?" Behrad frowned.
"I know that everything good ends one time and I knew the Legends wouldn't last forever, but this is just wrong"
Behrad didn't put away his frown. "So, what's your point?"
"Sara, she's- She's always been here for us. Everytime one of us got hurt or kidnapped. She never let us down or left us. She didn't go home or took a job, because the mission wasn't finished until the entire team was back on the ship" Nate threw his hands in the air and let them down immediately to make a point.
"But Martin did die, and Rip, and Snart, and even Jax left"
"And I can still see the pain in Sara's eyes everytime I look at her. Even Jax, he's still alive, but they had this special connection and the last time we saw him was when we defeated Mallus" Nate snapped his fingers as he finished his sentence. "What if we call him! He can help us find Sara and she'd be thrilled to see him after all this time!"
Behrad nodded in agreement. It was a great plan. "We should tell Ava, though"

The first thing Ava did was hug them both, even before they gave her the idea. "What was that for?" Behrad asked confused. "Thank you for not giving up on her" she whispered with tears in her eyes. "We would never!" Nate smiled, hoping Ava wouldn't start crying, because then he was probably gonna cry too. "Yeah, but everyone seemed to have moved on" Ava said as she shook her head in disbelief. "We have to motivate them. And we can, because we have an idea" Behrad said and pointed to Nate, so he'd tell her, since it was his idea.

Ava was totally surprised and thought it was a great idea. They sent the message immediately and called for a team meeting. "Why are we here?" Mick asked. He took a sip of his beer. It seems like his old habits die hard. "Yes! Nate came here with an excellent idea" Ava started and told the Legends what she did. "So, this is half a plan" Zari asked. Ava muttered something, trying to find the right words to defend herself. "I'm pretty sure we can figure something out together!" Jax smiled bright as he walked into the Bridge. "Jax!" Nate smiled and hugged him. He laughed aloud. "It's good to see you, man" he added.
"Likewise" he said and hugged Behrad next. He didn't dare to touch Mick, but he accepted the fist bump. "Thank you so much for coming" Ava sighed relieved. "No problem! Hey, I'm Jax" he answered, saying the last part to Zari. They shook hands. "Nice to meet you" she said. This Zari had never worked together with Jax. Behrad was the one in the current timeline who worked with Jax for a little while. "We thought you might help us. We need new insight" Behrad said. Jax nodded. "So, Sara's been kidnapped since..?"
"Almost a month ago" Ava responded. "By who?"
Ava didn't know the answer to that question. She shook her head, helpless. "You told me the last time you saw her was when you went out to a bar? Have you asked the people who were there that night if they saw anything?"
Nate answered this time. "Yes, we did. But everyone was drunk and didn't pay attention. We asked Charlie, she was with the team for two years after you left, but she didn't know anything either. And she offered to help us, but she'd done so much for us already"
"Okay, so that's a dead end. Hmm, I need to think. We'll figure something out" Jax frowned. "Library is all yours" Nate grimaced. "Thanks"

Ava was sitting at the table in the kitchen with a drink untouched. She'd been sitting there for almost an hour, thinking about everything. She didn't even notice Jax when he walked in. He went for the Food Fabricator. A moment later he slid a plate with a donut on it closer to Ava. She startled and looked up. "Oh, hey" she said. She didn't look into his eyes, because she felt like she was going to cry if she did. "You okay?"
Ava didn't respond. 
"Sorry, stupid question. I haven't been around for a long time, so. I see a lot has changed. When I met you, you were-" Jax stopped himself. "A mean Time Bureau bitch?"
"That's not what I was gonna say. How are you holding up?"
Ava drowned in her sorrow, but didn't want to burden Jax with them. "I'm fine"
Unfortunately Ava was a terrible liar. Jax spotted it immediately. "Nate told me how much you care for Sara, I'm sorry"
Ava nodded slowly as she felt tears trying to burst out. "The team is falling apart, it's all my fault" Ava whispered. "Don't say that. Nate and Behrad are doing everything they can. And it's understandible that Mick wants to spend time with his daughter, right? It doesn't matter, everyone will be here when we need them the most"
"I don't know how to be a captain"
"You'll figure it out. Do you think I knew how to be a father when my wife got pregnant? No, but I made it work and she's the light of my life" 
As much as Ava tied to be sad, because she felt like she had to be, she couldn't not get excited when Jax mentioned his daughter. "How old is she?"
"Almost eleven" Jax grimaced as he thought of her. "Then why are you here? What if you get killed? We don't even know who took Sara!" Ava almost jumped in the air. "And that's a good captain. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine"

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