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The next Monday Julia didn't show up at school. Sara frowned as the teachers didn't know where she was either. Her absence made school for Sara dull again. She didn't feel like she was as shy as she was before, but she had never been a 'nerd'. "Sara! Wait up" Laurel caught up with her. "Hi" Sara smiled, but her thoughts wandered off. "Where's your friend? I thought you had already made friends!" 
"I don't know, maybe she's sick"
"That's too bad. So, remember how I promised we'd cycle home together?" Laurel put her arm around her sister. Sara felt embarrassed, because everyone was looking at them. "Yeah"
"Well, I can't"
"What? Why? Don't say someone better offered to cycle with you" Sara said indignant. She wanted to spend more time with her sister. "What, no!" Laurel pulled back her arm and put her hands in her pockets. "I kind of have detention" she whispered. 
"What!" Sara was almost yelling. 
"Shh, not everyone needs to know"
"How did you manage to get detention?" Sara frowned. 
"I hadn't showed up last week in a few classes and didn't make my homework. I'll be home at half past five. Don't tell dad I'm later, because I'm in detention, okay? Thanks, love you" Laurel smiled and walked away, off to detention. Sara sighed and shook her head. She checked the time. It was four o'clock. "Sir?" she asked the janitor. "Hmm?"
"Do you have the address of Julia?" that was the moment she realized she didn't even know her last name. "She's from 1C"
"I'm her friend. I wanted to bring her some soup, she's sick" Sara lied, but hid it with a smile. The janitor hesitated. He kind of noticed Sara was lying, but he checked the school records anyway. "She lives in Apartment 1B in the Glades" he said after a few clicks. "Which building?"
"Doesn't say, sorry" the janitor said and continued doing his work. Sara sighed. She had one and a half hour to find her. 

The Glades weren't far. Sara asked the owners of the building if  'a Julia with her grandma' lived there. They just shook their head. She checked the time. She couldn't be later than Laurel. She had 30 minutes left. Cycling home would take ten minutes, so she had 20 minutes left to find Julia. "Sir, do Julia and her grandma live here?" she asked. The guy checked something on his computer. Then he nodded. "1B" he answered. "Thank you" 
It didn't take her long. She door was broken. She could see the living room from down the hallway. "What happened here?" she thought aloud. She stepped inside and looked around. It was a total mess! There wasn't anything that wasn't broken. There seemed to have been a fire in the fireplace not 48 hours ago. There was someting other than wood. Someone burned something. Who did this? Where did she go? Maybe Julia and her grandma decided to leave? But why wasn't she at school? Or why hadn't Julia let her know something happened? Suddenly she noticed it was 5:25 p.m. 


She ran downstairs and cycled home as quickly as she could. Out of breath she put her bike against the shed. It was 5:33 p.m. 
And then Laurel arrived. Sara hadn't been too late. "Hey" she said as she parked her bike next to Sara's. They walked inside. "Where have you been! I've been worried sick!" Quentin yelled slightly angry. "Sorry, dad, I had to talk to my history teacher about a project and Sara decided to make her homework at school. We should have told you we were going to be late" Laurel lied with a straight face. Sara's mouth almost dropped, but she was too shocked. Laurel lied for her. "Dinner is ready" Quentin mumbled as he walked to the kitchen without responding to Laurel's explanation. 
"Why did you to that?"
"What?" Laurel checked her phone. 
"Lie for me?"
"I believe you had plenty reasons not to go home immediately and I haven't been honest either. Just go with it" 

It took Julia some time to contact them. She thought she had figured out by now who had kidnapped her grandma. She'd been living by herself for a few weeks now and her message finally got through. She wasn't in Star City anymore, because she knew this would draw everyone's attention. Julia was getting nervous as she saw the small ship land a few yards in front of her. She tried not to show it by putting her shaking hands in her pocket. She had known her entire life she was different. And then, before she left the apartment, she found her grandma's diary. She read the truth. First, she needed time, but then she realized her grandma still needed her help. Julia was the first to move. From this distance it seemed like the ship was empty. She took it slow. She didn't want to startle them. She didn't know if they were dangerous. She took a deep breath and kept walking. Everything inside her yelled 'go back', but she didn't change her direction. Her love for her grandma was bigger than her fear, even though now her legs were trembling too. "I got this" she whispered to herself. The ship became clearer and clearer. Julia had feared the unknown ever since she read that diary, but that didn't hold her back. She had never been this afraid in her entire life. And she'd already lived a long life, much longer than the other 'teenagers'. But the others just didn't see it. They saw someone human. But Julia now knew she wasn't. She felt it in her heart. Why else would they take her grandma? What had her grandma done wrong? She wanted answers so badly. The moon disappeared behind a cloud and Julia's eyes needed a moment to adjust to the darkness. When she could see better she startled. She was already closer to the ship than she imagined. There was no way back now. She took another breath and kept repeating that this was the right choice and she wasn't going to die. She wasn't sure she believed it. Then she stood in front of it, within ten meters. 

It was getting colder and colder outside. For a moment Julia actually thought there was no one in there. Nothing happened. She wanted to turn around and run back to Star City. Sara could take her in her house if she told her she didn't have a home anymore. But she would just put Sara and her family in danger. She would never forgive herself if something happened to them. Those humans had been so nice to her. As she drowned in her thoughts the door suddenly opened. It wasn't a normal door, more like a hatch. No one came out, so after a moment of hesitating Julia decided to get inside. She was careful, checking her surroundings thoroughly. The first room she entered didn't seem weird. It was like a scullery, but alien. She walked through the hallway and was surprised to see how it was made. It didn't look like something from earth at all, which of course made sense, but still, Julia had never seen anything like it. Suddenly she heard a bang from the scullery. She ran back and saw that the hatch was closed. There was no way for her to get out. She tried hitting it, pressing random buttons, but it didn't open. The floor started shaking and it felt like the ship had left the ground. Julia's mouth dropped open as she realized this was exactly what those guys wanted. She couldn't run away. She was an easy prey. She ran through the hallway, looking for better weapons. The only thing she had taken from the apartment was a kitchen knife. She could still inflict serious pain, but these guys were probably trained way better than her, she couldn't fight at all! After five minutes she realized there weren't any weapons aboard, which made sense. She walked into the control room for the first time and she noticed how no one was controlling the ship. There was no captain aboard. There were no aliens aboard. She was alone. Julia took a deep breath and tried to think logically. What would this mean? There was probably some mothership that was pulling this one back. She looked around for security cameras, but nothing was like the things on earth. She sighed and sat down in a chair. She needed a plan. If or when she would arrive at her destination they were probably gonna capture her. She needed to fight her way through. But how was she going to do that when there were probably infinite numbers of aliens waiting for her there? She shook her head in disbelief. How could she have been so stupid. She should have blocked the door with something, so it couldn't close and she could have just jumped out if it. There was no controlboard for her to take over. All she could do was just wait. Wait until she arrived. She didn't give up, though. She was still on her way to her grandma. She would surely bring her home. 

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