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Julia had been in the ship for hours and hours. Maybe a day had passed, maybe two. She had no idea what time it was. It was just dark. There was only one little light. She was so bored. She bit her nails as she thought about the moment she would arrive. What would she be able to do against the super trained aliens that kidnapped her and most-likely her grandma? Why her? She knew her grandma hid secrets from her. Did it have to do something with this? She sighed and closed her eyes. She had been awake for too long and needed rest. But then everything started to shake again, just like when she left earth without a choice. Maybe this was the end of the ride. She walked over to the hatch with her knife in her right hand. If someone was coming inside she would stab them before they had the chance to stab her or knock her out. She just had to hide in the corner. She had to find her grandma, no matter what. 

She waited and waited. Time didn't seem to pass and Julia had to pee. Her eyelids almost closed automatically, because she was so exhausted. Then the door opened with great force. Three aliens walked in. They didn't have any weapons, which surprised Julia. "Find her" one of them instructed the others. They ran in to find her. Julia raised her knife as she jumped out of the shadows. She had expected the aliens to be strong, but they were way stronger than she could have ever imagined. She did stab that one, but it didn't even flinch. "There you are" it said and grabbed the knife from her hand. Then everything turned black. 

"Here she is, Your Majesty" it was the first thing Julia heard when she opened her eyes. She looked around and saw she was in some sort of Royal Chamber. Then she noticed the woman on the throne. A man was sitting next to her, but seemed less important. The alien, who was standing next to Julia, walked away and left her alone in the Chamber with the two most scary aliens she had ever seen. "Darling, you've finally made it" the woman said as she got up from her throne and walked towards Julia. Fear struck her. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know these people. Only then she noticed she was half laying half sitting on the floor. "Where am I?" she had the audacity to speak. "You're home!" the man glanced behind the woman. Julia's jaw dropped. She didn't understand what they just said. 

"You're lying"
"You're one of us, dear. You're our daughter" the woman repeated for the thousandth time. 
"That's not possible?"
"I know it's hard to take in, but we can explain. Everything will make sense after that"
Julia hesitated. Maybe she didn't want to know the truth. She never felt human, but always hesitated. Her grandma had never admitted it. She felt like she believed the man and woman in front of her that were apparently her parents. "Alright" she nodded. Then the story started.


You were born three decades ago. You loved our planet. You had so many friends. But your grandma thought we were planning something evil and she didn't want you to grow up with us. One night, you were only three years old then, she snuck into our house and she took you. The next morning we woke up and saw that not only you and your grandma were missing, but so was one of our ships. She had taken you somewhere in the galaxy and we had no way of tracking you. We've searched for centuries and eventually found the signal of your grandma on earth. It took us another decade to get there. When we did, of course we first got your grandma, my mother, and we knew you would follow soon, because you care for her (At that moment she laughed because she thought it was foolish, she had never liked her own mother). Now you're here and we can start over. 


"But what happened to Grandma?" Julia asked in a small voice. At this comment not only her 'mother' laughed, but so did her 'father'. 
"That's the best part" her father put a hand on her shoulder and reassured her it was going to be okay. 
"Your grandmother kidnapped you to earth, while you could have grown up happy. She gets the death penalty" her mother said. It didn't seem to bother her to execute someone, not even her own mother. "You can't do that!" Julia yelled angry as she stood up and took a few steps back. "No, we know. That's why we won't kill her. You will" her mother said with a smirk. She reached out her hands and expected Julia to take them. 

Julia didn't have any choice. She was taken to a prison after not agreeing with the proposel. "Tomorrow you will have changed your mind" her mother smiled. Julia knew she wouldn't. She also knew that if she didn't agree to this she would most-likely be murdered too. It was a risk she was willing to take. If they were going to hurt her grandma they had to go through her first. 

The next day arrived too quickly. Julia wished she could have talked to her grandma. She was pushed into this room she hadn't been in before. It literally looked like an execution room. A moment later her grandma was brought in. She had been crying, Julia could tell. 

"Take the sword" her mother ordered. There lay a few of them a couple of meters away from Julia. She shook determined her head. "I'm not killing my own grandma" she said and glanced at her grandma. She looked so terrified. Like she knew this was going to happen when she took Julia as a little child. 

"TAKE THE SWORD. YOUR GRANDMA HAS BETRAYED NOT ONLY OUR FAMILY, BUT ALSO OUR RACE, OUR PLANET" her mother yelled. This intimidated Julia a lot. She was just a kid. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. The only thing she knew certain was that she loved her grandma more than anyone in the world and beyond. "I'm sure she did what she had to. I don't blame her for anything that happened to me. I've lived a happy life and I'm grateful for my grandma. I love you" Julia said, looking right into her grandma's eyes. She swore she could see a quick, small smile on her face. It faded away too soon. 

Suddenly Julia heard  a clang of a blade. The next thing she saw was her grandma falling to the ground with a sword through her heart. "NOOO!" Julia yelled as tears immediately formed in her eyes. She didn't try to hold them back. She looked at her mother, who was the one who threw the sword. She actually looked satisfied. "HOW COULD YOU?" the tears didn't stop. Julia was a mess. "It's alright, darling, soon you will see we did what is best for you. Soon you will join us again"

Soon you will join us again.

Those words echoed through Julia's mind as she was locked up again. She couldn't stop crying. Her grandma didn't deserve this. 

Thank you for reading this chapter! 
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