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Suddenly Ava heard a sigh. She wanted to move towards the sound, but her exhausted legs wouldn't let her. "Who's there?" she whispered. Her voice was trembling, but she ignored it. "Ava, it's me" Behrad answered. Ava sighed in relief. She wasn't alone in this dark, cold dungeon. "Where are the others?" she asked. "I think we were seperated. I don't know where we are, I just woke up"
Ava nodded. After she realized he couldn't see that she whispered: "How are we going to get out of here?"
"I can't see anything. We have to wait and see what their plan is with us. Maybe if they get us out of here we can escape"
Ava closed her eyes, they were no use anyway. A tear rolled over her cheek. She wanted to get out so badly.
"Captain, it isn't your fault" Behrad said after a moment of silence. He knew Ava well. She always felt guilty when a mission went sideways. "We should have been better prepared"
"We didn't know what we were facing, how could we have been better prepared!"
"My feelings clouded my judgement. I wanted to get Sara back so bad I didn't even make sure we were all going to make it back" Ava didn't care Behrad could hear her trembling voice now.
"No one blames you for wanting your girlfriend back. We all agreed to come here"
Ava wanted to respond, but suddenly the door opened and they were blinded by the sudden light. Ava shielded her eyes with her hand and looked up. They tried to struggle as they were picked up, but it was too strong. There was nothing they could do.

The next thing they knew they were in a room. The only light came from torches, which was why the middle of the room was darker. Ava's eyes adjusted to the little light there was and she noticed the rest of the team. They seemed weak, but not injured. She sighed relieved. She felt a surge of pain through her head as someone hit her. She fell to the ground. As she looked up she saw the another alien brought in someone. At first, Ava couldn't recognize her. Her hair was in front of her face and it was clear she had suffered a lot. She was put in her place on the ground on the other side of the room. Then Ava recognized her girlfriend. Sara! She wanted to scream her name and tell her it was going to be all right. But she didn't have the chance. A woman, who seemed powerful, walked in and everyone who wasn't human bowed down. She sat down on her throne, which was one of many. There was probably a throne in every room for her. A man followed her. He seemed less important. Two aliens walked to Sara and dragged her by the arms in front of the Alien Queen. Ava had to watch from the sideline. There wasn't anything she could to. The team was too weak. She was too weak. She couldn't fight these aliens. The aliens who looked like humans. There were only a few differences. They were taller and stronger and their faces were different. They wore different clothes. More aliens entered the room. Everyone wanted to witness this. "You filthy piece of rubbish. We are doing earth a pleasure by killing you" the queen laughed. Sara didn't have the strength to lift her head up to her. She was draped in blood. Ava had tears in her eyes as she realized how much Sara had suffered the last couple of weeks.

"PIN HER TO THE WALL!" the Queen yelled. For some reason she was angrier. Two aliens held Sara up against the wall. Ava was now in front of her. There was only a few meters between them. It was actually the moment Sara realized Ava and the other Legends were here. She was too weak to respond at all. The other Legends were put on the ground next to Ava. No one was able to do anything. "Why did you take Sara?" Ava suddenly yells. Someone hits her on her head for speaking without permission. Ava falls to the ground, but sits up a few moments later. The Queen stood up and walked towards Ava. She lifted her chin and forced Ava to look into her eyes. "Because she ruined my daughter" then the Queen pushed Ava's chin away. She turned to Sara, who apparently had no clue what was going on. "LIAH COME IN HERE!" The Queen yelled. She startled the injured Legends with her loud voice. "What is the plan, captain?" Behrad whispered. Ava looked at him. Next to him sat a trembling Zari. She wasn't used to this kind of stuff. She shouldn't have brought the entire team. On her other hand were Mick, Jax and Nate. They all had fear in their eyes. They had some wounds, but none were too bad. Ava shrugged and looked back at Behrad with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry" she said with a breaking voice. Behrad shook his head and mouthed: 'it's not your fault'. They got interrupted when a younger alien walked in and moved towards the Queen. I guess that's the daughter, Ava thought. "Here I am, mother" she said polite. The Queen smiled proud at her. "Take your spear" she ordered. The daughter listened.

"I want you to aim it at her and then kill her in front of her friends" the Queen said calmly. Like it was nothing. Like killing people was the most natural thing in the world. Maybe it was normal in their world, Ava thought. The daughter nodded. She apparently had killed before and had no problem in doing it again. She grabbed her spear from her back and looked into her reflection for a moment. Then she grinned and pointed it at the woman between the two Guards. Sara found the strength to look up. Her hair fell next to her face and revealed it.





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