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To others, Sara never seemed nervous. She seemed chill and a 'go-with-the-flow' type of person. In reality, this assumption was very wrong. The first day of school was the worst. Sara doubted everything. Her clothes, her expression and everything else about her. She was standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom, checking herself out, when someone knocked on her door. Even though it was already open, and her father could see her already, he wanted to let her know he was there. She liked it when he knocked first. Sara turned to her fahter. "You ready for school, sweetheart?"
Sara took a deep breath. "Hey, you're going to be fine" Quentin encouraged her, not sure if that would help her. "You coming for breakfast?" he asked as he was already nearing the stairs. Sara nodded, knowing he didn't see it. She exhaled loud and closed her closet door. It was time for breakfast.

"Are you ready for your freshman year?"
"Can't wait" Sara responded sarcastic. Laurel shook her head. "With that attitude you're not gonna get far"
"Laurel" Quentin interfered. Sara took one last bite of her slice of bread and stood up. "I need to get my things" she said as she looked at the clock. She was getting late if she didn't hurry. She couldn't be late on her first day of school! Everyone would look at her and judge her silently. And that was negative. Sara run upstairs. She had already packed her back the evening before. She brushed her teeth and put on a fake smile in the mirror. "You got this" she whispered to herself. "Of course" Laurel smiled. She was always smiling. It was like she wasn't capable of worrying. "I'm going to embarres myself"
"Don't be silly. And besides, everyone is nervous on their first day. And I think you're gonna do just fine"
"Just fine?"
"Come on, I'm trying here" Laurel laughed. Sara liked it when she smiled. She always felt better immediately. "We have to go. We don't want to be in the center of attention because we're late" Laurel said, grabbing her sisters hand. Sara actually grimaced for a moment. She knew Laurel would stay with her until she said that she got everything handled. Laurel knew where the classrooms were and where she had to be. She was a junior this year and she was already ready to party. 

"Have fun, girls" Quentin said as he stopped near the building. "Thanks, dad" Laurel smiled. "Sara?" her dad sounded worried. "I'll try" Sara smiled, but only because she knew he was worried about her. She didn't want him to worry about her, but she always noticed. She slammed the car door and threw her backpack over her shoulder. "Come on" Laurel chuckled. They walked inside the building together. A guy walked to them immediately. "Hey Laurel, long time no see" the guy said as he put his arm over her shoulders. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He was taller than Sara and looked too old to be in highschool. "Is this your baby sister?" he asked as he looked at Sara like she was actually a baby. "Shut up, Dan" Laurel said as she bent down to pretend she was tiyng her shoelaces so the guy would leave them alone. He pulled his arm back and shook his head. "Lame" he mumbled as he walked back to his friends. "Ignore him" Laurel said as she stood up and walked futher away from him. "Who's that?"
"His name is Daniel. He doesn't know what he's saying. You're super cool" Laurel grimaced and stopped in front of a pinboard. "Looks like you gotta go to room 120B" she continued as she pointed her finger to it. "You know where that is?"
"Yeah, I'll show you after the introduction. The principal is welcoming us back to school"

Principal Brown introduced himself, making terrible jokes, and told them what was expected of them on their first day. Sara was grateful Laurel was sitting next to her, instead of her friends. Sara always felt like together they could handle anything the world threw at them. "Thank you for listening. The pinboard tells you which classroom you have to go. Your mentor will be waiting for you there" he ended his speech. Sara sighed relieved as she checked her watch. The principal had talked for over forty minutes and it was not interesting at all. "Let's go" Laurel said as she led the way. "Is your classroom close to mine?" Sara asked. "Not at all" but it didn't seem to bother Laurel. She was smiling. She was always smiling. "Okay, it's actually very simple, so bear with me. If a classroom number starts with a zero, it's on the ground floor. If it starts with a one, it's on the first ground and so it goes on. Every floor is devided in sides. One side of the building is 1 the other one is 2. So if you have to go to 120, it's on the first floor and the right side if you arrive at the floor. The letter stands for the exact classroom. The learning plaza has around the six classrooms and you just have to find the right letter. You'll see a sign at every door. It's easy, see?"
It was hard for Sara to focus as she felt the nerves in her stomach. She still managed to nod friendly at her sister. "Here we are" Laurel smiled as she pointed at room 120B. "Thank you"
"Are you going to be okay for the rest of the day?"
"I think so" Sara said determined. She didn't want her sister to worry about her too. "If you need anything, call me, or text me, I'll wait in front of the school for you at 2 o'clock" Laurel smiled briefly and disappeared in the hallways of the school. Sara nodded to herself, telling herself that she got it.

Sara had no idea who here classmates were. She decided to sit in front, at the teacher's desk, hoping no one would sit next to her. The teacher closed the door and sat down. She was relieved as no one cared enough for her to sit next to her. Everyone was talking in class and everyone already seemed to have a lot of friends. Maybe they had known each other already. Sara examined the professor carefully. He had dark hair and brown eyes. He wore round glasses and his face was full of wrinkles. He wore a white blouse and grey jeans. "Welcome" he sighed. He didn't seem interested enough to stand up and introduce himself. All he said was: "I'm professor Dean and this year is going to be super fun" Sara thought he didn't mean it. As he was finally about to get up on his feet, the door swung open. It startled Sara, because she didn't knock before she opened it. She should have knocked. It's a polite thing to do. "I'm sorry, I'm late, aren't I? I couldn't find the classroom and the halls were empty so there wasn't anyone I could ask and I-"
"Just sit down" the professor interrupted her. He seemed slightly annoyed, but more by the fact that she talked a lot than because she was late. "Yeah, yeah, all right" she mumbled embarrassed and walked quickly to the seat next to Sara's. The girl didn't ask if she could sit there and for a moment Sara believed that if she had, she'd say 'no'. But then she realized she would probably be too shy and nod anyway. The girl sighed as she sat down, like she was relieved the professor hadn't told her to leave.

After everyone introduced themselves, when it was Sara's turn she'd briefly said that she was 14 years old, the professor told them to grab a piece of paper and a pen. Sara did as he asked. She saw that the girl next to her hesitated a second. Then she pulled her hand through her hair and asked: "Can I borrow a pen.... and maybe a piece of paper?"
That made Sara smile. Was the girl, who had introduced herself as Julia, even in the right place? She handed her what she needed and noticed the professor staring at them. Julia cleared her throat and pretended to focus on what the professor said next.

As the bell rang, Sara got out of the classroom as quickly as she got. The last thirty minutes they had to talk to some classmates about their hobbies and their future plans. Sara just totally froze. She felt like her throat was slowly closing up. She needed to breathe and didn't waste a second. "Hey, hold up" she heard behind her. It was Julia. Was she talking to her? Sara didn't want to embarras herself, but decided to turn around. Luckily for her, Julia did call out for her. "Hey, here" Julia smiled, handing Sara the pen. Sara took it and looked into her green eyes for a second. She noticed that Julia was a really pretty girl. She had dark brown, almost black, curly hair. She wore glasses, which were too big for her face, but it still managed to look cute on her face. She wore a skirt with a white t-shirt. The boots completed the outfit and Sara felt jealous for a moment. She wore boring jeans and a blue shirt. Sara got awkward as she noticed that there was this long silence. "Do you think professor Dean is crazy?" she chuckled as if they had been best friends their entire lives. "Probably" Sara decided to be polite. As she was about to head downstairs, to meet Laurel, Julia decided to walk with her to the coat racks. "I don't know anyone here. I just moved here. This city is huge, I'm not sure I will even find my way back" Julia said, still chuckling. "Why did you move?" Sara asked and realized that it's maybe not appropriate to ask a girl you don't really know. "Well, I live with my grandma and we'd seen everything in Central City" Julia shrugged. Sara nodded, too embassassed to ask any more questions. She put on her coat. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" she said. She pretended there was something really interesting on the ground to avoid eye contact. 'She must think I'm crazy', Sara thought. "Yeah, I guess so" Julia smiled. She smiled a lot. Almost as much as Laurel.

When Sara stepped outside, Laurel was already waiting for her. "Finally, what took you so long? Don't tell me you got detention after your first day?" Laurel grinned. "I was just talking" Sara shrugged. "Are you making friends this soon? Man, I'm already losing all the bets"
Sara looked up at her sister, startled. "Kidding" Laurel laughed as they walked to the car.

As Quentin drove them home, and he told them a million times that it was only because it was the first day and that they had to cycle tomorrow, Sara was looking out the window. She noticed Julia. She was walking all alone through the city. She was looking down, like all the energy she wasted on Sara was gone and this shy person was what was left. Sara had no idea where she was going, but she knew there was something about her. Maybe it was her personality that was so friendly to Sara. Or maybe it was Sara's personality that she was too shy. She exhaled and looked at her sister. Maybe this year wasn't going to be as bad as she had thought.

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