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A week later

Sara didn't think she was able to make it. Why was this happening to her? She didn't understand. She was never the person to cry over something, not even the worst torture had been able to break her. But this. This wasn't any 'earth torture technique' she had ever experienced. All she thought about was Ava. She wanted to come home to her. She knew Ava was searching for her and would never give up. She couldn't do it to her if she just died. She had to keep breathing, even if every breath was getting harder and harder. 

"Jax! Nate!" Ava gasped as she hugged them tight. The Legends had been searching the entire week to find their team mates and they finally did. Jax and Nate just layed low the entire time until someone came to rescue them. "Ava! It's so good to see you" Jax whispered, afraid an alien could hear them. They were at full strength again. The team even brought food for them. As starving caterpillars they started eating the bread. The team was complete; Ava, Zari, Behrad, Mick, Jax and Nate. 

They had brought enough weapons. Jax got a hellsword and a hellgun. Zari suggested that if it killed the Encores, maybe it would do the same to the aliens. At this moment it was worth the shot. Nate got two swords from Behrad. Zari had had some combat skills with a bow and arrow. Behrad used his totem and Mick his heat gun. Ava had put guns in her outfit. She held two swords, one a hellsword. She felt certain and insecure at the same time. Insecure about Sara's condition and certain that no matter what happened, this team would survive. She felt a reassuring hand on her shoulder. It was Jax. He had been hopeful ever since he came aboard the Waverider. "Sara's one of the strongest people I know. She will get through this, whatever this is" he said with a soft voice. She nodded slowly, as if she had a hard time believing it. She, of course, knew how strong Sara was. But these aliens, she just didn't know what was going on. 

"We have come up with a plan" Behrad whispered after everyone had his weapons ready. "We have to try to sneak into the place where they're holding Sara, I don't know, maybe a dungeon, but if we get caught, then of course we're going to have to fight our way through. Simple, isn't it?" Ava proposed. The team nodded. They never had a good plan. They always just went in and 'we'll see what happens'

They were very quiet. No one could have noticed them, right? But little did they know about these aliens. They sensed the humans from far away. They didn't attack the Legends immediately, though, they needed the ultimate plan. 

"This ship is massive, we're not going to find Sara like this" Mick commented a little too loud. Everyone shushed him. He just shrugged with no regret. "Mick's right. But we can't split up, it's too dangerous. We don't have comms and we can't take out a dozen of aliens by ourselves" Nate said. "We'll just have to keep going. I trust you, Ava" Jax said. They kept going. They recognized some chamber that looked like a place where they would eat dinner and lunch etc. No one was there, which was kind of suspicious to Behrad. It was practically dinner time.

A few moments later they looked over this big place, which was probably the middle of the ship. It was where a lot of littler ships. No one was there either. "Keep your weapons close, something isn't right here" Ava commented and everyone knew what she meant. They probably knew they were here and would jump them when they weren't expecting it. 

They turned around and snuck out of the room. But as they turned around the corner they saw what they feared: an army of a dozen aliens. They were all ready to attack, as were the Legends. Jax used his hellgun and vaporized the first alien. Apparently the hellweapons worked! He started shooting faster and faster and didn't miss one bullet. Mick grabbed his heatgun and started roasting the aliens. Unfortunately, they walked through the fire and started fighting Mick fist to fist. Mick knew one or two tricks about that and it was almost a fair fight. Ava had a swordfight with two aliens at once. They were getting stronger and stronger as she was getting more and more tired. Her arms weren't working as fast as she wanted them to and she got stabbed in her leg. She screamed as she fell to the ground. She didn't give up, though. She would fight until her last breath. Nate turned to steel and fought three aliens at once. He wasn't that much stronger than them and he had a hard time. He was almost untouchable. But as he got more and more exhausted it was hard to keep his skin steel. Behrad used his totem to blast away some aliens, but most of them were stronger than wind and knocked him out. Zari stood, with her little training, no chance against all those aliens. "You know what the Queen ordered! No killing!" One alien yelled to the other as he was about to stab Zari to death. He kind of shrugged and grabbed her body and then he moved to Behrad's. In no time the Legends were defeated. 

Ava opened her eyes. She had the worst headache. She grunted as she searched for other wounds. She couldn't see a thing. It was too dark. She had never been afraid of the dark, but now she actually was. She had no idea where the rest of the team was. She didn't know if they were alive. She didn't know where the aliens were and what their plan was for her. She was worrying about Sara too. She had no idea what Sara had endured the past weeks. She didn't want to cry and show weakness, but it was so hard to hold back all the feelings inside her. She just wanted all this madness to be over. 

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter!
I'd love to hear your thoughts :)

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