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After being blind for months, Sara couldn't be happier to actually see things. And the best thing of having her vision back was that she could see her again. She sat at the bar, with a beer in her hand as she watched Ava dance. Charlie was performing on stage with her band 'The Smell'. They had defeated the Fates. There was peace, for now at least. She took a sip of her beer. John Constantine sat down next to her and ordered a drink too. "Finally" he smiled. The Legends were happy that there was no threat. That they could take a break. A well-deserved break. For almost an entire year, all they had done was stop Encores. The music was too loud for Sara to hear what he was saying, but she understood. She held up her beer and he clicked his to hers. Then they took a sip. Sara looked at her left, seeing Behrad, Zari and Nate. They all looked happy and satisfied, even though they just said goodbye to The Other Zari. Maybe it was the alcohol. Everyone was here, even Lita, Mick's kid. Sara chuckled as she thought about it. About Mick being a dad. If you had told her five years ago, when they first met, she would just have laughed. Until recently, she couldn't picture it. But apparently Mick had a special skill. And even though he hadn't been there for Lita all her life, they did have a special bond. It made Sara think of her father. He was alive because of Oliver. He had sacrificed himself in Crisis and brought back all the people they had lost. Everyone but Laurel. Sara didn't want to think about her. Every time she thought about her, she felt sad. They had been through a lot together and even though she had told Sara that it was okay, when she was holding the Spear, she still felt like a failure and above all a horrible sister. Sara tried to remove the thought out of her head. In the meantime, the song had ended and Charlie walked towards them. "What did you think?" she yelled over the instrumental music which was still going. Sara nodded. "Good" she yelled back. "Very original"
That made Charlie laugh. She literally just sang Mr Parker's song. But these people didn't know.

It was after midnight when the Legends decided to go back to the Waverider. It was cold outside. "Guys, I think this is the end of the road for me" Charlie said suddenly. She had hesitated at first, but she knew this was the right choice. "Really?" Sara asked sad. She didn't want to leave another Legend behind. "I can finally stop running. I have to take this chance"
"I'm really going to miss you" Sara sighed as she hugged Charlie. "Group hug!" Nate called out and everyone went with it. They giggled. It was probably the alcohol. "I'm going to miss you guys" Charlie yelled. She stepped back, so the Legends could move on and go back. "And remember, once a Legend..."
"Always a Legend" Charlie smiled. She waved as she turned around and walked back to the bar. The Legends waved too, sad that their teammate was leaving this soon. "Let's go" Ava sighed as Charlie had disappeared from sight. They turned around and walked toward the Waverider. But Sara heard something. She didn't recognize the sound, but it was something. She wanted to walk to the others, but suddenly she found herself trapped. She couldn't move her feet and couldn't yell for help. The Legends kept walking and walking and didn't notice a thing. Sara, who knew she wasn't drunk, tried to get away, but this blue light trapped her. She didn't know what it was, what spooked her. Slowly she felt that she couldn't feel the ground anymore. She was floating up, but still couldn't yell. She waved with her arms, but no one noticed. They disappeared from her sight and Sara felt like giving up. She was getting higher and higher up, not knowing where she went, or when it would stop. 

Ava slowly opened her eyes and grunted. She didn't remember much from last night. Her headache said enough: they'd probably been drinking... a lot. She got up and looked around. She apparently hadn't made it to her bed. She was sitting in a chair in the library. It was a mess! That was new, since Nate always liked to keep it organized. With another grunt Ava stood up. There was a bottle of whiskey on the desk. Empty. She grimaced to herself. They deserved it. It had been a rough couple of months and finally there wasn't any threat. She was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. She shook her head in disclaim and walked to the bedroom. She took sweatpants and a sweater and dressed up. Only then she noticed Sara wasn't in her bed. She's probably already plotting our next course, Ava thought and let out a short laugh. 

But Sara wasn't there. The Bridge was empty and quiet and cold. Ava shivered. "Gideon, can you call everyone in here?" she asked hoarsely. "Of course, Ms Sharpe" Gideon said, in her cheerful voice, as always. In the next few minutes the Legends assembled on the Bridge. Nate was the first. "You need some asprines, too?" he asked as he yawned. Ava considered and then nodded. "Sure" she added and held her hand up. Instead of one asprine, he gave her four. "You can't have enough" he grimaced. He took two himself and ate them. "I don't remember much" Ava sighed as she swallowed the aprines. "Me neither" Behrad said as he entered the Bridge. Zari followed him. Even though Behrad hadn't drank any alcohol, because of everything that was going on in there, his mind made him forget. Mick entered a few moments later. He seemed to be fine. That didn't surprise Ava at all, he always drank alcohol. He didn't get drunk that easily. "Pussy's" he grunted as he sat down and opened a beer. "Where's Sara?" Ava asked as she tried not to get worried. Zari shrugged. "Haven't seen her" Behrad said. "Where could she be?" Ava whispered to herself. She let Gideon call for her again. But, again, Sara didn't show up on the Bridge. "She's probably sleeping it off" Nate said. "She wasn't in her bedroom" Ava said. "Maybe she didn't make it there, we could do a quick search through the ship" he offered. Ava nodded. 

They had searched every inch of the Waverider and came to the conclusion Sara wasn't aboard. "Where could she be?" Nate asked. "Do you remember anything from last night?" Ava asked Behrad and Zari. Because they were muslim they didn't drink alcohol. "Look, to be honest, I didn't really pay attention to Sara. I remember Charlie saying goobye and I think Sara took it pretty hard. But when we came back here, we just fell asleep. It had been a long day.. and night" Behrad said. Zari agreed. Ava sighed. Where could Sara be? "I don't understand. We are in the Temporal Zone. The Jumpship hasn't left its hanger since we defeated the Fates. She couldn't have left in the middle of the night" Nate said as he put his hands on his hips. "You're all idiots" Mick commented. He hadn't helped them search the ship. Instead he had decided to drink his beer on the same place where he had been. This was probably his third beer by now. And it wasn't even ten o'clock yet. "Excuse me?" Zari said offended. She used to be a Social Media Influencer, but decided to stay with the Legends and make some actual friends. "The Jumpship never left and the Waverider went to the TZ immediately. It's simple" Mick explained. He didn't say many useful things, usually he commented on people with a sassy tone. "So?" Ava who couldn't think straight, because she was missing her girlfriend didn't take a moment to add up the things they knew. "She didn't get on the Waverider in the first place" Mick finished and took another sip of his beer. Then he burped satisfied. "That's it! Mick, you're a genius!" Nate almost jumped in the air of excitement. They had a new lead. "I know" Mick grunted as he turned back to his normal, almost unpleasant self. To others, Mick was a rude and horrible company kind of person. But if you knew Mick well, even though it still felt the same, he could be a decent guy, even with his criminal background. 

"So, what's our next move, captain?" Zari asked as she turned to Ava. 
Ava had co-captained with Sara for the past year, but knowing that she had to do this all alone for the next couple of weeks scared her. She didn't know how to lead these people without Sara. These Legends weren't anything like the staff she led at the Time Bureau. She hadn't known the Legends well enough in her opinion, but apparently they wanted her to be the captain. If not, they would've pointed at someone else, right? "You got this" Nate grimaced at her. Ava nodded, but everyone saw her worrying and how could she not? "We'll find her" Behrad reassured her. "Yeah, yeah, of course" Ava sighed as she tried to figure out their plan. 

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