6: in the meantime...

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Sol grumpily stormed into the apartment I shared with Suji. I was right behind him.

"So now I gotta fucking wait? This is complete bullshit!" Sol yelled.

"I'm not happy about it either but at least we have a way to break the link," I said, hoping I could calm him down.

"No! There's gotta be another way!" Sol exclaimed before he started to pace back and forth in the living room.

"Maybe there is but how will we find it?" I asked.

"Does it look like I know!?" He cried.

"No, it doesn't. So calm the fuck down," I answered.

He glared at me before sighing and shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

"Y'all done yet?" We heard Suji ask.

When we faced her, we saw her sitting on the couch with a can of beer. Ortega was sitting next to her and had fried chicken. On the coffee table was a bag of KFC and a few cans of beer. A kdrama was on the TV.

"I'm guessing it went bad?" She asked.

"We might have to wait years until we can unlink our souls," I answered.

Suji nearly dropped her beer. "Y-Years!?"

"The angel Seven was talking about has to go through history to figure out how the people before us unlinked their souls. Then, she'll use the same method on us," I said, sitting down. "The problem is that it was never documented so she has to search through every event that happened in the 19th century in order to find that out."

"And so much shit went down in the 1800s," Suji said, taking a sip of her beer.

"Okay. The fuck is going on?" Ortega asked.

Suji, Sol and I looked at Ortega.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Ortega pointed at Sol. "Who the fuck is he?"

I blinked. "You don't know? That's Sol Eguiluz."

"What!? But, I thought he died!?" Ortega cried.

"You already knew that he was a demon," Suji said.

Ortega gasped. "A demon!?"

"He won't remember me. Demon magic, remember?" Sol reminded us.

Suji sighed. "I'll explain everything later. All you need to know is that Soleil got her soul linked to Sol and now they have to wait years for their link to be broken. Oh, and he lives with you."

"He does?" Ortega asked, staring at Sol.

Sol grumpily grabbed a beer, opened it, and sat on the couch across from the couch Suji and Ortega were sitting on.

Ortega was observing Sol as if he was some kid at the zoo who was fascinated by the animals he saw. "Cool! I'm face to face with a dead guy!"

Sol glared at him. "I can make you a dead guy in 10 seconds flat!"

Ortega shrunk. "...sorry..."

"Ooh, nice! KFC!" I cried, grabbing the bucket in hopes that they left some chicken for me.

"Oh yeah..." Ortega showed me the chicken bone in his hand. "I ate the last one."

Anger flared through my body for one quick second before it faded away. "Don't worry. Karma's gonna come collect your debt. It's your fault my soul is linked to a demon so you're definitely gonna suffer."

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