31: woah!

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Here I am, sitting in a hospital bed with a gun pointed at me.

This is the kind of shit you would see in a movie because let's be real: who would bring a gun to a hospital and try to kill someone?

Woah...I've been pointed at with a gun a total of 3 times now. It's getting old.

"You know what?" I said, attempting to get out of bed. I felt something pulling on the skin on my arm so I looked down and saw that there was an IV hooked up. It didn't sit right with me so I ignored it. "Just shoot me at this point!"

Luna and Sol blinked. "Huh?"

"Am I meant to be killed by gunshot? I mean, this has happened three times now. This is even my fifth strike. So fine, just fucking shoot me or whatever! You'll get your brother back!" I cried.

That was when Luna decided to put the gun back inside of her purse.

"Are you serious!? I'm giving you permission to kill me!" I cried.

Sol squinted his eyes at me. "What's wrong with you?"

"Shoot me! Shoot me!" I yelled.

"Oh my...you're linked to a crazy person...I feel bad for you..." Luna told Sol.

"Why are you like this?" Sol asked me, sounding a bit annoyed.

I pointed at Luna. "Why are you like this!?"

Luna blinked. "Me?"

"You try to shoot me but then you change your mind! Bruh! What do you fucking want!?" I cried.

"You're stressing me out! What do you want me to do!?" Luna cried.

Sol sighed. "You know what? The both of you can deal with it. Not my problem."

He turned to leave and placed his hand on the doorknob. However, before he could open the door, the door swung open. Sol quickly moved out of the way. Then, his jaw dropped. So did mine.

There was Nevaeh, the angel we've been waiting for, standing in the doorway.

She definitely looked like she was straight from heaven. The white, poofy dress she wore gave it away. The dress looked magnificent by the way. Like, it's something that a celebrity would wear and other people would try to replicate.

There was a look of annoyance on her face and her arms were crossed. In one of her hands was a rose red folder and a finger was tapping against it. "Are you three done?"

Luna pointed at Nevaeh. "Who...are you...?"

Sol appeared next to his sister. "That's the angel I was talking about."

"Oh...okay...I see..." Luna mumbled, rubbing her head.

I smiled. "Nevaeh! You're back! So you're done searching through the records, right?"

Nevaeh laughed for a good minute. Then, she quickly grew serious. "Hell no."

Sol and I shared a look.

"Wait. Sol, according to what you told me, this Nevaeh angel girl is supposed to show up when she's done looking through records of the 19th century. So why's she back?" Luna asked.

I narrowed my eyes at Luna. I can't believe there was a time I thought she was wise. Guess not.

"Does it look like I know why she's back?" Sol asked with sass laced in his voice. I can safely assume that he's also annoyed with his sister.

"If you have questions about me, ask me instead of talking amongst yourselves," Nevaeh said with an eyeroll.

"Why are you back? And what's in the folder?" I asked, pointing at the folder that was in Nevaeh's hand.

"One pocket has your life and death records. Another pocket has Sol's," Nevaeh answered before she looked at Sol, then at me. "I'm guessing the both of you have figured out that you're switching places, correct?"

"Switching places? As in me becoming the demon and Sol coming back to life?" I asked.

Nevaeh nodded. "I was able to keep this situation pretty much under wraps but ever since Sol became, I guess, visible to everyone, things up there became crazy."

"Understandable," Sol said, sitting next to me on the hospital bed.

"Both of your death records are getting altered as we speak. By the seventh 'strike,' Soleil will die and Sol will come back to life. Then, Soleil will become a demon by..." Nevaeh trailed off.

Sol glanced at me before facing Nevaeh. "By what?"

"Actually...I don't think it's important if you two know how Soleil becomes a demon or not," Nevaeh answered.

"Soleil kills Sol," Luna blurted out loud. Her eyes were glued to the floor and she refused to look up.

"Correct," Nevaeh confirmed.

Wait. I kill Sol? But why would I kill Sol? It doesn't even solve anything.

"Wow. So you're gonna kill me," Sol said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"No I won't!" I cried.

"Yes you will, according to your records," Nevaeh answered.

I grabbed onto the ends of my blankets and tightened my grip. I won't kill Sol. He was given the chance to come back to life. Why would I take that away from him?

"You see, this whole dying then coming back to life thing doesn't really sit well with up there. So...things will go back into its place," Nevaeh said.

"How?" Sol asked.

Nevaeh walked over to the window and peeped through the blinds. "Sol, if I were you, I'd stay away from Seven."

"Duh," Sol said like it was the most obvious thing.

Nevaeh turned and narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm serious. Stay away from him."

I noticed Sol growing tense so I quickly put my hand over his. "Is there a reason that you want Sol to avoid him?"

"There's a bounty over both of your heads. If a demon kills Sol, the whole switching process will stop. Soleil, you'll get to keep your life. But Sol? He'll go to the afterlife. Heaven will deal with the affects of the switch. As for the demon who kills Sol? They'll be able to get into heaven," Nevaeh explained.

All of us grew silent.

The ticking from the clock on the wall was the only sound made in the room. The ticking was obnoxious and in any other situation, I'd grow annoyed. However, I couldn't do that. Instead, I felt the strong urge to protect Sol. But how can I do that? Seven is a strong demon. I'm just now figuring out that I have demon powers. What can I do to stop Seven from killing Sol?

"You know what?" Sol said, breaking the silence. "Let Seven kill me."

I immediately faced Sol. "Are you serious!? Do you not hear yourself!?"

"What choice do we have? Did you forget that Seven and I have a master-servant pact?" Sol hissed.

Shit, I forgot about that.

"Wait...I'm confused..." Luna said.

Sol and I ignored her and continued our one on one conversation.

"Can't you just break it?" I asked.

"It doesn't work like that!" Sol cried.

I ran my fingers through my braids. What will work!?

"If you think about it, this is a good thing," Sol said.

Carefully, I studied his face to see if he was joking or being sarcastic. Unfortunately, there was an unreadable expression on his face that I wasn't able to decipher. But I could tell that he was being serious.

Sol slowly rose his hands and clasped them on my shoulders. "Does it sound right that for me to come back to life, you have to die? Look. I'm already dead so it's not right for me to come back. Besides...why do you care?"


Sorry for the long wait! I had a massive writer's block!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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