30: sun and moon.

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According to Sol, Suji, and Ortega, this is what happened while I was out:

The wounds that Sol and I had healed very quickly but for some reason, I wouldn't wake up, so they used the money in the safe to pay for my hospital bill and to hide from the cops since the cops had shown up when they heard reports of noise coming from Sol's house. They discovered all the the chaos and destruction so currently, Luna (Sol's older sister) is paying people to fix the house.

The thing that Sol had whispered to Ariel is to turn himself in or he'll give him a slow and painful death. Then, Sol would show up at his jail cell just to bother him. Benjie would also show up to get revenge on Ariel for technically killing him. Once Jasai saw that Sol was "happy," he moved on.

Then, a week ago, Sol was going to my hospital room to check up on me when a bunch of people pulled out their phones and recorded videos of him walking around the place. The videos quickly went viral and the paparazzi have been following Sol around the place. Sol began to wear disguises put together by Ortega in order to go to the hospital room, even though Suji told him to stay home. Sol kept on insisting that he had to see me.


I rubbed my forehead as I processed the news. "So, I'm out for one month and shit goes downhill. This is why people need someone like me."

"We don't know why it's happening," Suji said.

Suddenly, I remember the thing about auras that Jasai was telling me about right before the incident. "My aura..."

"Huh? What was that? I don't speak mumble!" Ortega cried.

I narrowed my eyes at him, causing him to flinch and hide behind Sol.

"Did you say something about an aura?" Suji asked.

"Yeah, Jasai was telling me about them. Apparently, my aura is switching from a human's aura to a demon's," I answered.

"Ah. That explains a lot," Sol said as Ortega wrapped his arms around Sol.

I faced him. "You mean you know what's going on?"

Sol proceeded to pry Ortega's arms off of him. "I have an idea. It might also explain why I have a heartbeat."

"Heartbeat? Of course you have one. You're human," I said.

"I'm dead though. I shouldn't have a heartbeat," he said as he gave up on trying to get Ortega's arms off of him.

"You've had a heartbeat this whole entire time!?" Suji cried.

"I got one when we got our second strike," Sol answered.

"Strike?" Ortega asked.

"Did we explain to you guys about the strikes?" I asked Suji who shrugged.

"Basically, if we get all 7, something bad will happen to us. We get the strikes whenever I'm in a near death situation. We have four so three more left 'till we find out what happens to us," I explained.

Suji began to pace around the room. Then, she came to s stop. "Could it be that the both of you are switching places? Like, Sol is becoming a human and Soleil is becoming a demon?"

"How can I become a demon? You have to die first, then you have to kill someone," I asked.

"By the seventh strike, you'll be dead," Sol answered, crossing his arms. "As for who you'll kill? That's a you problem. Me? I'll have to deal with the fact that I literally came back to life."

I grew quiet as the words Sol said echoed in my head.

That's why we're getting all of these strikes. They're a countdown to how long I have until I die. But Sol gets to come back to life, that's a good thing. Besides, other than Suji, Ortega, and maybe Helios, who would miss me when I'm gone?

Wow. I can literally count on one hand who would miss me. What have I been doing with my life? Why's the number so low?

I was about to fall into a spiral of sorrow when the hospital door slid open, revealing a woman with absolutely flawless features on her face. Her clothes were designer and gave off an "I'm powerful" vibe.

I know this woman. This is Luna Eguiluz.

Ortega finally got off of Sol and bowed a perfect 90 degrees. "Good evening, Your Highness."

Suji rolled her eyes and grabbed Ortega by one of his ears. "I'm sorry about him. His parents must have accidentally dropped him when he was a baby. That might explain why he's so...him."

She dragged Ortega out of the room and closed the door behind them. I was left alone with Sol and Luna.

Luna had her arms crossed as she inspected me with an intense look in her eyes. Her lips were curved in a frown and the frown seemed to be curving lower as the second ticked by. Sol, who was standing next to her, had shoved his hands back into his pockets and was looking anywhere but at her and me.

I swallowed nervously. This is Luna Eguiluz, the current CEO of Eguiluz Enterprise. She's powerful and she's Sol's older sister. I wanted to impress her but how can I in my state?

"If y'all wanna talk...I'll let y'all talk," Sol said as he slowly back up towards the door.

"Stay," Luna ordered. Sol immediately stopped backing up.

I know this isn't important, but I noted how husky her voice is. It must run in the family since Sol also has a husky voice. I want a husky voice too.

"So this is the girl," Luna said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Um...good evening," I responded.

"Soleil Keita, the one I'm linked to," Sol introduced.

"Soleil, eh? What a beautiful name," Luna said without taking her eyes off of me.

"Thank you..." I said quietly.

"I heard what you guys were talking about behind the door," Luna said.

"Eavesdropping? Sis, you gotta stop doing that," Sol said, shaking his head.

Suddenly, I was curious about how much Luna knows.

"You get to come back to life if this girl is dead and she kills someone, correct?" Luna asked.

Nobody said anything after that.

I looked down at my hands which were fiddling with the blanket of the hospital bed I was sitting up in. What should I say? I mean, obviously I should say, "yes you're right" but for some reason, it was so hard.

That became the least of my worries when the familiar feeling of something getting carved onto my left wrist returned. I quickly looked down on my wrist and saw that a tally had gone through the four tallies that were on my wrist. This is the fifth tally.

I quickly looked up at Sol and our eyes met. His eyebrows furrowed as he held up his left wrist so I could see it. There's a fifth tally. What in here could kill me?

The moment I looked at Luna, she swiftly pulled out a pistol from her Gucci purse.


I didn't forget about y'all!

School has ended and I've graduated from high school so these past few months have been busy. That, and I had a writers block. My fault for deciding to go off script then writing myself to a wall. I still kind of have one but I'm trying to work my way around it.

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