22: strike three!

38 4 7

This is awkward.

Just as Ariel was entering the room, he got a call. So here he is, pacing back and forth as he talked to whoever he's on the phone with about stocks and other business-y things.

Meanwhile, Sol and I are stuck in a tight corner as he waited to see if Ariel would catch us or not. In this time of crisis, however, Sol decided that playing with my braids was perfectly fine.

It's not, but it's whatever.

"Can I do a bun?" Sol whispered.

I lightly shook my head.

"I promise I won't make it look ugly," Sol whispered.

I still shook my head.

"Fine..." he said as he proceeded to braid my braids.

"Where am I? I'm at Sol's place," we heard Ariel say. He let the person on the other line speak before he said something. "Luna insists on having Sol's house cleaned every two weeks. She still pays the house bills too. I get it that she misses her brother but...I dunno. Sol's a brother to me but he's gone, you know? You gotta move on."

I looked up at Sol to see his expression. I was expecting him to be sad but instead, he was so focused on the braid he was doing. I rose an eyebrow. He noticed and rose his eyebrow as well.

"I mean, I was planning on going to his house anyway. I want to steal some of his shoes," Ariel said.

Sol dropped the braid he was working on and froze. Then, the shocked expression on his face turned into rage.

I vigorously shook my head, attempting to discourage him from doing whatever dumb thing he was about to do.

We heard the sound of another door in the room open. "I'm in his closet now. Which shoes should I take?" Ariel asked the person he was talking to on the phone.

Sol kicked the door that we were hiding behind of out of the way and proceeded to run over to the closet. I grabbed him by the arm.

"Let's leave!" I whispered.

"He's taking my shoes!" Sol whispered.

"Come on, let's go!" I whisper-yelled as I dragged him out of the room.

"My babies!" Sol whisper-whined.

Sol continued to struggle as we left the room and walked down the stairs. By the time we were outside of the mansion and walking down the street to the front gates, he was sulking.

"You're in a bad mood, right?" I asked.

Sol narrowed his eyes at me. "What do you think?"

I dug into the pockets of the cargo pants I was wearing and pulled out the handfuls of dollars I had managed to take while we were in the treasure vault. "These are all hundred dollar bills too."

"You took my money!" Sol cried.

"You said you were going to give it to me anyway so technically, it's mine," I said with a sly smirk.

Sol was about to say something before he stopped himself. "Do you have any more on you?"

I handed him the dollars I was holding before I pulled out a few more from the other pockets of my pants and my bra (I had managed to hide some in my bra during the whole commotion).

Sol laughed and I ended up laughing along with him.

"We should go, just in case Ariel comes out and sees us," I told Sol.

He nodded and ran down the road, holding the dollars he was holding to the sky. "We're rich!"

With a large smile on my face, I ran after him. "Wait!"


The next day, I showed up to class with the mint green iPhone 12 and a brand new outfit that made me feel like I was straight off the runway. People kept on turning their heads as I walked down the steps and made my way to the seat I usually sat at.

I flashed a smile at Helios who was looking at me in disbelief.

"I though you were broke," he said.

"I was, but I'm not anymore. I found a way to get a lot of money fast," I told him with a wink.

Helios scratched his head in confusion. "Is it legal?"

I thought about it. "Yes and no."

He tilted his head. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Hey, we should go eat somewhere this weekend. It's on me," I said.

"No...I'm good," Helios said with an uneasy expression.

"You're always wearing hoodies," I said.

"Cuz hoodies are cheap," Helios answered.

"You know, since I have money now, I can buy you any of the expensive clothes you want," I said, twirling one of my braids with my finger.

"Soleil, don't use up all of the money you just got," he said.

"But it's fine. I know exactly where to get more. Trust me, I'm fine," I said before pulling out my new phone from the Apple store bag I have. "Help me set up my new phone?"

Classes went on and when they were done, I had to go to the fancy restaurant I worked at. As I walked off campus, I kept on debating whether I should go or not.

I mean, I have money now and I can easily get some more as long as I have that ticket that disables the security around Sol's house. I don't have to show up to work. But then again, if I go to work, that means I get even more money. I guess I'll go to work.

As I waited for the light to change so I could cross the street, I heard my phone ring. I dug through the Louis Vuitton bag I had bought today and pulled out my phone.

I glanced at the collar ID and saw that it was some number I didn't recognize. I was about to decline the call when I suddenly felt something get carved onto my left wrist.

Oh no...don't tell me...

I quickly pulled down the left sleeve of the tan colored trench coat I had also bought today and looked at my wrist. My heart dropped when I saw that there was a third tally on my wrist.

The light changed that instant. Everyone who was waiting around me crossed the street. As for me, I was too fixated on the tally on my wrist. Why's this happening?

I shook my head and pulled my sleeve down. I have to get to work.

I proceeded to cross the street. As I crossed, however, I heard a car quickly approaching me. I glanced at the car and quickly realized that is was charging towards me. It showed no signs of breaking and the person behind the wheel looked like they were screaming judging by how wide their eyes and mouth were open.

I didn't have time to scream or run out of the way. I was like a deer in headlights. I just stood there as the car charged at me. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact.


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