19: do it for the money.

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I hate suspense with a burning passion.

I was that one kid who gave out the answers when I was supposed to give out a hint. I sometimes read spoilers before watching a show or a movie. I flip to the ending in a book before I even start to read the book.

Once I get 7 strikes, what's going to happen to me? All sorts of outcomes came to my mind but I couldn't rely on any of them. Not even Seven himself knows what's going to happen. The fact that none of us have a clue of what will happen when I get all 7 strikes is discouraging.

I need to know what will happen so I can plan accordingly. But I don't even know why they happen in the first place. All I know is that it's some sort of countdown that has begun thanks to my soul getting linked to Sol.

In a way, this is another reminder that we should break the link as soon as possible.

I could tell Sol was frustrated based on the scowl on his face as we made our way back to the apartment. His hands were shoved into his pockets and he was sending a glare at anyone who we passed.

"I wonder if Nevaeh has finished searching through the history records yet...?" I wondered out loud.

"If she's done, she'd come to us. She's not here which means she's not done," Sol grumbled before sighing. "Does searching through history really take this long?"

"We shouldn't rush her...but it would be nice if she was done before we get to 7 strikes. I already have 2," I told him.

The minute we passed a fro-yo store, Sol and I suddenly had a craving for the fro-yo.

"Let's get some. I know you want some," Sol said.

He's right. I do want some.

"I don't have money," I said.

"You don't?" Sol asked.

"Yep, and I was even fired from one of my jobs. I was  talking about that earlier," I answered.

"Oh yeah, and I was saying that I could help with that," Sol said.

I faced him. "For real? How?"

Sol smiled smugly. "You're forgetting that I'm rich."

I blinked. "Do you have money hidden somewhere?"

"My friend Ariel and I worked on this underground cellar underneath my house and my money should still be in there," Sol answered.

"Ariel? As in Ariel Beaumont?" I asked. Sol nodded.

Ariel Beaumont is a businessman who was always seen with Sol back when Sol was alive. He's also hot. Like...very hot. He's currently one of my celebrity crushes.


"Are you saying that we should break into your house?" I asked.

"Duh," Sol answered.

"Shouldn't it be sold off or something?" I asked.

"Nope. At least, I don't think so. Who'd want to live in a house where someone had died in?" Sol asked.

I nodded. "You have a point. Okay, so how would we break in?"

Sol searched through the pockets on his jacket until he found a golden key card. There was some writing engraved in it but I didn't get to have a good look at it.

"Call a taxi," Sol said as he studied the key card.

A few minutes later, we were in front of the gates of the gated community Sol's mansion was in. Security guards were working at the gate and one was walking towards us.

"Give this to the driver," Sol said, handing me the golden key card. I nodded and gave the key card to the driver.

The security guard walked up to the taxi driver's window and the driver showed the guard the key card. Then, the gates opened. The driver handed me the key card and drove into the neighborhood.

My eyes were glued to the window as I studied the mansions that we were passing. Seeing the mansions made me feel like we weren't in the city anymore. They were huge and the whole area felt secluded. The designs ranged from gothic to modern.

The taxi stopped at a modern looking mansion that was surrounded by palm trees and had a few balconies.

After paying the driver, we got out of the car and made our way up the stairs that were in the house and lead to the front door.

"Damn...this place is big..." I mumbled before realizing we in front of the front double doors. "Do we just go in?"

"The key card is also the key to my house," Sol answered.

I eyed him suspiciously before putting the key card to the doorknob. With a click, the doors flew open.

I rose an eyebrow. Extra but then again, this is Sol's house. Of course it's extra.

Sol casually strolled into the house like it was nothing. "Ooh, nice! They cleaned it up for me!"

Like a vampire, I waited until Sol invited me in. I slowly closed the door and looked at the huge chandelier that was hanging on the ceiling. I'm in rich people territory now.

"I got a 12 car garage, used to be 7 but I had people add in 5 more garages for my car collection. I actually have, like..." Sol thought about it. "Was it 16 cars?"

I nearly tripped. "16 cars!?"

Sol nodded, obviously feeling proud. "I have a big pool outside, two movie theatres, my own arcade, wait. I should give you a tour!"

I shook my head, feeling a little out of place. "I'm good. We're here for the money, remember?"

Sol smiled before walking deeper into the house. "This place was my castle...but I just had to up and die in that spot..."

"Wait, did I here that right? Where did you die?" I asked as I followed after him.

Sol stopped walking and pointed at where I was standing.

I wasn't standing in any particular spot. It was just a spot in the hallway we happened to be in. On the wall on one side of me was a picture of Sol wearing what would be his last collection of Clothing Line. It's the last because he was very hands on with his work. He wouldn't let any company continue his work for him.

In the picture, he didn't look like the Sol I currently know. He looked a lot more free and even cheerful. There was even innocence in his eyes. But the Sol in this picture had also witnessed the murder of Sol.

When I looked around the place, I was suddenly brought back to the night Sol died.

I saw him laying in the very spot I was standing in with 17 bullet holes in him. There was a large puddle of blood growing under him and splashes of blood were on the walls around him. I could sense how angry he was and him demanding "why me?" over and over again. He was in agonizing pain as he floated between conscious and unconscious. He couldn't even lift a finger or scream.


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