3: soulmate has been found.

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If you didn't know who Sol Eguiluz is, you clearly lived under a rock.

He's from the Eguiluz Family and is the heir to Eguiluz Enterprise. However, he's more than that. He's a fashion icon. For a long time, what he's wearing would be closely documented to the media and it had gotten to the point where he started his own clothing line called Clothing Line. At first it was just for kicks but quickly, it grew into a full blown designer clothing company.

He's definitely a capable businessman, but another thing that draws people to him other than his successfulness and his good looks is his dedication. When he wants shit done, he'll get it done even if it means running you over with a monster truck.

Sol Eguiluz was given the nickname "the rising sun" by the media. Most likely because his name "Sol" is Spanish for "sun" and because he's quickly rising up the ranks. His bright and fiery personality could also be the reason why he has that nickname.

Unfortunately, his life came to an abrupt end when he was killed in a robbery gone wrong.

He's been dead for almost a year now. It's absolutely impossible for him to be sitting in front of me. It would make a little bit of sense if he were a ghost, but he's not a ghost. He's a demon.

"He's Sol Eguiluz!?" Ortega cried.

Suji placed the bowl she was holding on the coffee table. I quickly glanced inside it and saw there were red beans in the bowl. I remembered her saying they were effective to use against ghosts and evil spirits.

"You guys weren't able to recognize him because demons walk between the spirit realm and the human realm," Suji answered.

Ortega and I faced her. She sighed.

"Demons were once humans. Then, they die and become ghosts. As ghosts, they can resolve their grudges and when they do, they get a ticket to heaven. That can take years, probably even centuries. However, when a ghost kills a human, they become a demon," Suji explained.

Ortega and I quickly turned to look at Sol. "You...killed a human?"

"As punishment for killing a human, the ghost becomes a demon. As a demon, they are visible to humans and can do things humans can do but they are unnoticeable unless they get the human's attention. Then, their existence is wiped completely form human memory when the human leaves the demon. The punishment is that they can interact with the human realm since they had made an major impact on it but they will never be a part of it," Suji explained.

"That's sad, bro," Ortega told Sol as I sat down on the couch.

"Demons can live for centuries and the only way for them to go onto the afterlife is if another demon or a human somehow related to a demon kills them. But, they don't go to heaven. They go straight to hell. There's no way for them to atone for their sin while they're a demon," Suji explained, shaking her head.

"Okay, yeah, that's nice and all, but can you free me now!?" Sol impatiently asked.

Suji sat on the coffee table. "No. You possessed Soleil's body."

"Cuz I had to. I got some shit to get done and the faster, the better," Sol answered before facing me with a sly smile. "We're cool though, right?"

I frowned. "Does it look like it? What's so important that caused you to possess my body and try to leave this place anyway?"

Sol's face fell. "Seven."

"Who's Seven?" Ortega asked.

"This 200-year-old demon who's pure evil. He's the one who stuffed me into that compass," Sol answered before smiling at me again. "It's greatly appreciated that you let me out."

"Does he get some sort of signal that you're out of the compass?" Ortega asked.

"Nope, but he knows I'm missing. Some idiot thought it was smart to steal from a demon," Sol answered, smirking at Ortega.

Ortega shivered as he let the words sink in. Once they had sunk it, he gasped. "Fuck! Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! I just drew a target on my dick, didn't I!?"

"Sucks to be you," Sol answered insensitively.

Ortega rolled off the couch and landed on the floor. "Ahhh! But I'm still a virgin!"

"Since he doesn't know that I'm out of that compass, I wanna leave as fast as I can. He might find me as a demon though so I chose I better way," Sol said before looking at me. "You."

I shifted uncomfortably where I was sitting and looked down.

"So your name is Soleil, eh? Big mistake letting a demon know your name. With just your first name alone, I can look into your soul. But with your first and last name?" He chuckled before continuing. "I can control you however I want."

"Which will not happen!" Suji cried, digging into her bowl and throwing a handful of red beans at Sol.

"Owwwww! You fucking bitch!" Sol yelled.

However, the minute the beans touched Sol, I felt the feeling of sparks on me again. "Ahh! Make it stop!"

Everyone turned to look at me.

I was rubbing my arms and hissing as the burning feeling faded away. I looked up when I felt everyone's eyes on me. "What?"

"The fuck is wrong with you?" Sol blurted out.

Suji threw another handful of red beans at him. The both of us cried out at the same time.

"Whoa...I might be high or something but it seems like Soleil shares pain with Sol..." Ortega said.

"No way. That's not possible," Suji said as she stood up.

She walked over to Sol and slapped him across his right check. At the same time, I also felt a sharp slap feeling on my right cheek. I brought my hand to rub the spot.

"Shit...they do share the same pain!" Suji cried, backing up. Her eyes were wide with disbelief.

"What!? We share pain!?" Sol cried, glaring at me.

"Why!? How!?" I cried.

"I don't know...does it look like I know!?" Suji cried as she paced back and forth.

"Does it have to do with the fact that you took over Soleil's body?" Ortega asked Sol.

"That's impossible. When a spirit possesses a human, they take the human's soul. When the separate, they leave the human's soul back in the human body. That means a demon and a human are no longer linked together," Sol answered.

"But I feel your pain. Literally," I said.

"Exactly. That shouldn't happen. Yo, and another trippy thing is the fact that it was painful when we were separating," Sol said.

"Is it supposed to be that painful?" I asked.

"Nope. Supposed to be quick and painless. The only explanation for it to be painful is that our souls were linked together," Sol answered.

"And I can share your pain..." I said, looking down at my hands. Then it hit me. "Our souls are still linked together!"

Suji stopped pacing back and forth. "What!?" She pointed at Sol. "Demon Sol! Unlink your soul with Soleil's soul right now!"

"I don't know how!" Sol cried.

"You don't know!?" I cried, panicking.

Sol glared at the wall as his left leg shook vigorously. "No."

We all grew silent.

"...the compass I gave you found you your soulmate...literally...yay...!" Ortega awkwardly cried, breaking the silence.


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