14: how do you know?

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I'm on a date with a murdered.

Yo! I'm on a date with a murderer!

Wait. This is a bad thing.

Jamal narrowed his eyes at me. "How do you know about Jamila Jalali?"

Fuck! I accidentally let him know that I know what he did!

Although my whole body was shaking, I was still able to display a calm face. As long as I don't panic, things will go fine.

Jamila, however, was having a straight-up panic attack. Sol was lifelessly watching her.

"I thought you said you died in a car accident?" He asked.

"The-the-the last thing that I-I-I-I remem-m-m-m-mbered w-w-w-was getting-g-g-g- hit by some c-c-c-c-car!" Jamila answered as she gasped for air.

I stood up and grabbed my purse. You see, I'm obviously not going to stick around with a murderer. Besides, I wanted to leave anyway. Jamila really has to leave too. I felt bad for her. Her high school boyfriend was the guy who killed her. And she was so excited for this date too.

"Later. This date was shit by the way. Let's go, Sol," I said.

"There's someone else here?" Jamal asked, looking around.

Sol waved, letting Jamal know that he was here the whole time. "Wassup, murder boy?"

Immediately, the bartender hit Sol in the head with a bottle of whiskey, knocking Sol out. Sol and I could still share pain so I felt the pain of the glass bottle hitting me on the head. Thankfully, I wasn't knocked out.

"Thanks," Jamal told the bartender before standing up.

I started to back up as I slowly slid my phone out of my purse. My heard was rapidly beating as I grabbed my phone and I went to the record app. It was as if Jamal was staring into my soul. I was trying to keep a clear mind but the pain from the glass bottle was making it hard to focus.

I could feel the blood running down my forehead and my head was throbbing from the glass bottle that was broken on Sol's head but I forced myself to ignore it no matter how much I wanted to cry out. I was still shaking like a madman but my face was still calm. Or, at least it attempted to. I currently had no idea how my face looked like.

Jamal looked absolutely pissed off as he slowly made his way towards me. Of course he's pissed off. I just exposed him. "I won't ask again. How do you know about Jamila Jalali?"

"I'll answer your question if you tell me why you killed her," I responded.

"Why should I tell you?" Jamal demanded.

"Then I guess you'll never find out how I know and how many people know," I responded with sass laced in my voice.

I wanted to cry so bad. My head was killing me and the fact that I could still feel the blood was only making things worse on my end. But I couldn't cry. Jamila's discovered Jamal's her murderer. She deserves to know why.

"If I tell you, you will tell me how you know and how many people know," he demanded in a low voice.

My back was against the railing of the rooftop bar at this point. "Deal."

Making sure my phone was hidden, I pressed record. It's time for the moment of truth.

"Yeah, I dated the bitch. But she wouldn't take off her fucking hijab! It made her look so fucking ugly! Then she never wanted to fuck! She would go on about how she'll lose her V-card to the guy she's positive she wants to spend the rest of her life and shit! But I'm Mr. Right Now! When I wanna fuck, I wanna fuck! And when I tell her she looks ugly and that she should take off her hijab, she'd never listen! Can you believe that!?" Jamal explained.

I was beyond disgusted with him and if I wasn't dealing with a throbbing head, I would have thrown up all over his shoes.

"So basically, you clearly don't understand how important hijabs are to girls. Also, Jamila just didn't want to have sex with you, and she clearly made a good call. Who'd want your filthy dick inside of them?" I responded.

I was proud of Jamila. She didn't allow a guy like Jamal to push her around. Unfortunately, it led to her death. "So you killed her just because she wouldn't take off her hijab and because she didn't want to fuck with you? Damn. You got issues," I said.

Clearly, that had pissed him off. Before I could even blink, Jamal slapped me. The sharp feeling lingered on the side of my face as I glared up at him.

"If you want to live, delete that recording," he demanded.

"What recording?" I asked, playing dumb.

He grabbed my arm and yanked my phone out of my hand. Then, he waved my phone in my face before he threw it off the roof.

"Yo! What the fuck was that for!?" I yelled.

"I kept my end of the deal! Now tell me! How do you know about Jamila and how many people know!?" Jamal yelled.

I scrunched up my nose. Aggressive much? "Suji and Ortega know Jamila, but they don't know the truth. The guy your bartender bestie knocks out knows you killed Jamila but doesn't know why. And as for how I know?"

I shot him a charming smile. "Who the fuck went around telling people dead men tell no tales?"

He reached out and harshly grabbed my shoulders. "I'm dead serious! How did you find out!?" He yelled, shaking me.

"I'm telling you the truth! Jamila told me!" I cried before hissing in pain. My head is still killing me and I was starting to feel lightheaded.

Jamal started pushing me until I was hanging over the rail. I was about to be pushed off the roof! I proceeded to fight back but it's hard to do so when the whole world is spinning around you and the sounds around you are starting to sound muffled.

"Last chance. How did you find out?" Jamal asked in a hushed voice.

"When I kiss you...I just got a vision...I saw the whole thing.." Tears started to spill out of my eyes. "But you won't believe me! I'm telling you the truth!"

I wasn't sure if I was crying because of the pain I was feeling or the fact that I was about to die. Maybe it was both.

"Too bad. You're just my type too," Jamal said.

Without any emotion in his eyes, he pushed me off the roof.


I've been too shy to say anything in the past, but ima say something now.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my story! Thanks for the votes and the comments too! I hope I don't let any of y'all down!

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