7: type?

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It's weird going to a restaurant with a ghost but that's what I ended up doing.

I was sitting at one of the tables that were outside. My AirPods were in my ears so people won't think that I'm talking to myself as they passed by. Instead, they would think I'm on the phone. The ghost girl was sitting across from me and she was fiddling with her fingers.

"So...?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"My name is, or was, Jamila Jalali. I'm a Lust Ghost," the ghost girl, Jamila, answered.

"Lust Ghost?" I asked, letting the name sink in. Lust...lust...lust...wait. Does she want to take over my body so she can have sex with someone?

I remember this one kdrama Suji made me watch with her called Oh My Ghost. In the drama, this ghost girl possessed the bodies of girls so she can have sex with guys and go to the afterlife. Is Jamila planning on doing the same thing?

"No, you can't have my body!" I blurted out.

She blinked.

"I get it that you think having sex can take you to the afterlife. Actually, I don't get it. How did you even think that? Oh well. Still. You can't have my body. That's disgusting!" I cried.

"Wait! No! It's not that! What made you think that I wanted to take over your body just so I can have sex with someone and go to the afterlife!?" Jamila then thought about it. "Oh, now I know what made you think that."

She sighed. "Lust Ghosts don't just think about having sex all the time. I mean, I know some Lust Ghosts out there that think that, but the majority of Lust Ghosts just have a strong lust for living as a human again. Lust Ghosts usually possess humans the most compared to other types of ghosts."

I was suddenly intrigued. "Other types on ghosts?"

"There are 7 types of ghosts. From least dangerous to most, there are Sloth Ghosts, Glutton Ghosts, Lust Ghosts, Greed Ghosts, Pride Ghosts, Envy Ghosts, and Wrath Ghosts," Jamila answered.

"So like the Seven Deadly Sins?" I asked. She nodded.

"But what makes them dangerous?" I asked.

"Sloth Ghosts are generally harmless. They stay in the home of the loved one they want to talk to the most and just cry. Then Glutton Ghosts usually stay behind because they feel very guilty about something and won't move on 'till their guilt is dealt with. You already know what Lust Ghosts do. Greed Ghosts don't move on because there's some item or person that they refuse to let go of and they are concerningly possessive over it.

"Pride Ghosts are the ghosts that usually haunt and terrorize others simply because they have the power to do that. They usually do it on the people they had some sort of inferiority complex to. They like to see them suffer. Envy Ghosts are like Pride Ghosts, except that the person that's the object of their haunting is someone they're jealous of. And they don't play around with them. They purposely make them suffer. Wrath Ghosts are vengeful ghosts that usually try to kill those who've wronged them.

"They are ranked from least likely to kill a human to most likely to kill a human. Sloth Ghosts are at the bottom and Wrath Ghosts are at the top," Jamila explained.

I leaned back in my chair and thought about it. "That makes sense. I wonder what type of ghost Sol was before he became a demon...?"

"Sol? You mean the demon who you're linked to? Ghosts can become demons?" Jamila asked.

So I'm guessing the level of ghosts is common knowledge for ghosts but how to become a demon isn't.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked, changing the topic.

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