Edited ✔️
The next morning, Icetail woke groggily from his nest, knowing that he had to assign patrols. He was already used to it because he was a fast learner, but he was exhausted from being one of the first cats to wake up early every single day. He waited in the clearing for his Clanmates to stir, grooming his pelt from moss and feathers as he waited.
When every cat was awake, he began sorting the hunting and border patrols. He decided to lead his own patrol, too, with Dawnstripe, her apprentice Goldenpaw, Redsky and Icetail's apprentice, Amberpaw.
Brightstar padded up, her eyes curious. "Would you mind if I came along on your patrol?"
"Oh, sure Brightstar," Icetail responded. "Would you like to lead it? I mean—since you're the Clan leader."
"You may lead it," Brightstar meowed.
"Thank you," he purred, feeling proud to be in charge of his leader. He lead his cats out of the entrance of the camp, with Dawnstripe following close by. The day was pale, cold and dull, with multiple light gray clouds lining sky that covered the sun. The tips of the trees were outlined from with light, and the ground was dampened with morning dew.
Icetail could tell that it had rained at some point during the night because of the scent of smell of salt and the moist dirt underpaw. The scents of the forest prey had been washed away, and the usual annoying birds that regularly chirped in the trees weren't singing their songs that morning, as if hiding in their trees.
He was taking his patrol over to CloudClan, wondering how things were going on around that side of the territory. He knew that the cave of mosses was already destroyed and that he couldn't cross the border, but he secretly hoped that he'd run into a CloudClan patrol. He wanted to ask them if they were having any troubles with DarkClan recently to know what to expect.
Dawnstripe sighed right beside him, and Icetail turned to her. "Is anything wrong?" he asked the she-cat. He noticed that she had been like that for quite a long time.
"I'm fine . . ." she murmured. His denmate looked up to the sky. "It's just that, is it wrong that I miss Dewfang—I mean Dewstar?" She turned to him. "He was a good MoonClan warrior, always serving the Clan at best. Who would've guessed who he truly was?"
"It's not wrong to miss him," Icetail murmured, remembering how close the two used to be. He still didn't quite understand how Dewstar could leave her for such selfish reasons. "I do too, but what happened had happened. MoonClan will always be our first priority no matter what happens."
"But I-I loved him," Dawnstripe went on, despite nodding with agreement. "I always go on thinking that if he stayed, we could of been mates and had kits together. I see you with Silverleaf . . . it makes me wonder if I would have been like that with Dewstar."
Icetail pressed his pelt to her's. "Don't worry, I think you two would've been like that," he comforted. "Dewstar didn't want to get you hurt. I think he felt the same to you as well, but I suppose he just made his choice to leave. He was ambitious in his own sort of way."
"You're ambitious too and you never left MoonClan," Dawnstripe pointed out.
I never thought that I was ambitious, Icetail thought. The two cats kept padding on in the forest. He looked at Dawnstripe, wondering what he could say to her. Sadness began to grip at his heart now that she has mentioned Dewstar. For a moment, he was silent, but then he decided that he had to push it away.
"I'm sure you'll find someone else." That's all what he thought he could say. "Don't you worry too much, Dawnstripe."
* * *

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfiction"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...