Chapter Six

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Edited ✔️

Icepaw's light gray pelt shimmered in the almost fully risen moon. It cast out a beautiful ghastly light in the river. MoonClan's patrol was now crossing StreamClan since it was the only way to get to the Gathering place, and already, all of their paws were wet, and all of their noses were filled with the scents of fish and water. There was a StreamClan group somewhere nearby.

He ran and caught up with his brother, Dewpaw. Mousetail and Dewpaw were talking about the other day's training. He didn't pay attention much. His ears strained somewhere else, while his eyes drifted back up to the moon. He thought, mainly about his own mentor.

Ashtail was still yet to teach Icepaw of MoonClan's abilities. Every Clan had their own abilities, his mother had once told him. Icepaw had only heard of his own Clan's moon advantages, and abilities about their grace. But he had never truly learned it, or even gave it a thought until now. He saw a squirrel high up on a tree, which looked as agile as a cat as it fearlessly leaped on to another tree.

Behind him, Ashtail ran up. "There," he whispered, almost startling Icepaw. "Look at the squirrel. It looks exactly like a MoonClan cat." He watched as it's moon-kissed gray pelt disappeared into a tree. It's bushy tail was the last thing Icepaw could see before it was fully gone.

"I'll learn that, won't I?" Icepaw asked Ashtail. "I'll be as elegant as a squirrel. I never thought about how MoonClan cats really had the abilities of climbing trees so good. Can't every cat climb, though?"

MoonClan wouldn't be so special like the other Clans if all cats could climb a simple tree. It was one of the easiest things. He didn't know who wouldn't be able to do it.

Ashtail shrugged. "Perhaps most cats know," he said. "But in reality, only MoonClan knows how to master tree climbing this good. That's why we have big paws and strong forepaws and more elegant tails." Icepaw paid attention well. "It makes it easier to climb, easier to balance. And plus, we can climb trees at night with only the moon to guide our paw steps. That's one reason how we got out Clan name. It's like StreamClan. Any cat can swim if they wanted to, but it's their specialty, not ours."

Icepaw understood a bit more now. He had an urge of asking Ashtail every single question that flooded in hs mind. But the first one he found came straight out of his mouth: "Are there any more abilities?"

His mentor half shrugged, half nodded. "I don't call them abilities, I call them talents, and I guess so," Ashtail replied. "About two cats in our Clan can swim. But we aren't good. We are good at hiding in undergrounds, but MarshClan can do the same. What really makes us special is how moonlight can shine off our eyes. From what I've experienced, he have an easier time seeing things in the dark."

"How are our eyes any different from other cats?"

"I believe it comes from MoonClan heritage. We pass these qualities from elders to kits, and we learn it by getting used to it as well."

Icepaw then noticed much his Clanmate's eyes sparked or looked so strong. Perhaps this was MoonClan's special abilities; their advantage in the darkness and closeness to the moon.

"Well, anyways, our apprentices are always tested with these abilities. In a few moons, you will probably be tested yourself, although it isn't guaranteed that you might need it."

Icepaw nodded and kept walking. Even now, on his way to the gathering, he was learning such interesting things about MoonClan cats. He now wondered what made StreamClan strong swimmers. He figured out that they can hold their breaths longer than any other cats and they can open their eyes underwater. He also knew how fast CloudClan cats were, and how sly and sneaky and well-hidden MarshClan cats were. He had not a clue of DarkClan. If he knew, he would of heard already. As Ashtail explained everything, Icepaw was impressed at how much knowledge his mentor had.

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