Edited ✔️
Icepaw's fur was sticking up on end. He picked up Squirrelkit in his jaws, and Flamepaw began to lead the way, as fast as his paws could take him. Silverkit ran ahead of him, Dewpaw at her side, to make sure she didn't fall behind. Why can't he help me? Squirrelkit is almost the size of an apprentice—he's heavy! thought Icepaw with anger.
Dewpaw seemed to realize, and fell back a little, lifting up the other half of Squirrelkit's unconscious body. Icepaw nodded his thanks to him, and the two continued on, chasing after Flamepaw as he headed closer and closer to MoonClan. It felt like Dewpaw's and Icepaw's continuous searching and scouting all around DarkClan earlier had been stupid.
There was this easy path the whole time and they didn't know about it! But suddenly, a shrill shriek yowled up ahead, and Silverkit tripped down into a hole. Icepaw gasped, releasing Squirrelkit to Dewpaw.
"Go on, I'll catch up!" yowled Icepaw, leaping after the silver she-kit.
Silverkit clung hard onto a branch, and Icepaw realized that the hole was deep. His eyes widened, and he reached for her with his jaws, grabbing on to her scruff. Thankfully, she was lighter than her brother. But lifting her up would still be no easier than carrying Squirrelkit.
"C'mon, help me! Haul yourself up, Squirrelkit," encouraged Icepaw.
"I'm Silverkit!" she squeaked back, the anger clearly heard in her tone.
Icepaw almost felt embarrassed for a second, and mumbled, "Sorry," at the same time she skidded her claws onto the branch. With the effort the two put into it, they finally made it. Silverkit was panting hard, and Icepaw could practically feel her little heart beating two times it's normal rate.
"That was close—" Silverkit began.
"Hush," Icepaw cut off. He could make out pawsteps with his ears. The enemy was close. He pushed Silverkit deeper under ground, hiding her radiant pelt from beaming in the light so she would not give them away. She opened her mouth once more, but Icepaw rest his tail over it before she let out another word. Silverkit talked too much! Why couldn't she once keep her mouth shut?
She must of realized that DarkClan was near, and she shrunk back into the underground darkness, hiding behind a small tangle of roots that came from the top of the hole.
"Are you sure they went this way?" a familiar voice hissed. It was Sandstar! He hadn't seen that old crazy she-cat leader for almost two moons!
"Yes, I am sure of it. It is mixed with Flamepaw's scent as well . . ." another she-cat murmured.
"Flashpelt, I hope you are right," growled what it sounded like Toadpaw. "Flamepaw better not be betraying us. Last fight with MoonClan, he was reluctant to attack."
"My son wouldn't betray us!" spat Sandstar. A loud thud sounded. Icepaw guessed that Sandstar had tackled the smaller and weaker apprentice down. Toadpaw grunted with surprise, and Sandstar hissed once more. "Take that back! He was only thinking about our Clan! You know he doesn't want us to fight at times like this! He is thinking merely about our strength!"
"I-I'm sorry, Sandstar," murmured Toadpaw. "I did not mean to bad-mouth Flamepaw like that. I didn't realize it—"
"Oh, save it!" growled Flashpelt.
Sandstar hissed to Flashpelt. "You, be quiet! This has nothing to do with you!"
"Y-yes, Sandstar," murmured Flashpelt.
Icepaw's heart kept racing. Sandstar is Flamepaw's mother! he thought with a shrill of fear. But those two are so different. And I thought kits weren't supposed to be mentored by their parents!

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)
Fanfic"The darkness was never meant to be, and two cats, high and proud will lead and destroy." On the day of his apprentice ceremony, Icepaw had a dream that forever shattered the peace of the forest. Darkness surrounds Icepaw and his Clan as a mysteriou...