Chapter Twenty Nine

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A moon later, Icetail felt like he was slowing down. Sparrowheart was right. He was becoming exhausted.

Sweetpaw received her medicine cat name just as Icetail told her she would. The other medicine cats decided a name for her—Sweetheart—but she was dissatisfied because she preferred Vinetail to name her.

As for everyone else, adjustment wasn't easy but it did come with time. The kits in the Clan were going to soon be apprentices, which was a reason for excitement amongst the warriors. Shiningpaw, Goldpaw and Thornpaw seemed to be adjusting well into MoonClan along with their parents, and turned out to be reasonable assets due to their mountain-hunting skills and sharp senses that helped them fit in easily with the Clan.

Icetail couldn't help but wonder if he would soon be a mentor. I might destroy the stupid Clans before that ever happens, he thought bitterly, keeping to his nest.

Dewfang entered into the camp, surrounded by a crowd of cats. Icetail sighed and tucked his nose under his tail, watching as his brother basked in the popularity of the Clan. No wonder Dewfang was going to be a leader. Everyone always seemed to like him! The only cats that weren't surrounding him were the senior warriors, sticking to their nests or sharing tongues with their mates. He wondered if they were going through personal problems, too.

Ashtail padded over to Icetail. "Hi," he meowed. "Why are you alone? All the young warriors seem to be enjoying themselves with your brother." He paused, before cautiously continuing to speak. "Are you jealous?"

Icetail's pelt burned with embarrassment as he shook his head. "Of course I'm not. I just hate crowds."

"Alright," Ashtail purred. "Want to come eat with Brightstar and the other senior warriors?"

Icetail nodded. "Sure. It's better than being alone. I-I mean, eating something all on my own would be a waste . . ." He didn't want to admit to his former mentor that he didn't want to be alone due to Ashtail's sharp senses. He would easily be able to tell that Icetail was lying about being jealous, it was too embarrassing.

Ashtail kept purring. "Alright. Come with us. We were expecting you'd want to come since you seemed—"

"Don't say it," Icetail cut off with a sigh. Ashtail humorously rolled their eyes. They began to pad to the group of senior warriors, but Icetail heard two voices within his earshot.

"Why isn't he with Dewfang and the other apprentices and warriors?" whispered a voice he recognized. It was Droppaw. He almost laughed. Those apprentices were loud.

"Are you kidding? I'd die to eat with Brightstar! It's an honor eating with the senior warriors, or at least I think so," Silverpaw explained. Ever since Droppaw joined the Clan, the two have been best friends.

Ashtail turned to them as he passed. "You two. Care to join us?"

Silverpaw nodded eagerly. "Come on, Droppaw! It'll be awesome!"

Droppaw looked up to Icetail, her eyes shy. Icetail sighed to himself. I don't get apprentice she-cats. If she likes me, why doesn't she try to be my friend? he thought. The fact that he acted shyly only made things weirder.

"I'll come," she decided. She looked over her shoulder to Dewfang's group as he talked about the epic hunting patrol that he was just on. Icetail sighed and wondered how he could hold such easy conversation.

He sat down right between Brightstar and Sparrowheart, feeling comfortable with the company of cats he grew up around. Sparrowheart leaned in close to Icetail, gulping down a piece of shrew before speaking. "I have an important question to ask you."

Warrior Cats: Icetail's Enemy (COMPLETED ✔️)Where stories live. Discover now